Was the Lagos State Government right in sacking the striking doctors?


  • ejenavi unukogbon - 12 years ago

    i wish to use this medium for once tell the doctors in this country, they should stop felling all important and for once be humans. they are always on strike for one reason or the other. they should know that they are just a small integral aspect that make up the unit society, and they to can not live without the contribution of the tomatoes seller and other contributors to society. Gov Fashola ,God bless you for putting up this battle against this bunch of self seeking over rated people. you doctors go and KNOW GOD.

  • OLA O. A. - 12 years ago

    Sincerely, the doctors should not have allowed the matter to degenerate to this level. If you check the salary scale in Nigeria, medical personnels are the most well paid. Comparing their pay to their colleagues abroad should not come in now because Nigerian workers are not generally well paid when such comparison are made, hence the need for our doctors to rescind their decision and maintain status quo. If they are insisting that CONMESS should be extended to some categories of medical personnels by going on strike, they should look at its financial implications and what if other sectors in the state are insisting on higher pay. They should think of their patients, many lives that have been lost and also ask themselves, are my going to collect salaries for work not done? The Lagos State Government on his part should call back the doctors and explain the reasons why such payments may not be paid now. Please let's go back to status quo, then both parties should now look on how CONMESS will be extended to these medical personnel later in the future. Also let NMA and Medical Guild be aware that other sectors in the state deserve higher pay too.........God bless.

  • tunde - 12 years ago

    People are just saying part of the Hippocratic oath that suit their need, Jide Idris and his other doctors that are political jobbers drew the first blood by violating a critical portion of the oath. 'Your colleagues shall be your brother and you have to protect their interest' they have all failed in their callings and there names should be ejected from MDCN register.

  • Olaoluwa Opeoluwa - 12 years ago

    Ah hah now. Yes! If the doctors avoided going to work obviously loved people will die because there was no one there to help them in there situation. Some people here should use there sense honestly. If you had a tumor growing under your solar plexus and you need a doctor to help cut it out carefully and precisely and there not there how'd u feel. annoyed angered. while you wait that tumor will kill you slowly insuring you will get nothing but a slow and painful death. So re-think before you vote. they should get sacked and be replaced with doctors that are willing to work in order to save innocent lives of people young and old whether big or small or mighty and feeble. they need to be saved.

  • Biola Oluwole - 12 years ago

    If you are going to comment I beg of you that your comments make sense. Who cares if it is "insensitive"? if you were bleeding and needed to be stitched up and you couldn't go because all the doctors were striking because they wanted better pay or when you went they were so "insensitive" as to the way they treated you that you know have an infection and a death is a probable avenue. And as for better ways to resolve a problem. Don't you think that the different avenues have been tried and this was only a last resort thing. I'm sure it was in nobody's best interest to have to dismiss so many people from their jobs but they technically didn't have jobs because they were continually striking.
    The whole point of a job is to go to work and do the actual job and the Lagos State Government was wasting money on paying people who did nothing .
    In addition, I for one believe the government is for once trying to take a step in the right direction. Was the act drastic? Maybe just a little bit but the message was sent loud and clear. If many people are now unemployed from these strikes then others will be much more unlikely to do so. Therefore, the people who need medical attention will receive it and will not be looking at death because some "insensitive" doctors decided their pay wasn't enough to save someone's life.

  • Adeniyi - 12 years ago

    If the sacking of doctors had been in any of the pdp controlled state all hell must have been let loose, the gov must have been called demon, but in lagos it's ok. the govnur is working even when nothing is happening. How many lagosians economy had truly improved since 1999 coutersy of LASG under AD, AC and ACN? Tinubu over to you. ACN stop the deception! Nigerians be wise no party in nigeria has your interest in mind, all are there to better their immediate family and friends.

  • Kola Adegoke - 12 years ago

    When shall we learn to appreciate ourselves. 788 Medical doctors sacked at one swift?
    This appears to be an extremist decision. I am of the opinion that all manners of crisis can be better resolved via discussions through compromise and concessions. This has never been exhausted by both parties. Being that as it may, i suggest that elders of thought devoid of political affiliates. senior citizens, traditional rulers, friends of the South West etc should wade in to resolve the crisis. Fashola has been tagged to be a role model for the South West Governors. Lets maintain the record. Ekoooo ni baje o. O baje ti.

  • Honest Lagosian - 12 years ago

    I think the sack is a step in the right direction. This is the only opportunity Fashola may ever have to solve our public healthcare issues as it relates to the doctors. How many of you have visited the General Hospitals and left very happy with the service delivery from the Doctors? They're always in a hurry and distracted. Some of them can't even speak proper english.

    For the qualified ones among them, getting another job in the private sector shouldn't be too difficult. For those that got the jobs as a matter of man know man, e don finish for them. My advise to Fashola and his team is that they should be careful with those they recruit now so they employ only those that are worthy.

  • Alexander Okonji - 12 years ago

    Governor Fasola knows the how crucial, sensitive and risky the jobs of doctors are. He is a man who not want to toil with the medical sector considering how much interest he has shown in this sector. His decision if traced with objectivity and without bias or sentiments to the bottom, may be justified.
    The doctors on the other hand knows the gravity of disaster and risk human lives would be exposed to would be unprofessional and unethical to take a decision that will not receive that applaud of the people. I should believe they have very strong reasons for their actions.
    If the Government has made a promise which it wants to rescind for whatever reason, then diplomacy and dialogue would do.
    If the doctors feel betrayed or uncared for by the government, abandoning their patients for strike may not augur well for all of us.
    My submission is that both parties should shift grounds (compromise).

  • rasheedah - 12 years ago

    1) Has anyone asked what lead to the strike?
    2) What were the issues surrounding the actions?
    3) Why did the governor refused to honour agreement he sanctioned to be signed?
    4) How did a labour issue now become such a political matter?
    5) ACN as a party has openly sided a clamp down on organized labour agitation. Is there more for others?
    Let us address the basic issues and not matters arising from the issues

  • abdul - 12 years ago

    1. It is irresponsible for LASG not to honour an agreement signed on it behalf by Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Henry Ajomale and the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris in March, 2011.

    2. It is irresponsible to sack over 300 specialist and replace them with fresh graduates.

    3. It is irresponsible for the Governor to take his own father for treatment abroad when Lagos hospital is being manned by nobody or the young innocent colleagues.

    4. It is irresponsible to charge federal taxes and refuse to pay federal wages to health workers while paying same for other categories of workers.

    5. It is fraudulent to publish the salary paid doctors in Lagos and not compare with the pay in Ogun, Ekiti, Edo, Oyo and Kwara states.

    6. You cannot harass a competent specialists, he takes his expertise elsewhere.

    7. Lagos has 4 neurosurgeons to 18million people and you throw them away, where will you recruit others from?

    8. The salary published are not true and has no tax deductions, it is fraud. This is a deliberate attempt to deceive Lagosians and the general public.

  • Jumsmama - 12 years ago

    Those doctors have lost my respect. They keep going on strike, callously leaving their patients to die. What happened to the Hippocratic oath they took which is to save lives unconditionally? Fashola is right to sack them...they are toying with peoples lives with their greed and insensitivity! Let the state recruit other responsible doctors, who won't resort to strikes ceaselessly!

  • olowookere adewale matthew - 12 years ago

    The best and the most appreciated is the State Govt. to call the doctors to order and negotiate with them on any condition that may be. Life is very important and must not be toy or play with because one must be healthy in order to be steady.

  • akpokwaye edirin - 12 years ago

    l think its an act of insenstivity to the health care delivery of lagos state. You sack striking doctors over some monies you refuse to pay b ut think its moey well spent buying vessels for the Nigerian Navy.is the navy no longer capable of running itself? Shane on you Fashola!

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