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What do you think of the "Secure Communities" program?


  • scoogy - 12 years ago

    What bothers me most about this is that the federal government is forcing the Commonwealth to take part in this program. It's one of the reasons why this liberal won't vote for Obummer this time.

  • KAREN - 12 years ago

    I am with Bob, they have already broken the law by being here illegally. It would free up jobs for citizens of Ma that can't get jobs because employers would rather pay the illegals a paltry wage under the table. Employee and employer taxes would be paid into the federal and local tax system.
    As an employer in the Commonwealth that operates a business in an industry that is fraught with illegal hiring practices; I am happy to see this come to fruition. We don't hire illegal citizens and pay all of our required taxes. It is also difficult to compete with others in my industry that don't pay taxes, insurance and operate out of the trunk of their car.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    You have already broken the law. You are an ILLEGAL IMMIGANT !

  • wmca_goodguys - 12 years ago

    "Secure Communities" is absolutely necessary. Shame on Deval Patrick, Mayor Menino and Elizabeth "Wannabee" Warren for not supporting it. In fact, ANY illegal (whether he's committed a crime or NOT) should be arrested. If we have laws there must be consequences for breaking them.

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