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I Discovered Brent's Work:

Total Votes: 1,441

  • Josh - 12 years ago

    I was looking for books with great fight sequences and after doing some web searching I found some reviews that put the Night Angel Trilogy as one of the best there is for fight scene writing. I was not disappointed!

  • AWanderingMuse - 12 years ago

    I found the books by a complete accident, or an act of fate, which ever you want to call it. The cover to Way of the Shadows was really similar to another series I was in the midst of reading. We were moving the next morning and I was fresh out of reading material. So, I had hurriedly gone to the book store to buy the next book for that other series. I didn't carefully examine what I was buying because I was rushed. Upon getting home I realizing what I'd done I read the description and gave the book a try. Might as well right? I was instantly hooked and only picked up the other series again after I had read the Night Angel Trilogy twice, in a row. Best. Mistake. Ever.

  • Kylar is my yum yum kins - 12 years ago

    I bought the books while at Borders just for fun, but they got stuck under the massive piles of unread books in my closet. So I pretty much gave up on reading them.

    Then one day I come home from school to see my brother crying. This dude is a hardened war vet from Afghanistan who's seen death and lived hardship, and the only other time I've ever seen him cry was when he heard his best friend and squad mate died. So I'm like, "dude, what is going on, brother broseph?" And he's all, "These books are amazing. I can't stop crying. They're just so... so GOOD. You HAVE to read them." So I read them.

    And I cried, too.

  • Kate - 12 years ago

    More like, 'I saw a friend reading it and convinced him to lend it to me..'

  • Derek D - 12 years ago

    I was looking for a book for my fantasy and myth class, and was looking online, found The Way Of Shadows and ordered it right away, so glad I did.

  • Olav G. Todal - 12 years ago

    Neither, I literally bought them at random while browsing an online store on a book-buying spree, the cover wasn't even shown, I read through the description and bought it.

  • Lila Mihalik - 12 years ago

    Though technically I discovered NAT at the bookstore and loved the covers, I was actually working at said bookstore and saw them as I took them out of the box to receive them into inventory! XD

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