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Do you like Tara on the air?

Total Votes: 3,716

  • Tara Sucks - 12 years ago

    Tara sucks, she needs to be put back in the kitchen, it aint gonna be long intill that muslim divorces her , and escapes to egypt.

  • vote,why - 12 years ago

    Did the same thing in my work place yesterday. 10 different computers not a single no vote counted. tried a yes vote and it went throu with no problem. The only thing I look forward to with Tara there, is to hear the fallout when her "Boytoy" of a husban leaves her old ass for some young chic that will be 5 years younger than he is. And you have to turn around and date someone that could be your husband father. Wait, you could be your husbans mother.

  • Voting is rigged - 12 years ago

    I am at my work place that has over 20 computer work stations. Thought I would place a few "NO" votes at Terra, (Man, You Suck). As I went from one station to the next, not a single "NO" vote counted. But I noticed that the "yes" votes was rising. I thought that maybe it was becuase all the computers were hooked to the same router. So I went to a few computers that I was previously at and sent some "yes" votes. They were counted as I saw the numbers increase. "Bubba" What kind of game are you playing. when your fans votes don't count. I know you feel you owe her something for helping you through your big "D" , but don't let it be at the cost of your show and your fans.
    25cent, kick her ass out of your chair............... Terra, you suck!!!!!

  • Baraboo Bob - 12 years ago

    I like the Artie idea, except w/ an open bar and trips out back w/Ned !

  • Terry D. - 12 years ago

    Yeah Bubba think you need a chick on your show. Love it, when you call her a whore! Lol that's what I use to call my sister.......she fucked every guy in High School.
    I'm going to laugh when her husband makes her quit the show cause of the things you make her do on your show.
    He'll probably come in there and kick your ass! Lol, but know you would kick his Lol!

  • Brookln231 - 12 years ago

    I had to pick between Tara and 25 I'd have to take 25, but woulld like to have both.

  • Bubba Army Texas - 12 years ago

    Tara is doing great. Enjoy the Tara & Bubba heat, but especially like when Ned's drops in on Tara and Turdlick. Keep her in the chair.

  • Rackit - 12 years ago

    I enjoy listenimg to the show for sometime now. I think you are a great addition to the show. Although there a number of listens with single.wide mentality and a brain smaller than there pitbull. There inabilty to express them selves other than slang gives little importance to there rant. The silent majorty support and love listening to you. Dont waste time thinking about what the Moon Lake gang thinks.

  • Greg Derenthal - 12 years ago

    Sorry Tara got to say no to you. Im sure you are nice but I dont think I would have you in my HOT WET BITCHES OF TAMPA BAY. Thats right bubba, if you bring me on as the new intern (with pay of course so I can quite my lousy job) I will bring the Hot Wet Bitches report every week. The possibilities are endless with the types of women and the skits that could come from it. HWB trivia. It worked for Howard why not you? Let me know. That and I am a racing fan and could do a weekly racing update for you too.

  • mcrews - 12 years ago

    NO! She has no talent, she is not funny, smart, or talented! No redeaming qualities other than Bubba's sibling! Get Artie or anyone else, no women please!

  • Joebuffalo - 12 years ago


    Just to let you know I have voted for Tara on-the-air in your TSS poll. In doing so I must also add that 25 in the studio is fuckin incredible! He has you on your toes even more than Spice did, and quite frankly he makes you bring your A game like no other. Although I would like to see them both stay, if I had to choose one it would be 25, hands down...and if Tara ever wises up and leaves the filthy Egyptian I think she should doll out some of that pussy to 25 as well, maybe for

  • Mongo - 12 years ago

    I listen to BTLS every morning on the way into work. Tara is doing a great job. All these supposed fans that make comments about Tara's slit and various other shit that has nothing to do with their lives need to take the meth pipe or cock out of their mouths.

  • Matt Faust - 12 years ago

    Tara breaks up the sausage party nicely. Keep it up.

  • Edwin - 12 years ago

    Tara is ok but 25 would be better,
    Give him a chance hes the man

  • Get off the air whore - 12 years ago

    The only people that like tara are the butch lesbian feminists, other than that she needs to be back doing her bitch duties, in the kitchen, cooking cleaning spreading her legs. bubbas show sucks now without spice i look forward to gerabo and the other shows now.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    Im a retired LEO and a long time listener of the show and appreciate all ya'll do for the LEO Community. I think Tara is a good addition to the show. I think that everyone is so use to hearing an all male crew and given some time the listeners will come to appreciate her. Keep up the good work !!!!!!! BUBBA ARMY !!!!!

  • Josh - 12 years ago

    Hells no

  • Jason - 12 years ago

    She is horrible!!! Your show would be better
    without her. She is bringing the show down i only lessen because there is nothing else to lessen to. Get rid of her NOW!!!

  • taras cheating - 12 years ago

    Tara got someone doing your dirty work or is it you?Every minute or so? come on give me a break.WHORE

  • Mr.Edz - 12 years ago

    She's alright.
    But 25 cent (on the RadioIO show) is the f-ing man.

  • Gene Stewart - 12 years ago

    I for one think Tara is getting better, at first she seemed shy, quiet and frankly wouldn't fit. I have noticed as time goes on, she's talking more, she's getting comfortable it sounds to me. I say give her time she will make a great addition to the show. You're doing good Tara keep up the good work.

  • Tara Sucks - 12 years ago

    Tara should get off air and get her wide slit shocked and do bubba saw.Then switch spots with 25 cent.Get that Tranny sounding bitch off the mic.Sexy sounding my ass.
    25 for on air campaign.

  • Sidney Reigh - 12 years ago

    As a female, I like Tara because she is not one of those broads who over-talks everyone and giggles and cackles at everything - nothing is more annoying than listening to some loud mouth b!tch on the radio in the morning. She knows when to talk and keeps it brief and shuts up when the guys are talking. So, I am good with Tara but do not want to hear a womans voice on the Bubba show - especially one that is loud, obnoxious and is yapping too much.

  • Gatorhater - 12 years ago

    All you guys that don't want to hear a sexy woman's voice in morning are FAGS !!! Love you Tara in a male lesbian sorta way.

  • Richard Grubber - 12 years ago

    Tara doesn't fit. A female wouldn't be bad for the show, but she hasn't delivered anything aside from "gilla"
    And Ned was the only one to make that lame gag funny
    Also who wouldn't she have sex with? She comes off as a skank, and I find it obnoxious

  • steve clark - 12 years ago

    No! I think Tara's got to go, there's an ass for every seat, but tara's fine ass doesn't belong on the seat in front of the microphone... I think you should keep her but Put her out back doing something else... running errands, washing your cars, vacuuming, cleaning the toilets ETC. Maybe bring her in once in a while when you want to talk about her pussy or need a woman's opinion, like you do with 25 when you need a black man! I honestly think 25 will bring more to the table than Tara! I'm not hating on you Tara and I love the fact that you suck dick almost every day! You're a keeper for sure! And when you break up with that stinky Egyptian I wouldn't mind taking a run on you myself! The show defiantly lost something great when spice boy left! that's not to say it still isn't good and can't get better than it ever was! but in my personal opinion you need someone else filling those shoes! BUBBA You got to get a hold of your show before it falls apart, with spice leaving I think that might have been the snowball that may have started an avalanche, (I HOPE NOT!) but Tara's not doing much to fill his shoes, and Brent's going GAY! before you know it He'll be running around the studio playing Grab Ass with Ned! I wouldn't be suppressed if Brent made a pass at Spice and that's why he felt he had to go out on his own! Reel it in brother... BUBBA ARMY!

  • frank codwell - 12 years ago

    Just because Tara quit her job in corporate america.Why do we have to suffer the wrath of the slit?Its your fault u didnt have a job not ours so go back!!!!

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    Please do the right thing bubba and get her off the air!! I have nothing against her personally; just a woman's voice in general on the show does not work!! I have not laughed since she has been on. I keep listening because I have faith that you will do the right thing and get the show back on track!! LONG LIVE NED!!!

  • opoc - 12 years ago

    Look, Tara seems like a great person and sister but she sucks on the air. She doesn't contribute anything interesting or funny; an empty chair would have been more entertaining. But, it was Bubba's call so don't take it out on Tara. Maybe it's that she was there for Bubba during the divorce and he was looking to repay her but it was the wrong call.

    Where is Brent? (Work often interrupts my listening, you fucking marks, so I might have missed something.)

  • Gary Sanchez - 12 years ago

    Long time fan, since the Power Pig, XM Radio. Life time member to Sirius,(for you, so much for that) and early enlister. Loved the man show, not shure what you have now. Terra realy sucks, she gives nothing to the show of any value. Other than when Bubba was bashing on her child of a husban. I have no idea what eaveryone eals hears in her. Bubba, you need to listen to your show on replay. 25cent should be pissed since he is the one the has earned the right to hold that spot. I am so sick of hearing Terra saying "Man", o' Man.... Man.... Man Like what we all said in the 80's

  • Tony - 12 years ago

    Tara would be better if she had an original thought and didnt just mark out to other show members. All she does is use the same "lingo" as bubba, manson, spice, and brent. Get your own personality, stop using other peoples!!!

  • 2pac - 12 years ago

    She good ... Nigga dame

  • @brenthatley - 12 years ago

    You Marks are so busy watching the shiny object that the fat man is dangling, that you didn't even notice I was canned.

  • James Emmet - 12 years ago

    HEY TARA Quit Voting for yourself!!!! I know u and turdlick are sitting there voting for you.

  • Karen Staleze - 12 years ago

    Obviously They planned to keep her all along.Look at her twitter title from week 2 she already labeled herself as "On air talant and Producer for Bubba the love sponge show" so there is no doubt the bubba idol and your opinions dont matter to him.The show has gone from losing tons of B.A from the sirius bullshit to the new move by adding His sister? come on.Dont be suprised when you lose another chunk of the B.A.Im sickened by them adding Tara to the show.

  • black girl from orlando - 12 years ago

    seriously, Snooki woulda been better than Tara

  • The Shocker - 12 years ago

    "I love Tara on air....breath of fresh air and when she and Ned fight, it's great. "?

    Really? Ned is not even a real person. He is Manson. And if you didn't already know that, you should be able to figure it out pretty quickly from the fake and insincere 'fighting' that Ned and Tara go through.

  • Radioio Jones - 12 years ago

    What happened to the "10 day trial"? She's gotta go.

    25 is the obvious choice to take the seat.

  • scout and biggulp - 12 years ago

    We LOVE Tara on the air!!

  • Brian - 12 years ago

    I love Tara on air....breath of fresh air and when she and Ned fight, it's great. Love it when she busts on Bubba. Change is good

  • chez - 12 years ago

    No disrespect but Tara needs to go. Sounds hot but not good for show. Maybe the show whore.

  • mike blackman - 12 years ago

    tara blows! she sounds like delilah...annoying.

  • Get back in the kitchen - 12 years ago

    Tara, like most women, suck on air. They try to talk sexy to play up to all the male listeners and it's sad. She doesn't bring anything to the show. She just agrees to anything. She needs to get back in the kitchen and pop out babies, that's it.

  • BigDsrq - 12 years ago

    She sounds kinda hot. She's got my vote!

  • Wes - 12 years ago

    Tara kicks ass!
    Good to have a female voice on air!

  • tommy mcdonaugh - 12 years ago

    Tara sucks .long live Ned .

  • tommy mcdonaugh - 12 years ago

    Tara sucks .long live Ned .

  • Kammy - 12 years ago

    As a women I like to hear Tara on the show.

  • Pimp - 12 years ago

    She sucks. Her fake radio voice is annoying! She constantly talks over other people with a stupid joke that no one laughs at

  • Brandon - 12 years ago

    I don't really care for her. If Spice isn't going to be there, I would prefer reverting back to the original Sirius days where it was Bubba, Brent, and Manson/Ned.

  • Stefan - 12 years ago

    Tara needs to stay spice was good but things move on and she is good keep going Tara from the uk

  • zack - 12 years ago

    Terra is decent. my whole thing is; wasn't this supposed to be temporary until the Bubba idol winner takes her place.

  • Bigdave - 12 years ago

    Love Tara we are live from South Bend In. We love her here u guys are great..

  • Kaylei Jones - 12 years ago

    I've been listening everyday since I moved to Tampa last April... The show has always been awesome and although it's sad spice left but tara is doing a great job!!! All the haters shut the f*ck up

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