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Are you worried for Justin?

Total Votes: 10,615

  • Bieberlover - 11 years ago

    you cant blame bieber i would have done the same thing the paparazzi needs to get a life and grow up bieber shouldt go to jail i will be mad if so cuz i love him

  • nolisha - 12 years ago

    he cant go to jail, at least not in the states...

  • Biebersgurl - 12 years ago

    Noooo!!!! Who cares about what he did he CANT go to jail!!!!!! Hes my inspiration, if i didnt have him id have no life!!!! Im sorry bieber!!! If i could i would trade places with you I PROMISE and I LOVE YOU JUSTIN

  • Biebersgurl - 12 years ago

    Noooo!!!! Who cares about what he did he CANT go to jail!!!!!! Hes my inspiration, if i didnt have him id have no life!!!! Im sorry bieber!!! If i could i would trade places with you I PROMISE and I LOVE YOU JUSTIN

  • CarlzBieber - 12 years ago

    look guys justin did what he did, if he did it he will have to deal with the consequences.
    but i heard that the paparazzi was standing in the way of justins car, he got what he deserved.
    stay strong justin and every single one of you beliebers stay positive NOT negative

  • JelenaLover - 12 years ago

    Im worried but I think they are taking this to serious...the judge or jury does not know what the case was, he could've been protecting Selena and himself, he might have felt harmed so he was defending himself. He wouldn't just stand in a paparazzi's face mad for all you Justin Bieber haters need to think about why he was mad and just because you don't like him does not mean that he deserves it...I bet you wouldn't like it if you were innocent or protecting yourself and just because someone didn't like you they wanted you to go to jail...this is just my opinion

  • Angel - 12 years ago

    i dont him to go he is to good :(

  • Megan - 12 years ago

    this is 4 u Justin GO TO JAIL!!!!!!! I don't know what u did but u are horrible
    Good luck! Not really oh well
    Enjoy the SAME meal over and over and over again for 6 months and seeing murders ;)

  • jb lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 - 12 years ago

    I am worried but I dont think they will let him go to jail FOR A BLOODY WHOLE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! At least if he does go to jail he will have LOADS of fans to visit him. they will like surround the jail

  • beiber - 12 years ago

    he wont go to jail if chris brown didnt. he'll only get community service

  • adeshina - 12 years ago

    am very sure dat he wont go to jail,because he is man of honour to himself to his parent,country and to the society entirely...long life bieber long life nigeria

  • Tom - 12 years ago

    He gonna get raped

  • Pinky Angel - 12 years ago

    No , it's not true ... i can't believe.... he is our Idol ...Our Inspiration ......

  • Julie bieb's - 12 years ago

    No i'ts impossible ! im starting to worry for him ! but i know he wont go to jail !
    it's the paparazzi who do not leave their privacy !! justin is gud guy and he did not fight for nothing , i think the paparazzi said thing's vulgar at justin ! Bieber 4'ever #

  • zack - 12 years ago

    No he wont go to jail he is to powerful of a star he will pay the guy off and the guy will drop it

  • meeka - 12 years ago

    omg seriously! If the poparatzii wasnt in his freeking way this wouldnt have happened!!! screw the paparatzii i would have done the same1

  • kayla - 12 years ago

    I don't want Justin to go to Jail, maybe if the Paparazzi wasn't standing in front of his car he wouldn't have hit him.

  • soniaaaaaaa - 12 years ago

    no u ugly drake is beauitful that u

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