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Do you agree with the DA's move to close The Silo?

Total Votes: 2,754

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    I disagree with this blatant attack on the regions young people. As has been stated, it's not like all of the crime or even a majority of the crime in reading is located around the silo. The silo is not a "crime hub" it is a music venue that gives young people something to do instead of walking the streets doing drugs and committing crimes. While it may be veiled by choice words, it is clear to me that because some older people don't like the music being played at this venue, these ignorant judgemental people would like to see it closed. They have cited "in the past, when different kinds of music was played there..." basically they didn't have a problem with it when music they liked was being played back in 1989 and complaints were being filed. The older generation of the community is widely judgemental and are looking to pick on the minority and an age group that largely can't stand up for themselves due to the limitations of their age. This is ridiculously in-American to restrict freedom of expression in the form of music and to restrict free enterprise and capitalism in the form of the business because of the mistake of a few YOUNG people. It is not the owners responsibility to prevent murders outside of a show at their venue, just how would you like them to do that?! The police can't even prevent murder, all they can do is solve the crimes and put the criminals away, so why do we ask more of a private business that has been doing business for over 20 years?! It is unfair and unamerican of the DA to restrict local citizens social liberties and fiscal rights! The law is to be there to protect the minority's rights, not the majority's whims and opinions! That DA is not doing his job, he is a politician looking to be re-elected and if anyone deserves shut down for a year, it's him and his political agendas!

  • Technician4Life - 12 years ago

    Closing the Silo won't do anything. I saw my first Tech N9ne show there on June 11th and the only drama was some guy getting a nosebleed from moshing. There's no need to close it down. People are going to be loud. Especially if they're drunk. I don't see why these people have such a problem with the club. I mean, it's the only place in the Lebanon area to go see a concert that is quaint and you won't get bothered for much. It's a great venue. I loved it, but I will agree, it needs a few upgrades, such as an air conditioning system, because people having heat strokes at a concert is never a good thing. It needs new lighting, new stage, and definetely needs to be a little bigger, because it can only hold so many before shit gets started. Anyway, keep the Silo open, people need it. And to all my Juggalos reading this: Whoop! Whoop!

  • Tanner - 12 years ago

    How would closing the silo take away all the crime and neagtive activity? Music is an escape for people to get away from doing bad things. Would rather have kids bored playing with guns or playing guitar, drums or any other instrument. Local venues provide a place for local bands to get there start. If we keep taking away these venues where will these musicians play. They won't play they will give up because its not worth driving far as a band just making its start. Keep The Silo! Even though some things about it need work, this will wake up those in charge and make them see what changes need to be made to get this venue back to what it used to be. Support the local bands keep The Silo going!!!

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    There are plenty of other venues for live music. The Silo was once a good place to go but has in the past decade gone rapidly downhill. I would prefer to eliminate a place where drug dealers and gangster wannabes like to hang out. Don't try to tell me it's just certain types of music that draw this crowd either. I have seen the garbage on both floors and I completely agree with eliminating it.

  • Krista - 12 years ago

    It's a stupid idea to close a venue like the Silo. It gives people a place to go that is not in downtown Reading and watch good upcoming musicians do their thing! There is going to be the petty complains about eery place there are bands performing so let's just ignore that and the few violent outbursts that have occured were over a period of years and were isolated! Give me a break! The DA can get his hea out of the clouds and crack down on crime in the city and leave us at the Silo alone! We've been there too long to be messed with now. And let's be realistic...any problems that we have at a metal show get dealt with and are done. We don't take violence to the extreme cause we all know why we are there! So back off and leave us our Silo!

  • Rikki - 12 years ago

    Honestly, people should really take it down a notch. The reality is that there are no issues with the rock shows downstairs...Now I cannot say it is all of the hip hop/latino shows upstairs, but a few crazy ass people that feel that they have to use violence to show how big and badass they are is the issue. The silo needs to be cleaned up and re-done. The last issue that happened, The only thing that could have been done differently would have been the head bouncer not ushering everyone out at the same time. There was nothing else that could have been done to avoid the scene there that night. All of you that have made comments that it is a lump of people really do not have a clue. The bands that play there are about the music.....the unity of people who love to play music and talk music and that is what it is. The young people that I know or have seen, really have respect for the Venue and the owners, Deb and each other. Yes the problems do arise from upstairs, but that is like I said, just ignorant asses trying to show how badass they think they are. Saying that it is ALL of the people that go to those shows, is like saying that everyone in the city is on welfare and feels that they are owed everything. It is just not true! So Silo....clean carpet....hire a cleaning company to scrub it from top to bottom....hire more security, and I don't mean the female ones who think they are badass. Run your security right and when something happens escort the troublemakers out individually not in a huge group, so that the situations can be monitored. 400 people being forced out of a club at once, how can you watch them can you see that one car is coming up to open fire on the outside of the club? AND lets not forget that the police did absolutely nothing to help the last situation either....If you are a cynical person, you might think that there is a huge conspiracy here.....makes me wonder! I to have been a person who has hung out at the Silo for over 20 years and I really thing the rock shows are great....I think that another venue to play at is great. There are alot of kids who play in bands that use this a as a release and a form of expression.....Close it and there will be more people causing problems other places.

  • Where The Forest Meets The Sea - 12 years ago

    Closing down the Silo, All that will do is create one less place for musicians to shaw what they've got. They're already several venues that have closed down due to bullshit like the Roller Roost and so forth, closing down the Silo?, It's in Reading. Reading have violence everyday..IF you're going to close somthing, close that Hip-Hop club upstairs and get those wannabe trouble making fools out of there.

  • Midnight Decadence - 12 years ago

    Its the rap club upstairs that's bringing in all the problems. close that down and the silo would be great. I know our band sure wasn't happy when we got thrown off stage due to overcrowding up stairs. It was completely uncalled for being that our band had played there for years as a headlining act and made them tons of money and brought in some decent people, and then to get disrespected like that was ridiculous. so we will never play for the current owners again. But they want to bring in big money and the hip hop club is the way to pack the people in. but then u have to deal with the crowd and the problems that come with it.

  • Kelsey - 12 years ago

    Let's think about this for a moment... The Silo is in Reading.. There is voilence everywhere there. There's been what two accidents there in the past couple years? Look at everything that goes on at other places in Reading, but the silo is getting threatened to get closed down? We can't stop what happens in this world, but closing the silo down wont stop anything...Everyone enjoys going there& it's a great place to have fun at. People consider it as a home because they grew up going to the shows there. Let's not take away something EVERYONE loves.

  • Pathogenic Warfare - 12 years ago

    If you Close down the silo, you are losing an opportunity for starting musicians and artist groups such as my band a place to show.

  • Within A Difference - 12 years ago

    Hello we are Within A Difference We have played the stage with many bands of different genres it's a great place that needs to stay open so more opportunities can arise for such bands like ours please keep the silo open it's our home from home GREAT PLACE AND FANS AND FRIENDS NO COMPLAINTS HERE

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Another thing I wanted to add, because of a show it changed my life for the better just because of the positive energy around me like a big family enjoying a phenomenal band/bands

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    The silo is where I got my start playing music and the place where I played my first ever show, yeah I haven't performed in a couple years but I will always remember every show I played there whether it was opening for ligiea or playing the day after christmas or even a Friday 13th when I snapped 2 bass strings closing the silo is like taking out a piece of all our hearts and trying to take away all the good fun times we had with our friends and family it's not fair to us or the community in which it was built many years ago. It's not just our generation you are doing this too, it the older generations our parents who remember their good times at the silo

  • Jeff P - 12 years ago

    the silo has been my home for almost 10 years now i am 20 i have NEVER gotten hurt there i have never seen anyone get hurt there.. it is a safe place and indeed safe for kids too they can't control what happens in their parking lot its reading!! even if you shut the silo down crime won't go down 1% at all leave us metal heads out of this don't close down our home its all we have left in this city the music scene already enough isn't good in this county thanks to most of our leaders but making it worse? imagine how many people are going to be upset if it gets shut down how many people will just be sitting around on a friday night instead of listening to their local music scene live in a nice venue! the sound is great the bands are great makes me feel great when I'm there and on stage too! don't take this away from us.....

  • T.C. - 12 years ago

    While I agree that the violence that frequently occurs at the Silo IS a problem, I feel there are better solutions than closing the venue entirely. Reading is already lacking in businesses that may serve as outlets to local artists... or any sort of venues for people to simple hang out and socialize! (Especially for people under 21 years of age.) Closing the Silo would leave people with even fewer options for their free evenings. It is this sort of inactivity within the community that encourages reckless, often less than legal, behavior. The Silo is not the cause of the violence, nor would its closure end the violence. I don't see any sense in closing a venue when other steps could be taken to handle this issue.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    The Silo is a shithole

  • dark prince - 12 years ago

    Main stream is fucking the silo up if u come to an udetground show there is never an fights shooting nothing like that I been to 29 shows at the silo an never heared a shot or fight start at a underground show but my first mainstream show fights out the ass an shots

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    No i dont,
    yess the silo needs a bit of an upgrade but it doesn't need 2 be closed.
    i swear people in high positions are dumb as fuck. closing The Silo Nightclub isn't going to help shit. if people have weapons outside of the building and cause problems outside, what the fuck can the venue possibly do? yes, security should be heightened but a venue like the silo is necessary. there isn't shit to do in this city so taking away one outlet that we have is most likely going to up the... crime rate for younger kids who are looking for shit to do. smdh. the music scene in reading is dying and this is just a step further to kill it all together. up the security and start arresting these dumb asses that are shooting people and maybe we wouldn't have any problems. also, to the homeowners that are complaining of noise and safety: 1) you shouldn't have moved there if noise was an issue and 2) stay in your damn house. get used to the gunshots because unless the authority we have in this city does something about the crime rate, gunshots will just become an everyday noise.
    ive seen so many great bands there, the silo is where i went 2 get away from my house. its my 2ndd home,

  • E - 12 years ago

    Jeff, why don't you shut the f*ck up? It doesn't matter wether your Latino, white, purple, Chinese, black etc. people will be trashy whenever they wanna be trashy! Skin color or race doesn't really determine that. Aslong as there is humans on this planet there will be violence, it's part of life. Shutting down the Silo isn't going to stop crime, it's just going to move it else where.

  • maria c. jordan - 12 years ago

    closing Silo down is not the solution! Take out the groups that bring that danger in there, & step up security.

  • Jacob - 12 years ago

    I disagree with the DA. This is ridiculous to think that shutting down this establishment is going to decrease the crime rate. People are just as likely to commit a crime at any bar in reading as they are at The Silo. Hell, there was a man shot and killed outside the Goggleworks, it doesn't mean that the Goggleworks should be shut down. If anything police patrols in those areas need to be increased before taking any further action. Also if the issue is gun violence in the area then the club can not be all that is blamed. It would clearly be an unsafe area regardless of whether The Silo was there or not. All The Silo does is centralize where the crimes are being committed, in which case the police should focus their patrols around that area specifically. All that will be accomplished by shutting down The Silo is allowing the crime to spread from a localized area and ruining everyone's chance at making memories like those that Terri and Patti made when they were 20.

  • Tre - 12 years ago

    You can close the silo, but that isn't going to stop shootings or crime! The same trash that causes problems at the silo will just go to other night clubs and cause problems there! So if they close the silo, they might as well close every night club in berks county!! I hope the county throws this out and lets the silo be!!

  • Tre - 12 years ago

    You can close the silo, but that isn't going to stop shootings or crime! The same trash that causes problems at the silo will just go to other night clubs and cause problems there! So if they close the silo, they might as well close every night club in berks county!! I hope the county throws this out and lets the silo be!!

  • Matthew - 12 years ago

    I have been going to shows at the Silo for 9 years now and have had nothing but fun there. It's unfortunate that that people got shot there back in April, but it happens all the time pretty much anywhere where people gather. And I have also never seen any public urination, vomiting, violence or any of that other nonsense that was printed in this article. The people who own this club have everything as well in hand as it could be. The people who want it shut down just have an issue with rock/metal music and those of us who enjoy it.

  • kitkat - 12 years ago

    They shouldn't close the silo its a great place for us teens to go n dance n have fun with another its the only time everybody gets along anymore with out the silo usteens with r music and dancing won't have nothing no more I have been going to the silo for years now and nothing has ever happen to me I go every weekend its a great place great people and all that you can't talk shy unless you been there but like I said they shouldn't shut the silo down its Ohio going to make things a lot worse house parties are going to get out of control and a lot of crimes are going to happen believe me the da. should give them a chance to make it better but I still see nothing ting with it everybody get later down one by one and all that the silo shouldn't be held for what happens outside its what happens inside and nothing happens but us teens and and having fun

  • Silo Fan - 12 years ago

    You people are acting like all the violence is caused by the silo. There is violence everywhere. People are bitching because of how loud it is. You know it a nightclub, if it bothers you oh well. A nightclub is a nightclub, where teenagers + more, go to have some fun. We're living our one told you to move somewhere near a damn club. -.- So, yeah.....these reasons are just so dumb....anyways, Like I said before.....VIOLENCE IS CAUSED EVERYWHERE, IN EVERYPLACE TOO. Just, stfu with this b's. THE SILO SHOULDN'T BE SHUT DOWN IN THE FIRST PLACE. There are more nightclubs, but the only one you's are complaining about is the silo. You's don't like the silo, the silo doesn't look you. So, hop off.

  • T - 12 years ago

    its not the place.. its the people. she thinks that closing it will stop violence. ugh no. what they are goin to close the club and people are just goin to hang out in the parking lot and tresspass and do god knows what around there..

  • B.Banks - 12 years ago

    I have had the opportunity to perform at the Silo but regretfully had to turn it down due to the fact that i couldnt make it for that particular date. I know many artists who have performed there and say the establishment is nothing but a upstanding business. Nightclubs will always have their fair share of trouble, but that's not their fault. Perhaps the DA should be more interested in making the place more secure I.E. installing mandatory metal detectors in all entryways. Perhaps they could hire more security per person. As far as the noise, its a club people... you live next to a nightclub- what do you expect? KEEP IT OPEN

  • Maddi - 12 years ago

    Ive had friends that played shows there and its so much fun. Getting ride of the silo would give teens just another reason to go out and be stupid. With a place where they know they have friends and are around fun people that arent going out and getting drunk or doing drugs is good for us. Its a place where we teens feel safe. Where we know we can fit. Where we can just let loose and have a blast without worrying about anything. We can escape in the music. Please dont shut the silo down!

  • fuckouttahere - 12 years ago

    You know, if they closed down the silo, where and what would we teens do on a Friday night ? Hmmgo out drinking, smoke, be bored to the point of getting in to trouble. When we teens are bored we will do anything to entertain ourselves. When parents take things away from us is when we start to do things you don't want us doin, so why take a place where you know were we are at and majority of the people who go to the " horrid " metal shows are truly the nicest people I've have met. So what they have tattoos, metal threw their bodies but that doesn't make us horrible people. All the kids that go threw return home safe, and happy from a good night of good fun. It's not like we go threw to drink bc we can't so its clean fun ! Yeah they're are a few drunk idiots but those idiots are everywhere !!! But at least at the silo, Deb keeps a good eye on us kids so those idiots don't harm us in any way. And really is that club has been there for over 40 years... Why bitch and complain about noise now, your the dumbass who moved next to it. No one has broken into your house because of it, no one put harm to you or your family from it. It keeps us off the streets.

  • cali sellari - 12 years ago

    tattoo you are just raciest

  • tattoo sic - 12 years ago

    Ya know what....for every metal/rock many times do u hear about stabbings and shootings..maybe on a rare occasion u may get a fist fight....all this fuckin murder shit is brought in every time u got Fu kin rap and Spanish gigs....kick the reading parasites out.....STOP HAVING RAP AND REGGAE SHOWS....THOSE FUCKIN HOODRATS DONT K.OW. HOW THE FUCK TO ACT

  • tattoo sic - 12 years ago

    Ya know what....for every metal/rock many times do u hear about stabbings and shootings..maybe on a rare occasion u may get a fist fight....all this fuckin murder shit is brought in every time u got Fu kin rap and Spanish gigs....kick the reading parasites out.....STOP HAVING RAP AND REGGAE SHOWS....THOSE FUCKIN HOODRATS DONT K.OW. HOW THE FUCK TO ACT

  • Cali Sellari - 12 years ago

    what no body is understanding is everyone wants to complain about the noise , the violence , the trash , blah blah blah. ITS A NIGHT CLUB why would u move next to it for one if you dot like noise , or cant handle people having fun. violence and littering is everywhere. INCLUDING parks , bars, households, and many many more. unless you personally know about the owners or what really goes on there , don't assume cause all it does is make you look stupid. stop pointing fingers saying its the latinos or the youth with there rap music.the owners are not at blame for this , there not the peoples parents , if the people are old enough to drink , they should no how to act. but obviously not because they want to grow alcohol balls and become the beast out of no where. the owners do what they can to protect everyone to there ability along with our fantastic security staff they have there. you older people lived already now its our turn to shine. stop being racial and let us do us. canceling the silo will only allow the kids to continue living there young life in a more dangerous way as in drinking at parties in the neighborhood , fighting with people cause all they want to do is dance but the music curfew for the block is early. either way every place has there pros and cons just like any other place , if only the DA would reconsider :(

  • A - 12 years ago

    Eight residents complained to police about the excessive noise, littering and violence at the club. They said the club has negatively affected their quality of life and property values...................
    .............THEN DON'T MOVE INTO A HOME NEXT TO A BAR!!!!.................

  • Cat shit - 12 years ago

    Hey steve why dont you shut the fuck up before i kick the fucking shit outta you i know where you live ill come get you good. ill stick my 47 year old dick right down your throat untill your face turns purple then ill cum all overr your face and and curb stomp your mouth. DONT FUCK WITH ME MAN!

  • Lexie - 12 years ago

    Retards! There is violence everywhere. EVERYWHERE! You think there are problems now with the beautiful family who owns it? Wait n see what rift raft buys it n does what with it. Y'all be VERY SORRY!

  • Whatt? - 12 years ago

    Tech N9ne show is not a problem for the community. The last time Tech N9ne played the silo, Grandmothers brought their grandkids. It is not Hip Hop. Tech is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

  • Andrew - 12 years ago

    I am 100% not afraid to go to the Silo. The security guards are great and they pat down everyone at the door and I feel safe. Maria is the nicest person and wants everyone to have a good time. Ive been going there since I was a teenager in the 90s for teen night and I was there last week!
    What else is the BT police going to do on Friday Saturday nights? Sit at TopStar and eat their Subway? Sit at the Fire Station and park next each other and shoot the shit? Sorry the tax payers are asking you guys to some work and make sure people leave a crowded club safely.
    I live in Greenfields and love that there is a local club to go to and have a good time. They aren't a nuisance to me! They are convenient!
    I will be really sad to see the Silo go and I hope it never happens!!

  • lil - 12 years ago

    This is b.s why couldnt they close A-town down when people were shot and a guy was killed there when people reported shootings and drugs there. I dont see the silo as a bad place were else are teenagers goin to go to have fun. Im pretty sure anywere else they go will get shut down too. Its not fair.

  • Tom O'Leary - 12 years ago

    What wonderful logic by our brilliant DA. I'm sure that after they close the doors of the Silo crime will magically go away and those in question will take a good hard look at their lives and go get entry level jobs somewhere.

    Doesn't he have bigger fish to fry than a club with two incidents occurring over 5 years apart? Wasn't there just a shooting in the parking lot of building 24? Oh but that won't make the paper because B24 has the wyo cops in their back pocket. And what about the shooting at rumorz? Or the countless incidents at Legends over the years? By his logic he should be moving to shut down almost every single bar within city limits. But why not stop there? Why doesn't he just confine us to our houses? That way there won't be any crime and cops can continue on their butts and eating doughnuts.

    Or maybe instead of acting like a little child who just got beat up the Bern Township police should just do their jobs.

  • Raeia - 12 years ago

    I have been going to The Silo since I was a teenage, I'm 30 now. I can honestly say I'm not afraid to go there. I've never been afraid to go there. The bartenders are friendly, but not friendly enough to serve underage people. I'm not entirely sure what Leo is talking about. I've not one time seen an underage child/teen/etc. being served. If anything, they've been careful to keep things separate on that front, as they should. In all the years going there, I've also never witnessed an event of violence inside that bar. I've witnessed young teens trying to drink in the parking lot, but I've seen that happen at high school dances and no one closes down high schools because fights break out and underage drinking happens in the parking lot. Heck, that happens at high school football games too, but that doesn't mean we ban high school football. I am sorry that neighbors feel it's loud, however The Silo has been around for 40plus years as people have said, maybe you should have thought about that before buying/renting near a nightclub? (If you've lived there less than 40 years.) There are not many places for young people to hang out in a safe environment. I understand that recent events made people feel unsafe, but that doesn't make it The Silo's fault. It makes it the perpetrators of the violence's fault. The Silo could start enforcing more security at the front, that would help. But if you shut something down that is "home" to many teens and even some adults, where will they go? What happens to the violence that everyone is worried about then? It doesn't just end, it just means it gets perpetrated somewhere else, maybe on the street, maybe at another place of business...

  • jessika - 12 years ago

    no they shouldnt close down the silo .. thats where the partys at and so just do a pat down before they walk in thats all dont close the silo for some ignorant people that dont know how to act ..

  • Anonymous - 12 years ago

    Why not just have a simple search or "pat down" before entering the venue, and have security walk outside every hour so to check for people who arent attending the show or event. This will keep the weapons and such OUT of the silo. Anything that happens outside of the perimeter wouldnt be the silos fault.

  • Becca - 12 years ago

    This is the most screwed up thing I have ever heard. Do they know this is the only local place for local music around this area? One thing happens in how many fucking years, and they want to take everything away. I've gone there every weekend, before and since when there were shows downstairs. Nothing is wrong with THE SILO it's the shitty people who go there that ruin it for the rest of us.

  • steve jhonson - 12 years ago

    dog shyt stfu obviously ur name matches you, being racist has nothing to do with this. These past incidents should be left in the past and judge the silo by their actions now. i been to worst clubs where people throw bottles at each other and cause a brawl and those clubs are still opened , all they need is strict security and rules and it will become a safe environment

  • Dog Shit - 12 years ago

    This wouldn't happen if we just took all the niggers and spics in reading and performed a little holocaust of our own!!

  • Alan - 12 years ago

    The only reason anyone has read about terrible things happening at the silo is because only bad things are reported.

  • Jeremiah - 12 years ago

    Its pointless shutting down The Silo, If you knew what really goes on there, Ive never seen a fight there, there was verbal arguments but never fights and been going to shows for years, if you want to talk about shootings and fights then look at york or harrisburg their bars and clubs has more action.. its everywhere, the berks county gov needs t understand that, and shutting down the silo isnt going to change anything, you might-is well just shut down all bars and clubs then, out of all the bars and clubs Ive been to the silo had the less drama

  • Zach Sclafani - 12 years ago

    Complete garbage. These incidents happen at RAP/HIP-HOP show, never at HARDCORE/METAL shows. Please cut us a break and let the kids who DON'T cause harm continue to play. This makes me sick. Teenagers are loud? Of course they are. Grow up. Maybe if people TRIED TO FIX The Silo, we could see a change. Instead, we get no say and the county robs the teenagers blind. WANNA SHUT DOWN THE SILO? I'M GONNA GO ROB BANKS AND HOUSES NOW. NOTHING TO DO ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!

  • Zack - 12 years ago

    This is madness! Shutting down the Silo is not the answer to our problem and you Berks County government should do more to find the real answer instead of taking away an outlet and venue that has helped more than it has destroyed. I have not been a long running veteran of the Silo but I've gone enough times to support enough independent music in the past four years to know this place is important! Not only to the area but to the rising artists and people who have a dream of playing a stage. Maybe some people on here are right with the whole DJ/Latino/Rap show thing. For the record I'm a huge supporter of the hip hop community. I've been listening to the music for 10 years now and even "was" one in my youth. But perhaps the DA should move to close those events rather than the whole club. And i know it's not every hip hop night this violence happens but sadly the actions of a few ill-minded individuals ruin the fun for everyone as is the case here. Or better yet maybe the local Latino hip hop movement should move to stop the violence! But one thing I do know is this club is a breeding ground for musical creativity and an outlet for local bands to be heard and seen. Closing it won't affect the "immature teens" who "stand outside and smoke and cause a ruckus" - it affects everyone who has even a drop of love for music in there blood. And my blood for one is comprised entirely for love of music. KEEP IT OPEN!

  • unknown - 12 years ago

    the whole place is going bankrupt anyway, it wont be there for long. No use in fighting for something that is going under regardless!

  • Freddie - 12 years ago

    I think this is rediculous.! I have been doing shows at the silo since I was 16 and have seen anything more than a verbal argument which was resolved quickly by security. Why should people like me and many others have something taken that we enjoy because over the years problems individuals or jus straight morons wanna go busting shots off... It's rediculous. Maybe if people would mind there. Eck and not have too start so many problems there would not be anything wrong. And I hate how I see people blame it on rappers... There is just as much potential for something too happen during on a r

  • leo - 12 years ago

    I believe the silo should be closed down because you only see teenagers go there and knowing how some teenagers are they always start problems and are always loud. The people that live in that area want peace and theres nothing wrong with wanting to live in a safe environment. Them teenagers parents wouldnt like to live in a loud environment where theres always crimes happening like there. Some events that are done are not good at all because theres not enough good security and rules you see kids under 21 still sipping drinks. Close the silo thats the least yous can do to start helping reading improve and become a better city.

  • Jamie - 12 years ago

    I think some of you ppl arguing on here are making the problem worse! First off all if you don't have anything intelligent to say then you are are just hurting the cause. Speak English for starters and by this I'm NOT being racist, I am simply saying leave your "ghetto thug slang" for your Facebook status and stop with the "dis & dat". The bottom line is that ALL of these shooting incidents indisputably have occurred on "DJ /Latino dance party" events, period! Call it racist but that thug type of patron is who these events are geared towards, Latino , black or white "wannabe gangsters" carrying weapons & attitudes. I am a 40 yr old woman who has been going to the Silo off & on since teen nights. it has had its ups and downs. Closing this club is not the answer. It provides a way for upcoming kids/ bands to showcase their talent in which is usually a drama free/ safe environment. I've been searched & patted down, metal spiked belts & wrist bands , even chain wallets were NOT allowed & the metal shows have gone off without any major problems. Yes an occasional fist fight but that occurs in schools as well. Are we gonna close schools too? Make the owners enforce stricter security measures ,perhaps metal detectors & REAL security, not just patrons who work for beer at the end of the night. Eliminate the kinds of acts that bring in the most problems. Kids/ bands have a limited number of clubs to play in this area and others have few venues to see live music, the Silo has always been a part of the Reading Music scene and can be made safe again for our kids & grand kids to enjoy. We keep taking places away until there is nothing left. As for the area diners they can not be all linked to the silo... What's next Legends, Reverb, any local bar? Club/ bar owners this could be your establishment next! Stand up and put a stop the government telling us what to do, under the guise that it's in our best interest.

  • Drama Bangs - 12 years ago

    If you close the silo you don't understand the money the community is losing not only that but this venue is a home for so many great bands and it actually helps bring talent to pa just because a new generation is on the rise and a few bad tho gs happened doesn't mean you have to close it because then your taking away the only good thing this local scene has for music you take that away your taking people's lives and dreams away I vote to not close this because it's a great place to play never had any problems at the silo it's always well secured its all a choice of whether or not you go and for the people living near by if you don't like it then you should probably move because the silo is t going anywhere this is OUR HOME OUR COMMUNITY AND OUR SCENE!!! WE WILL FIGHT TO KEEP IT OPEN if you close well just play in the parking lot even louder then. Don't close a place that people actually enjoy going to and if it does THANK YOURSELF FOR THE MUSIC SCENE DIEING HERE JERKS!!!! SILO FOREVER LIVE ON

  • Marie - 12 years ago

    Really, Steve??? This is not Leave it to Beaver. Times, have changed, How many people actually go to, or watch the BCTV dance parties... Is the atmosphere better/ probably, but again not realistic for most teens today... There are many varieties of music, likes, and people. I for one, like all types of music - however, I am not out there committing crimes. If something is going to happen, it will - no matter what the setting or location. Everyone is strong willed and has a mind of their own. We can not control everything. Again, people as a community need to come together to make it a better and safer place all around. No matter if we are in the city, at a party or club. Common sense needs to be instilled in our youth and carried out by adults.

  • Tony two step - 12 years ago

    Another thing as people have said downstairs at silo we are a family to the fullest if somebody falls at a show they get picked up,if people argue or start fighting we stop it those people talk,shake hands walk away nobodies getting shot or stabbed,an for the part of this article that said it's always fighting shootings public urination......sounds like Penn st to me and before shutting down a place where people come to feel welcome and at home stop kids like my cousin From
    Getting shot in the goggle works parking lot,let's see the DA do something that actually matters a couple old people's complaints because the music changed isnt a reason to shut down a legit staple of our community and music scene,the kids that come to silo are the same ones who aren't accepted in the city with the ghetto,who can't walk down the street without getting judged or jumped because of their appearance,for the kids that have nowhere else to go to be accepted but in this one fucking building where nobody will judge you and you are accepted no matter what and If the DA can't understand that maybe we need a pole to relieve him of his position

  • Sasha - 12 years ago

    I disagree violence can happen anywhere The Silo is not to blame for the stupid actions of others. There has been shootings in malls, schools , grocery stores and they are still open for business. People looking for trouble will only find another place to go to and cause it. The owners of the silo are amazing people and this is their business this is how they pay their bills why take that away from them? I have worked for the silo for almost 3 years and i can honestly say security does their job however they are not superhumans. We cant control what people have in their cars. I remember going to the silo as a young girl 14 yrs old on teen nights it was one of the only places where we could go and dance and just have fun. Closing this place will affect alot of people including several business owners who throw parties and events at that location. There have been weddings, baby showers and birthday parties thrown here because the locaion is big and affordable. Why take that away from anyone who has events booked in the future? The family who owns the silo are extremly generous and GOOD people. Do you understand how hard it is to keep a business open in the first year let alone 40yrs? something to think about...

  • Andrea - 12 years ago

    To the person who said their friend was a shooting victim there, I know for a fact that Maria would never talk shit about the shooting victims. She cares a lot about her patrons & their saftey. Also I know for a fact they pulled one victim inside & security administered cpr on him & saved his life. So shut the fuck up. You know nothing

  • UNKNOWN - 12 years ago

    for one the probablem is upstaris in the club i go to the rock and metal shows down stairs and we never have a damn problem so dont punish everyone by shutting it down when its only one part. fix the upstairs and there wont be no problems. two the more they close shit down the more bored people get which will make more crimes. idk about you but i feel at home when im there, down stairs we are like one big family. the DA isnt noticing there are bigger problems then closing the silo. so makebe you should start worrying about stopping people walking down the street and shooting random people or the drugs out on the street. so then why dont they close down fucking reading high and every other school that has killings and fights and drugs and stuff? LEAVE THE SILO ALONE and KEEP IT OPEN!!!!!!!

  • Annon - 12 years ago

    I don't necessarily feel that closing the Silo is going to be a deterrent at all. There is always going to continuously be crime in the city and if the "people" in the Silo community want to be at "peace" in there own residence then I think we should all be able to obtain that same peace and serenity. So if the "Silo community" is going to get there way then I don't feel that there should be favoritism because I myself, as well as many others, would like to feel that same safety. The Silo is a place for teens to go and have a good time, and yes I do feel that when there is a rap concert going on at times it may get a little crazy, due to the type of crowd it mat be, but before you start drawing conclusions take a look at the statistics?! More than 75% of the crime that occurs at the Silo is due to what we like to call "adults". In my opinion I feel that with a little bit of standards and adequate security we might be able to rectify the situation. Violence is EVERYWHERE and unfortunately that's something that will never seem to attenuate nor reduce.

  • Anthony marks - 12 years ago

    I agree with tony two-step and i would go even further to say you won't shut down our schools or places like that for violence why would you shut down our home!

  • Tony two step - 12 years ago

    Ok if anyone has an opinion here it's me I've been going to the silo since I was 12 and I'm 19 I've seen some of the best shows of my life there Im there every other week almost and there's never underage drinking unless kids drink before they come Wich u can't hold the venue responsible for..the old lady who said she's terrified is probaly like 80 and is scared of any young person she sees like it's a fucking club not a picnic there's gonna be loud music people are gonna be drunk that's what happens when your 21 and can legally drink,people got shot or hurt at silo a couple times yes it sucks but nothing I've seen there compares to my time spent in reading high ive seen more violence and stabbings there than I have at silo yet that's still open, point is silo shouldn't be shut down it's a great asset to our local music scene in reading no matter your
    genre,age,religion,race whatever bullshit you wanna categorize,silo is just another club
    The neighbors bitch and say oh the musics too loud or it's disturbing,music changes over time that's a fact of life keep dealing with it and move on

  • Anthony marks - 12 years ago

    Hello, my name is anthony marks. Ever since i was younger and sound waves closed i have never felt anywhere quite as home as i have at the silo. When deb started helping out at the silo things changed even more. When i go to the silo i feel welcomed in such a manner that it's like we are all a family. I have never had a bad experience nor have i ever experienced any danger. If you take away the silo you take away our home. Yes it's true that we have other clubs but none of them are like te silo. There is a sense of togetherness and unity here unlike anything i have ever witnessed. There is no where else that the bands are constantly on your leel the second they step off that stage they are one of you in the crowd and in return we help each other. If you take away the silo where the kids gonna go also. There are a lot of people that don't enjoy the other clubs around here. Would you rather them just nit have a place to vent their anger amd feelings and turn to drugs instead? I personally came from that path. I used to smoke heavily now i use all the money and put it back where it belongs. Into shows, the silo, and the bands that play there. Please don't take away my home due to peoples lack of judgement. You can't control people like that. It would have happened anywhere and happens everywhere all the time. Besides when things happen at any other club like fights or stabbings you never even hear about it. When it happens at the silo it is everywhere. Please reconsider this! I believe this is a very wrong thing to do.

  • Paige Brady - 12 years ago

    I think this is stupid as all hell. I've been going to the silo for such a long time. I love it there, everyone is like a family. Just because idiotic people have done stupid things there doesn't mean anything! The DA should not be doing this.

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    The problem is the bands that play there attract the type of crowd that fight, shoot and stab in the parking lot. Thug music acts attract thug patrons. How many problems occur when BCTV hosts dance parties from the Riveredge?

  • Maddy - 12 years ago

    The DA is putting pressure on the Silo so that they can get a better strategy for future events. I stopped going to the Silo in my late teen years. Im 3o now and I'm scared to death to set foot in that place or even some Diners after midnight. People just don't know how to act anymore. As far as Jeff's comments about Latinos. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however to degrade another race is unacceptable. I don't know what race he is but I can put it on my children's lives that his race has commited unspeakable crimes everyday. They too live in the projects or the hood, they too rob banks and rape, smoke crack, and murder people so he shouldn't judge on a particular race if his own race never did anything unethical. What we need to do as a society and as a country is stand up and speak to be heard. We need to start being more proactive than hiding behind comments and whispers.

  • Rob Vasquez - 12 years ago

    The people who own the silo don't care about your safety or mine. They wanna fix things because they r threatened with closing. There will always be violence in the world but they aren't controlling their establishment. I own a business and I am responsible to make sure its safe. The owners of the silo should be ashamed of their negligence. I put my real name because I stand behind what I say. The owners r millionaires but didn't have a security system since'07. Now tell me they care about safety.

  • Marie - 12 years ago

    Hmmm... Ok. Your friend got shot at the Silo. I am genuinely sorry to hear that. My friend got stabbed walking down the street goin home from work. Violence happens everywhere, and innocent victims get hurt which sometimes can be fatal. I, in no way condone any type of violence, but closing the club will not stop the violence, it will only move it somewhere else. There is always a solution and a better way of doing things. Why dont we do like foreign countries and have the military or militant groups walk the streets and not allow anyone out of their houses?? Why, because that is not a practical solution.. Or why dont we do like in the movie "Footloose" and not allow music or dancing?? Instead of being part of the problem and casting blame, be part o fthe solution!?!!!

  • o - 12 years ago

    dont shut the silo down.. ya only gonna make it worst because that wen the house party come in and that wen the teen start the under age drinking and and start gettong shot... there places in reading that are way more bad and ya dont do nothing about it...

  • Business owner - 12 years ago

    That's b.s. Those people were in the club and if you can't control what happens in your establishment then it needs to be closed my friend was shot there and if it were up to Maria one of the owners they would have locked him outside to die then she was talking shit about the victims of all the crimes that happened there trash! You should not have to fear being murdered because you want to see a concert!

  • marie - 12 years ago

    The club doesn't cause problems, people cause problems. There is violence everywhere, especially in the city of Reading. The youth has no respect anymore. Closing the Silo is just going to cause people to go elsewhere in the city. I believe that the Silo allows youngsters to go out and have a nice time. Yes.. There should be adequate security, and strict rules to be followed. If this place would be run properly it would be a nice outlet, as in the past. They should continue to have teen nights, open mic nights, and special guest appearances. And it is absurd to judge people based on the name of their band, or the type of music they like. All the club needs is a bit more structure and security. Give them a chance to correct things before closing them down.

  • C - 12 years ago

    I think that the West Reading Diner should be closed after 10. They seem to be more of a nuisance then the Silo. Almost every weekend the West Reading PD are called for some type of fight, brawl, or riot there. And recently the homicide that thankfully the murderers have been caught from.

  • D - 12 years ago

    To Jeff fuck you take your dumb ass some where else to fish faget this is why shit goes down in the city because of dick head like Jeff

  • D - 12 years ago

    Yo this has nothing to do with Latino people it's the fake gansters in the city that think there cool because they have a gun I think they should keep it open and ride it out I've been going there since 07 and never had a issue and April 1 shooting I was there those people were never in the club that night the we're In a parked car across the street waiting for my friend over some if anything these women gotta stop there drama and act like grown people...

  • kasey - 12 years ago

    wat does latinos have to do with a club closing ? i didnt know were still racist ? oh ok. & its prob a white person saying this lemme guess ? I think this club is good on teen nights but on concerts is when all the drama erupts because you have drunk adults with teens what do you expect. i think it should just be a teen club n not serve liquor because rumorz never had any drama because they followed these rules

  • p - 12 years ago

    Was it just me or did this poll have like 400 votes in the yes column before it was made public?

  • Chorch - 12 years ago

    I agree with Jeff, tried to go fishing last Sunday at lake Ountelaunee, wall to wall Latinos, trash, dirty diapers, etc. wonder how many had fishing licences ? A what??? oh !!! Game wardens dream.
    Blue Marsh is worse. I guess wardens have off on weekends.

  • lovely - 12 years ago

    first of all to the guy who said latinos are messing up this city you needa get your facts straight you racist fuck ! & second the silo isnt as dangerous anyone, with good security actually doing their job there isnt drama. I been there n came out safe & its the ppl who read the stories but dont go who are running their mouths without ever stepping in there. I think it should remain open !

  • sandy - 12 years ago

    i think this is a place where teens can have fun n not be in the danger of house parties which are worse. you adults lived ur life so let us live ours. ppl told me stories about the silo n when i wemt i had a great time wanted to go back and there was no drama. so if u didnt evergo there dont talk shyt.

  • jeff - 12 years ago

    The Latinos trashed the city and if something is not done they will trash the rest of Berks County as they are doing to the whole entire country. Most if them are nothing but animals and our leaders will not admit it!

  • WIPO - 12 years ago

    There are other ways to solve this problem.. it's a good venue in a good location. This is coming from someone that has never been there.

    Also, when they close this location all that will happen is the trouble moving to another location somewhere else (possibly places a lot of the rest of us like to go) and destroying that venue as well.

  • Jenn - 12 years ago

    With a heavy sigh, I agree it should be closed. What is going on with our youth these days? So sad......

  • Corey - 12 years ago

    See once again the thugs n drugs wrecked it again for the younger class. This is y they bitch n cry there is nothing to do they wreck everything

  • Patti - 12 years ago

    I believe I meant a sad face:(.........P.S. Bring disco back

  • Karen - 12 years ago

    I also agree with the DA however; this decision needs to be for a permanent closure.

  • Patti - 12 years ago

    I agree with Terri ....I had great times there in my 20s and also worked there.....That is when they had great bands and DJs....It was mostly Disco .....where there is drinking there is always going to be trouble but the owner usually took care of that one on one......I guess good things dont last forever.....:)

  • Terri - 12 years ago

    I agree with the DA's decision to close the Silo. It has changed drastically from the way it was when I went there in my 20's now I'm 50. All I've read about the nightclub I had fun times at is how much trouble is caused there now! It's sad that it has turned out this way!

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