Should George W Bush be embarrassed of his legacy?


  • Chris - 12 years ago

    He should be ashamed, we are fighting bloody war over oil. They didnt do 9-11 are government did it!!!!! So they could go in and pit political officials that served their objective. I back are troops 200% for they are doing ther jobs, and doing them well. But so certain people can get rich while they die. We need to work on our own borders and worry bout are citizens well-being!!! Thats why so many countries hate us. Again worry bout here in th states and not anywhere else. Bring home every troop. They dont want us there and we should respect that!!!!

  • Andi Gee - 12 years ago

    I find it fascinating that the virulent, hateful comments about President Bush are full of jealous invective rather than objective fact. The housing bubble was begun by the Clinton's community reinvestment act. The democrat congress overruled common sense solutions that were brought forth by Bush's administration. Yeah, Bush came from a wealthy it is with Obama...lavish private schools, world travel, ivy league education (via affirmative action), plenty of recreation blunt to "blow" during high school...Obama is not even a middle class guy...he's "high" life all the way. Having established that fact, what has he done in 3.5 years? Zilch. Nada. Zip. Nothing. He has quadrupled our debt, trashed the Constitution, created a shadow government run by czars and executive agencies far beyond Constitutional Congressional oversight....Shameful and frightening. So you can hate Bush and call him spoiled, but history will prove him to have been a fine president in a time of Terror and one who tried to right a progressive sinking ship that took a hundred years for the progressive socialists to build. It will take several iterations of conservative leadership to return my beloved country to her former strength and glory.

  • citizen - 12 years ago

    George Bush is nothing but a spoiled rich brat who was handed everything on a silver platter.
    The man never had to work for anything and is completely incompetent.

    And now the GOP proposes we elect ANOTHER spoiled rich brat who also never had to work for anything. Is this a surprise? No.

    They want our country to take a 100 year step back in time, to a time when only the richest could afford to go to college, get a loan, build a business. They want their plantations back and they don't want to be limited to blacks for slaves. It's called economic slavery and they are pouring billions into heading our country into disaster.

  • Shez - 12 years ago

    Half and half voting yes and no. It must be split along party lines, with Republicans still jumping to the defence of Dubya.

    I find it amazing that Republicans still support this guy. After all the harm to the US and to the Republican brand in particular, these devout souls forgive all to support their leader. The Republican party will continue to be strong, as long as their followers use blind faith.

  • Amazed - 12 years ago

    I'm amazed that some of the above comments are more concerned about a president who had an affair and lied about it than a President who started 2 wars for money, wars that have killed 100's of 1,000's of people. He bankrupted the richest country on earth and caused a worldwide recession. No, history will never look kindly on what must be the biggest mistake ever made, twice!

  • Belseth - 12 years ago

    He destroyed the economy, got us into two wars inspite of not being attacked by a single country. He doubled the national debt and cut taxes on the rich. I'd be surprised if he had a mirror in the house. The truth that another poster failed to learn is the terrorists on 911 were mostly Saudis yet no one considered attacking Saudi Arabia. They are our "friends". Translated rich and have oil. 911 would have been avoided if he had taken seriously a report warning of such an attack but he's not a "reader" as they put it and his people ignored the report. Under his watch they bailed out the banks with no requirement to repay any of it or restrictions on how it was spent. The Bush years were a trainwreck by any standards I know. You don't hear any Republican politicians boasting about his time in office and don't expect him to show up on the campaign trail. Spin it all you like but most of the money they credit Obama with spending were Bush commitments so he's still spending your money while he hides out in Texas.

  • Norah S. Hammond - 12 years ago

    President Bush is a man of character and grace. When the current era of self agrandizing has passed, history will see him for the dedicated leader he was.

  • JULIA - 12 years ago

    No one is perfect but you ommited that the Congress was run by the Democrats for at elast 1/2 of President's 8 years. You also omit that the housing crisis was a Sen Dodd and Frank Bill Clinton issue. President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush handle themselves with dignity and class at all times. You do not mention that they regularly visit the veterans in hospitals and meet planes of those returning from the war. you also do not mention that they attend church on Sunday and do not seek publicity for their actions.
    I prefer a President who dose not have affairs with employees the age of his daughter then lie to the American people about it. I prefer a President that is not disbarred for their lies.
    Everyone was behind President Bush right after 9/11. It was only after issues of the affect of war and the short patience of Americans similarly to the impact of the Vietnam War that Democrats adopted a new posture and disavowing their old one. But as the former head of the CIA has talked about they knew about the water boarding and were briefed about it including Pelosi and Feinstein.
    If the media did real reporting and kept away from trying to slant opinions everyone would be better informed of the truth and better off.

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