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Was the penalty against Jonathan Vilma too severe?

Total Votes: 1,067

  • sedd1938 - 12 years ago

    severe is understatement-- SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE !!!

  • Babs0619 - 12 years ago

    way to severe. If the evidence can stand up in a court with a man being able to face his accusers, then great. But not all this secret crap.

  • Mr. Rationality - 12 years ago

    The reason the poll is so over weighted to one side is saints fans are posting this link across all their forums. Add to the delirium!

  • William - 12 years ago

    I think the penalties, across the board, are too severe. Isn't a pillar of our country, "innocent until proven guilty?" We have not been given one iota of concrete evidence that there was, in fact, a 'bounty' program which rewarded players for injuring their opponents. I'm sure there were fiery speeches which may seem to encourage injuries, but if you believe that any team in the NFL is immune to these chest bumping rhetoric, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

    Are the Saints innocent in all of this, of course not. I just think that they've been made the scapegoat. If you follow the NFL like I do, then you would know that the NFL is in another inevitable legal battle against former players. Remember, this is a billion dollar monopoly. They know that there will be no lack of former players suffering from an array of debilitating conditions suing the NFL under the premise that they (NFL) did not do enough to protect player safety. What better argument is there than to parade in front some congressional committee what the NFL did to the Saints?

  • Steven D. - 12 years ago

    It have become pretty obvious that Roger Goodell thinks he is above the game. Just look at all the players coming out in favor of the Saints and Vilma.

    Of course Roger could shut us all up very quickly if he would provide evidence that the Saints did have this elaborate program, despite the fact that they hurt no one. I even heard the outside emails he spoke of were not even sent to Sean Payton, despite him telling everyone they were. What is that?

  • JonF - 12 years ago

    It's too severe considering that he vehemently denies what the NFL claims he's guilty of and all the evidence supposedly convicting him is being held secret.

  • Winter - 12 years ago

    Let me say first, I am a Saints fan...that being said, i think all the punishments are harsh and severe. Not because I'm a fan, but because there's been zero proof. Hearing that a Bounty system was in place, and that it was for "Injuries and cart offs"...I was disgusted and angry, and felt they should be punished, 100%. Everyday, something new comes out...something new, that makes the NFL look guilty, and like the Saints are being made as a warning, that this too may happen to your team, if you continue to play the normal game of football, which is brutal. Since zero evidence has been presented to back up the is completely personal, harsh, over the top ridculous! I have been a fan thru the ups and downs of the New Orleans Saints...and will continue to proudly wear my Black and Gold Fluer de Lis. But not because they are Super Bowl Champs, or because now they are winning...this team of Saints, who are taking some personal character hits right now...saved the city of New Orleans...period. They gave us hope, when we had none. They gave me hope that if they could come back, after playing every game out of town after Katrina...and could make us all forget that the Super Dome, was not where us "refugees" evacuated to...but a symbol of our city, making it thru to the otherside...I stand by them! We will make it thru this, like we have in the past...I Believe in the Saints. Bless you Boys...Geaux Saints, Geaux!! Home, in the Dome 2013

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