Would you get butt implants?


  • Nuschler - 10 years ago

    I remember that US Army doctors while stationed in Vietnam were asked by Vietnamese women to get silicone injections in their butt muscles as "American soldiers liked big butts...not our skinny butts."

    These American doctors complied KNOWING the problems that silicone injections might cause. In addition to killing over a million Vietnamese men, women, and children we also did unconscionable damage to their women and left behind thousands of "half-breeds" Amerasians...babies given to orphanages, or simply thrown away in garbage cans.

    Wherever Americans go to war, they leave behind horrific "collateral damage." I asked these doctors (I was a US Army nurse) how they could do such disgusting procedures. These white doctors just shrugged. "Not our problem." They "made" VN women "more appealing" to US soldiers and Marines, and left behind a thrown away generation of children.

  • tim shorts - 12 years ago

    First of all why would any one want to alter them selves ,especailly people of color.Hollywood has made it cool to alter your body if its not what they think is in at the moment.Then those living regular lives see what the rich and famous are doing ,and think they should do the same.So they find ways and connections through shady people who prey upon these low self esteem people,desperate too impress those who could care less,endangering thier lives.Ihate to see the sista go through that cause we as blacks have been blessded by our lord and savoir with bodies of Gods and Goddesses,let this be a lesson to all those who are ready to pay a price for fake beauty.There might be a bigger price to pay.

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