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Do you agree with the decision to offer lower tuition rates to undocumented students at Metro State College of Denver?

Total Votes: 1,039

  • Ric - 12 years ago

    What part of Illegal, dont people understand ???????

    Why not open the doors to ALL the federal prisions, if these federal criminals can walk to the streets, go to school, etc etc., then ALL federal criminals should be allowed to walk to the streets.

    REMEMBER THIS, The American Indian found out, what happens when you DONT controll Illegal immigration............


  • Crissie - 12 years ago

    yeheyyy!!! thanks to Metro for giving oppurtunity
    to well deserving undocumented students to go to college

  • Fox not providing all facts...again - 12 years ago

    The parts this story not mentioned....

    These kids must have graduated HS here, as well as supply proof of working to attain citizenship. They will STILL be paying more than in-state tuition by 13%. Also, NO tax payer subsidies will be used to support this. wanting to become higher educated working Americans who pay their taxes. Now they can get there quicker to making this a reality. Just horrible...

  • Don - 12 years ago

    "Undocumented" . . . ???? You mean "wetbacks", right?

    ICE should have been on site and ARRESTED EVERY DAMN ONE OF THESE LEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The seven board members who voted in favor should be arrested, as well, for blatant idiocy.

  • raven - 12 years ago

    @Educated Americans against Idiots - they are ILLEGAL. ILLEGAL. do you get the meaning of that word???? illegal means they are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. they are breaking the LAW. so how does this warrant them getting ANYTHING from us????

  • raven - 12 years ago

    what i don't understand is to get your kids into elementary school, when my son went, you needed a birth certificate, SS#, proof of vaccinations, etc. HOW are these undocumented students even getting into school in the FIRST place??

    so now what we are saying is "go ahead! c'mon!! come to our state and we will GIVE you everything you dream about!!" but to it's own citizens ... it's FU .. you don't qualify.

    welcome to Colorado. the Hickenlooper Sanctuary State ...

  • Stephanie - 12 years ago

    Metro IS NOT a piss-poor school. Just making piss-poor decisions. The professors are hard working. And deserve more respect then that.

  • Sick of entitlement - 12 years ago

    Well Metro is a piss-poor school, at least these ILLEGAL students aren't getting much of an education. They'd be better off at community college. This is just another step in or entitlement culture where these losers expect to go through life on everyone else's dime!

  • Ambar - 12 years ago

    Quit complaining, they aren't paying less than in- state tuition students. They are still paying more than in- state tuition students, it only makes sense for them to pay less than out -of -state tuition if they graduated from a colorado school or grew up here.

  • WTF - 12 years ago

    WTF! Peter Boyles said it put a bird feeder out and you will continue to get more birds. This makes me so angry that I bust my ass living paycheck to paycheck to pay for my childrens education and these people who are ILLEGAL get education half off. What is this country coming to. We the people need to grow a set and start saying enough is enough. Become Legal to this country. Trying fighting for this country and what it stands for before taking the hand outs. I have lost a lot of respect for Metro.

  • what a crock!!! - 12 years ago

    This is bull.... They get lower tuition, free medical care, drivers license, low income housing, welfare, no wonder there here!! will it ever end!! They need to be legal!! it's only fair, how can they sleep at night

  • Upset - 12 years ago

    1st become LEGAL.
    2nd Get a J.O.B.
    3rd Pay the tuition we, US CITIZENS have to pay!!!

    America is all about helping EVERY FREAKIN COUNTRY out there BUT THIER OWN!!!!
    So over it!!!!!
    WE, AMERICANS HAVE DREAMS TOO, make it easier for US to achive the "American Dream" FIRST!!!!!!!

  • time for documented change - 12 years ago

    First of all, if you are here to make a difference and contribute to this country. Then the first step to that contribution and making a difference is BECOME LEGAL. I am sorry if it derails your plans of work and dreams but quit thinking of yourself and start thinking about the country you want to be a part of. Also think of your future and your children that you may choose to have. If it is worth having, it is worth earning. Don't wait for a politician to create a bill or legislation to give you your dreams. Go out and pursue it on your own LEGALLY. This change is very disturbing to me and it just shows how the mindset of today's society is just make it easier and give opportunities to those that may not other wise have an opportunity. AGAIN opportunity is made and not a hand out, undocumented and or illegal means out of state tuition. The million dollar question is what about those families that work very hard to create the opportunity for there kids, when do they get to catch a break with in state tuition? shouldn't that rate be lowered if they are contributing to state and city taxes already? The parents that are her LEGALLY and DOCUMENTED Citizens of USA and RESIDENTS OF COLORADO, pay in state tuition. The STUDENTS and PARENTS that are UN DOCUMENTED, ILLEGAL, and on VACATION without a VISA or GREEN CARD to be here in the USA are just that OUT OF STATE visitors and should be held to the same standards as a person from another USA state. The 500 it helps will only invite more into this state and create an influx of UN DOCUMENTED VISITORS so that they can say they were part of the first METRO college that supported UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS!

  • Educated Americans against Idiots - 12 years ago

    Ok first of all, undocumented students PAY TAXES. That is the biggest over hyped fairy tale in our country. The minute you step foot into American Soil you are taxed until you die. Immigrants pay retail, sales, property, local, state, national taxes. Second of all Undocumented Colorado students are being allowed to pay IN STATE TUITION! Which should be law for any colorado resident who wishes to further their education. They will not get financial aid, or any type of funds. Tell me in what other ways do undocumented people have the world planted at your feet? That statement is ludicrous. Also, if your sons are getting a higher tuition rate in CO, that must be because they live out of state. If you want them to pay a lower tuition rate why not search for schools in your state?

  • Disgust II - 12 years ago

    I work, pay taxes, and go to college. So being a citizen in the country that's giving you those opportunity and dreams doesn't matter? That money is being taken away from our own and given to illegal immigrants with the deficit we already have is O.K.? I must have missed that class.

  • Disgusted in the USA - 12 years ago

    I think this is the biggest slap in the FACE to any American who breaks their backs, pay taxes, and has to abide by the laws of the land but all you have to do is be illegal and you have the world planted at your feet! what the hell is going on. the American dream is not for the American. Here I sit struggling to pay my student loans off and someone that doesnt have to pay taxes is granted lower tuition than what my sons will be offered? this bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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