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Would you listen to Herman Cain's program?

Total Votes: 96

  • KC - 13 years ago

    After the disgrace Herman Cain (Herman The Monster) brought upon himself and his family, he would be well advised to go somewhere and sit down, and not make a bigger ass of himself!!
    Neal Boortz, the radio "Jerk" Host in which Cain has appeared on several times in the past, was all ready to jump on the Herman Cain bandwagon, and prepared to hold fund raisers for him got egg in his face when all the women came out of the wood works to accuse him of his "Womanizing" ways!! Caught up in his own lies and deceitful ways, was forced to drop out of the campaign race for the presidency. Now he's reared his ugly head again as the replacement to that idiot Neal Boortz. One Big Jerk being replaced by and even Bigger Jerk!!!

    It's a good thing he's going off the air at the end of the year, and good riddings, And he would do everyone an even greater service if he would take that other idiot Sean Hannity with him, the other duo of these "Nut" case who fill the air with their "Trash Talk Radio" shows.

    Besides Rush Limbaugh, These are three of the stupid jerks around. No, their brand of trash serves no one any real good. Just their screwed up minds, beliefs and idiotic views...

    Herman Cain need to go on the DL and retire from public view and stop making an Ass of himself!!

  • Joy - 13 years ago

    I'm amazed at the level of trashing when it comes to black conservative in this country. You stand with a president that represent everything except the "bible" and trash anyone that represent the bible, shame on you all. If this was a democrats you'll put this in a positive light, wake up people the end is here. I dont know what's gospel about this place anymore.

  • Becca - 13 years ago

    Herman Cain has had his own radio show from ATL for a long time before he ran for pres. He's a great host and has great ideas. You should be ashamed for trashing him. I've met him and he's AOK. Sorry that you don't embrace conservative ideas in the black community. Black conservatives are the greatest minority now and they deserve better representation. If you've ever paid any attention, he represents common sense, less government intervention, hard work, spiritual strength in our lives, and not taking handouts- What's wrong with getting big bro off our backs? Is he sinless? No, neither are any one of us.

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