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Should the Grove have banned Manny Pacquiao following his statements on gay marriage?

Total Votes: 777

  • dick caruso - 12 years ago

    If 50% of the grove's paying customers are against gay marriage, Would you ban them all too? I bet not. Typical lame BS

  • Fred - 12 years ago

    When a person makes a comment, it should be respected by those who are affected in the same way that the views of other sectors are to be respected and tolerated when they speak out their thoughts. We have freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and elsewhere in many democratic nations all over the world. Manny Pacquiao gave his personal opinion not because he hates the other guy who made known his support of the same sex marriage but because he articulated his own personal views based on his religious beliefs with scriptural basis.
    He did not and is not condemning the person (Barack Obama). Pacquiao should not be censured. He merely voiced out his own personal view on a very sensitive matter. All Christians who believe in the Bible support such a stand. Peace and goodwill to all.

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    Manny Pacquiao is entitled to his own opinions and religious beliefs. He made a statement of his feelings and thoughts toward the subject of gay marriage. If Caruso wants to ban an influencial sports figure from his shopping center he also has the right to do so. But the manner in which he did it was what bothers me. He's trying to make a big PR stunt out of a quote that Manny never said. Leviticus 20:13 was a quote made by Granville Ampong the writer of the article. He even clarified this statement because of all the heat.

    Caruso may be a savvy business man, but he should know that the PACMAN has alot of fans and there are tons of people who share his opinion on the matter. I wouldnt be surprised if people start banning the Grove becuase of Caruso's actions. I wouldn't spend a single penny at any of his buisnesses if I lived in LA. I WOULD BAN THE GROVE!!

  • Nikolas Lourakis - 12 years ago

    To: All Haters; Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas via speech. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to Limitations, as with Libel, Slander, obscenity and incitement to commit a crime... OR HATE on other individuals. IF MANNY PACQUIAO WANTS TO BE A PUBLIC FIGURE AND HAVE SPONSORS SUCH AS NIKE AT $2.33 BILLON IN PROFITS 2011 = HE NEEDS TO KEEP HIS SPEECH TO ACCEPTANCE AND TOLERANCE TOWARDS ALL INDIVIDUALS.

  • Lorenzo - 12 years ago

    Pacquiao, is entitled to his own opinion based on his faith . So , are only" Popular" opinions "tolerated"?? Mr Caruso YOU are the intolerant here

  • Herbie V - 12 years ago

    Caruso says, "The Grove is a gathering place for all Angelenos." All Angelinos - that is - except for conservtive Catholics. Double standards??

  • gregory - 12 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    The main story is how Rick Caruso is a smart business man, When he banned Manny, that i get. You don't what anything that can cause a shopper to go & spend their cash elsewhere ! So he felt he had to nip it in the bud so to speak so from a business perspective he was very savvy in banning Manny even through it was a very sharp PR move, now with that said;

    The real story is how we all our use to how the US media play their game and if you do not then you have head in your own ASS. Manny was asked a very straight question about Obama's remarks and he replied in kind, very straight forward. Their was no hated or malice with what he said in the least. He spoke authentically about was wrong about Obama's position to his catholic up bringing and view's reality from this perspective & context. Why banned a guy for speaking his mind about this gay marriage thing cuz Rick was smart enough to realize not every shopper is gay or even's cares about anything gay, but what got him banned was not his remarks but that of a reporter who wanted to make headline's at Manny's expense through the use of his own words and view's and interjected his own thoughts and words and used them to make Manny's statement come off more HATE ORIENTED then what Manny said in a non judgemental & striaght forward, Clearly what Manny said was not good enough for the reporters article so he contorted the truth & put a quote in to spice up his SCOOP w/a FAMOUS & SUCCESSFUL person that would be read around the GLOBE & sure enough look what happen !!!!

    My question is, how can a media outlet employ such unethical reporters who go out of their way to hide what a person say's honestly and stops trying contort it for thier own benefit as this reporter did w / Manny. Maybe because the truth is media outlets have NO MORAL OR ETHICAL COMPASS as this reporter has PROVED WHAT WE ALL KNOW OF REPORTERS & US media!!!!


  • flash - 12 years ago

    "Based on news reports of statements made by Mr. Pacquiao, we have made it be known that he is not welcome at The Grove and will not be interviewed here now or in the future. The Grove is a gathering place for all Angelenos and not a place for intolerance." That's being intolerant, you morons!!! If the Grove wasn't a place for intolerance, they would have tolerated what Mr. Pacquiao said, but they didn't, so the Grove IS a place for intolerance. If the Grove wasn't a place for intolerance before now, it most certainly is now, thanks to these idiots. Ha, ha!! Hypocrits!!!

  • Rocco LaBriola, Esq. - 12 years ago

    What ever happened to the 1st' amendment? To quote the Bible is now forbidden speech? Prior to president obama, America was a Judeo Christian nation. He has since proclaimed America to be a Muslim nation. I thought homosexuality was forbidden by the Koran and punishable by death. Under either scenario, it would appear that Rick Caruso is wrong.

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