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Which is more dangerous: driving drunk or driving high?

Total Votes: 3,433

  • J. Powers - 10 years ago

    Alcohol by far affects you physically more, However depending on experience levels and individual state of mind, pot can have different effects on different people. I have PTSD, depression and chronic pain, The VA would prescribe xanex and prozac, For me, but pot would be much safer than the medication the VA prescribes. But to mix drugs with alcohol, the effects are exponential impairment. Conversely with my drill sergeant temper, it would probably be best if I smoke a joint before I do anything, especially dealing with the public. However As a former fighter, I would not recommend either as a semi truck driver I would not recommend doing either as well. But in my everyday car with my anyday road rage... Its best that I am medicated on something.

  • jim v - 12 years ago

    Driving drunk was just proven to be more dangerous in the story we all watched. Cell phones will kill more ppl this week than marijuana has killed in its existance. Drunk driving and cell phones are much more dangerous than marijuana. Also, when the anchor opened the story with "pick your poison", I believe that was very ill informed statement. since when has marijuana been a poison. It hasnt killed anyone. Im impressed that your story wasnt completly biased. It was still a little skewed and im glad you had the other person try alcohol at least. I truly believe you should have used 5 alcohol drinkers so that we could see no one can pass wiith bac over .08. In brians case he passed at 9 times the legal limit. try that with alcohol. Of course, at 9 times the bac you would be dead almost twice.

  • Jen - 12 years ago

    I am a medical Marj. pacient. I don't belive driving high is bad at all in most cases it slows the person down and helps them become more aware of whats around them. Helps some be more cautious. I'm not saying it is all the same for every person but for me that is my affect. I become more aware of whats going around around me. I also do not speed half as much as I did without smoking.
    Plus you always here about people getting killed by drunk drivers but I have not to this day heard of someone being killed by a stoned driver. In my eye's it's safer and I would not change it. I am just glad I don't drink, I smoke.

  • al - 12 years ago

    You forgot the use of an electronic device...I.e. cell phone, (calling,texting) or gaps. How does drinking, smoking, and the use of electronics in some combination (or seperate) effect driving. Heck..test in a real car with cones and such in a parking lot. Maybe use a drivers ed car with the extra brake pedal.

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