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Has a marked cop car ever driven past when you needed help on the road?

Total Votes: 2,919

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    Suz you are absolutely correct. They are required to stop when in their marked vehicle, however that may not always be possible. They may be on their way to a call they were dispatched to. They may have a prisoner in their vehicle making it dangerous to stop. But, they are required to radio in and advise of the possible need for assistance.
    It is also like you said a loaded question that the media is just hoping will bring more animosity and cop bashing out. These people who love to dig up useless dirt have no idea what it is like to put on the gun and the badge every day and go out and deal with the public the way police officers do. They don't do it for the money, They don't do it for the thanks because although there is some for the most part it is a thankless job. They do it because someone has to do it and they had a calling. People who bash cops either have criminal records because of their own actions or they have received numerous tickets because they are horrible drivers, but can't face the reality it is their fault so it must be the fault of the mean ole' nasty police officer.
    However, no matter how much they bash the police, when the poop hits the fan and they need them, they will call and ask for assistance and it's usually dirtbags like that that police officers end up giving their lives for. But in the end to the cop bashes, that really doesn't matter does it?

    Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Matthew. 5:9
    Greater love has no one than this! That someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

  • suz - 12 years ago

    Of course, they drive past us. We can't tell if they are on duty assigned and to a call or if they perceive my particular situation as under-control... I am sure if I was in a life threatening situation they would stop...

    I don't expect them to change my tire or whatever else I can handle myself. If my car is blocking a lane, and they are free from a call, then I would hope they would stop and call a truck to move me out of the traffic for my and the other drivers' safety.

    This question is designed to create animosity towards the police in your readers. It is a loaded question that calls for a conclusion based on unknown causes and effects. Shame on you, editors.

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