Should have entered Pete Kenny!!
Unreal how much fitter Sidney are. Should've worn less! I know its already been said but is sadly true.
There are hotter people at both colleges... Although Isabelle is fit
The lad on the right would get it
Isn't that Tit Hall guy the lad who won jailbreak, and did that hilarious waterpolo article? BIG NAME
tit hall is ok. best wishes from turkey
Definitely shag tit hall selection
Fewer clothes*
totes voted for sidney college... love ya, monkey boy!
We should have worn less clothes.
XXXX is a Romanian name right?
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Should have entered Pete Kenny!!
Unreal how much fitter Sidney are. Should've worn less! I know its already been said but is sadly true.
There are hotter people at both colleges... Although Isabelle is fit
The lad on the right would get it
Isn't that Tit Hall guy the lad who won jailbreak, and did that hilarious waterpolo article? BIG NAME
tit hall is ok. best wishes from turkey
Definitely shag tit hall selection
Fewer clothes*
totes voted for sidney college... love ya, monkey boy!
We should have worn less clothes.
XXXX is a Romanian name right?