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Do you think Obama's immigration policy is a slap in the face for Blacks?

Total Votes: 3,027

  • Philip Chan B. - 12 years ago

    I do not look at the immigration decision as a slap to black people although I do agree that this President has definitely seemed to have turned a deaf ear to his black constituency. You can't be mad at latinos for pushing their agenda. The squeaky wheel gets the oil but as we are proving now is that Mr. President does not have to pay attention to us because we refuse to do anything but complain while sitting on our backside. We have no clear leadership, we have no clear platform, we have no clear organization and we have too many talkers and non-doers. Black businesses expect black people to be committed to them but they have no commitment to black people in return. They have no investment into the communities when they get support they don't put back into the community instead they buy their big beautiful homes and fine cars and clothes and look down instead of reaching back. So why should we be hating on Latinos for doing what we should be doing. We allow our black brothers to be lazy while collecting disabilities, they have no jobs but consistently making babies they can't afford, we allow the school systems to push our kids into special ed classes and put them on medication all because they want to make a case for collecting Social Security benefits our black women spend money for the kids on their hair, nails, wardrobe and oh men. Our NAACP's, Urban Leagues, 100 Black Men and Black Congressional Caucuses have relaxed on us gotten old but refuse to turn over to young abled body abled minded brothers and sisters for pride purposes. In other words how can we hate when we don't have our shit together. Until we fix whats wrong with us then we have nothing to say. Besides if we don't put something in front of him to sign for US, then how can we expect him to do for us.

  • T. Sanders - 12 years ago

    I do not think that illegal immigration is favorable to Black America. Why do we compare illegal acts and disobeying U.S. laws by foreign nationals, primarily from Latin America, to U.S. citizens who used civil disobedience to bring about the Civil Rights Movement? The Civil Right Movement had roots in fighting for rights that were denied to us and our ancestors being enslaved from Africa. This is not the same as willfully entering a country and insisting on constitutional rights based unlawful action. Even if you were here through illegal action of family members, why should America continue to pay for this? It is truly hurtful that so many Black Americans either do not understand or care to realize that we support other ethnic groups who simply do not have our best interest in mind. I live in NYC, the melting pot of America, so I know this as my daily reality. Please vote for the best candidate in November 2012! Don't vote instinctively based on race or party affiliation. America has not always been kind to Black Americans but it is the only nation most of us call home. If we don't cherish our nation's sovereignty and curb illegal immigration, life as it we know will cease to exist.

  • Wake and smell the coffee - 12 years ago

    I am sadden by Franklin, he is brain washed. I prayed for my job and it was granted. If you are depending on man that is why you are in the shape you are in. Me Franklin is fooling himself. I respect you for who you want. See if Mitt will help you. I look at the news dailey and I know the game they are playing us against Obama with this article. Why blame Obama for what has happen century ago. If you think he can fix it in four years you are in the wrong world. All these side talkers walk a mile in Obama shoes and come back and tell me what you have done. Obama owe me nothing and I am not looking for him to do anything special for me but for all the people. Some of you need some love in your heart.

  • Creoleleo - 12 years ago

    Why would helping children from something unjust be a slap in the to anyone?

    This is not an us against them situation. For your information, the POTUS has been courageous about everything, not just what you singled out. To get up every day in a country that call you a monkey and your wife a baboon and fight for the greater good of that country makes one damn courageous.

    Stop the racial displays and plays if one race against another. It's a non factor except to the KKK TEA PARTY, the FOX NEWS SHEEP and the KOCH BROTHERS.

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    #1) I am African-American, not white! #2) My family and I were die hard Democrats ay one time giving the Dems tens of thousands of dollars in donations, conducting volunteer work for them and campaigning vigorously for them until the Director of the Ohio Department of Development at the time, Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher (A DEMOCRAT) removed my father from his Auditor's Position after 25.25 years, the Democrats refused to help me find a job a after a year of volunteer work on their behalf and the Union my father belonged to for 4 years and was paying Union Dues in excess of $400-$500$20 per year decided to side with Democrat Lee Fisher and not help my father get his position back. That Union was the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA), that threw my father under the bus. So I hope you can understand this: I HOPE THE REPUBLICANS SWEEP THE FLOOR WITH THE DEMOCRATS ON NOVEMER 6TH!!! The Democrats are spineless cowards, with no sense of loyalty! When Former President Bill Clinton was the President, Democrats looked out for each other and helped each other out. Barack Obama only cares about himself and his own agenda. That is why my family and I will vote for the whole Republican Ticket come November 6th! Revenge is a motherfucker, but it keeps our family motivated! The Franklin Family helped the Republicans sweep Ohio in 2010, and we plan on helping the Republicans do the same on November 6, 2012! Like I said before, the only way the Franklin Family will ever support a Democrat in the future, for POTUS, would be if a Clinton or Kennedy would run for office! Both of whom have proven records for helping blacks, poor people and middle class people! Ask for the disloyal fake Democrats in office now, they can kiss my big black ashy part time working no benefits having ass!!!! Really looking forward to the US Supreme Court striking down Obamacare at the end of this month too! Have A GREAT SUMMER! GO GOP!!!

  • Tired of hearing your BS - 12 years ago

    To James Franklin
    You are obviously a non intelligent , fool of a bafoon and son of poor white raceiest who can not see the handwriting on the wall. If you don't like the man, ok but at least make a rational intelligent assesment of the facts and stop preaching garbage!!! No one is listening!!!

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    NO!!! What would be a DEFEAT would be Barack Hussein Obama getting reelected, him going on VACATION for 75% of his Presidency, things staying the same or getting worse over the next 4 years to the point where a Republican like Paul Ryan or Jed Bush runs in 2016, and beats the Democratic Candidate in a landslide. If either the Democrats or Republicans can't gain control of the White House, the US Senate and the US House, with overwhelming seats, nothing will get accomplished in the next 4 years, regardless of who becomes the President this November 6th! Even when the Democrats controlled the White House, the US Senate and US Congress from 2008-2010, they still weren't able to accomplish a damn thing! Only a Clinton or Kennedy in the White House has the power and negotiating skills to make a difference in Washington. When Ted Kennedy was in the US Senate, people listened, and when he told other politicians to jump, they would ask, "How High???" This is the kind of power and respect that Barack Hussein Obama does not have!

  • Codovan Mcgee - 12 years ago

    My Belief is that African Amer. should support our president and stand with other Ethnic groups, that stand for what American was founded on. Rights for all, We know that justice is not blind that the scales are tip against minorities and low income whites as well. In order to stop the far Rights war against equality for all ( the KKK's basic principal), to not BAND TOGETHER WOULD BE A DEFEAT for all of us who Love our Country and want our once great country to be Great again. He maybe the firsrt African American President but he can't just stand in an African Americans shoes , he must stand for ALL.

  • Non-Monolithic Black Woman - 12 years ago

    To Lexy, E Ray, Ogun, B. Smith and all others who believe that President Obama is doing the best he can, then you know nothing about the narcissistic personality. President Obama knows exactly what he is doing and it is working very well. He is dividing America through racial division, lies, propoganda. He does not care about blacks or latinos he only wants your votes to keep him in the power he believes he deserves. He knows whatever he says to blacks or whatever he does against blacks blacks will still vote for him. He is for everything black Americans are against: abortion and the very cruel partial-birth abortion (he even stated that the babies that managed to stay alive should have a comfort room to die in) , gay marriage under God (he previously stated to the country that he thinks marriage under God should be between one man and one woman) , war against christianity (children cannot even sing songs that mention anything about God bless America), he cancels National Pray Day (yet turns around and have National Muslim call to pray), he claims to be a christian but he believes in all these un-christian things.

    He hasn't done anything to advance education except make sure the teachers' unions get the perks they want by keeping poor black children in low performing schools. In his own city of Chicago, he personally killed the very popular and successful voucher system that allowed black parents to take their children out of low performing schools and put them in high performing schools yet he sends his children to the very best schools. And as for jobs, young black men have the highest unemployment rate under this President at well over 50% (check the facts). If he has created so many jobs, then why can't even college graduates find employment. Oh! and don't look to the service industry - you know like fast food, restaurants and such - if you can't speak spanish you can forget those jobs (see Houston, TX where most job postings are for spanish speakers only and than means a large amount of blacks can't get a job).

    So, Lexy, E Ray, Ogun, B.Smith and all others that think like you do, go ahead and continue to love a man you know nothing about (read "Dreams of My Father" by Barack Obama for a real dose of lies and make-believe; although I do believe that he snorted so much cocaine that during most of his college days he was stoned out of his mind (his words not mine) and open wide your eyes and heart 'cause he doesn't love you.

  • M. Sigler - 12 years ago

    What are African Americans waiting on, a nother handout? African Americans have been in the United States of America longer than any minority, yet struggles the most. As long as African Americans see/class themselves as African Americans and not as Americans this loop will continue for generations. Latinos and Asians have a group mindset, low skill low pay job equate to more opportunities for employment. Each member of the group has a role. As more members of the group get employment, resources are amassed. This is a recurring process. First work, second bring more like you to work, third pool resources, bring to buy businesses, fourth own the business and become owners of real property, employment opportunities. Living the American dream as a minority, while African Americans continue to struggle due in large part to self, me, whats in it for me fallacy. We failed to learn from past history and are doomed to continue to play out this scenario again again and blame others for our failure. This is not the Dream of the King, Martin that is. Use your head other than as a hat rack. There is air and opportunity for all Americans. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and stop blaming others for your failures.

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Even Former President Bill Clinton questioned Barack Obama's Methods & Priorities! Bill Clinton who has been deemed a scholar and the most intellectually gifted President in History doubted and continues to doubt Barack Obama's Leadership and Decision Making Capabilities! So if that makes Bill Clinton and I ignorant for questioning why Barack Obama is doing certain things, so be it. I just wish I could go back a vote for Hillary Clinton because like other Americans, I am having buyers remorse after 4 years of empty Obama Speeches! Speeches don't put food on the table!

  • Ella - 12 years ago

    I feel this article to be a fact and hurtful to Black Americans, in Delaware the second smallest state, jobs have been revoked, refused to americans and given to immigrants because the government pays monies to companies who hire immigrants, well what about us (the americans) preferring to blacks ? As a matter of fact I almost didn't get a job due to this reason. The only way i did get it was because I was once full time. What about the black americans that have been working years just , at a seasonal job and get the pink slip due to the government paying for companies to hire immigrants legal or illegal? My point is it has always been harder for the black man from field to farm- house to hell, it has always been a STRUGGLE, and the 21st century doesn't look too much simplier than the 16th century. We still are guilty before even trying to be found innocent, the phrase the black man did it is still in full effect. Now the government has the nerve to suppliment other lands before looking out for homeland, the system is all skewed up! however we cant blame President (Mr.) Obama for it all, he had lots of help from his former predecessors.

  • E Ray - 12 years ago

    Kissing ass?...why?! Because i dont agree with you?...its clear that youre not really educated to the things that President Obama has done for this country and dont have a clue as to what youre talking about, thats ignorance!!!

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Way to kiss ass E Ray! Barack Hussein Obama = Broken Promises & Shattered Dreams!!!

  • E Ray - 12 years ago

    Very well put lexy!!!!!

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Well Ms. Lexy, all I am hearing is excuses for President Hussein Obama! Former President Bill Clinton did not make excuses as to why something couldn't be done, but instead he obtained results through common sense decisions. 23 million jobs were generated under Bill Clinton and we had a surplus in America, as far as the economy goes. Bill Clinton stayed amongst the black communities by choice, whereas Barack Hussein Obama only visits black communities when election time rolls around, stating that he is better that the alternative Mitt Romney! Maybe or maybe not! The fact remains that Barack Hussein Obama has yet to clarify what he will do to create jobs in the second term if the Republicans take over the US Senate and keep control of the US House of Representatives. Ask for helping ourselves, I feel the same way about Barack Hussein Obama on November 6th: Let him help himself without the support of the black community that he has refused to acknowledge for 4 years! I do agree with you that the young lady needs to vote (hopefully for Mitt Romney), but one thing I strongly feel we need in this country is a third political party that truly represents the best interests of poor and middle class Americans of all races, at ALL TIMES, NOT JUST DURING ELECTION TIME, TO GET REELECTED!!! Compare Barack Hussein Obama's Accolades to other politicians like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy's Accomplishments, andd people like myself would laugh at the comparison because Barack Hussein Obama can't hold a match to the Clintons or Kennedys! We just had over 10,000 students graduate from Ohio State University, and guess what they are doing after graduation??? Either going back to Graduate School or moving back home with their parents until a job becomes available. Under Bill Clinton, people could obtain a good full time job that paid them what they are worth, not jobs like sewer manager, landscaping specialist or data entry assistant that any high school dropout could obtain @ $7.75 per hour. These particular jobs under this administration is ridiculous for college graduates that need to pay bills and student loans in excess of $20,000-$50,000 or more. Obama and the Democrats want us to be satisfied with these jobs??? Hell No I'm Not Satisfied!!!

  • Lexy - 12 years ago

    James Franklin, knock it off. Go troll somewhere on the Dark Web would you...with all that Barack Hussein Obama crap. Yeah, his middle name is what. Do you really think the average black person cares about that stupidity...? You're barking up the wrong tree. Go try the Daily Caller if you want to spout that crap.

    Now, on to intelligent debate. This article is ridiculous. I find it so hard to believe that educated black people don't understand the position the president is in. First of all, he was not elected to be a president for Black America. He was elected to be a president for the United States of America, and that job includes helping ALL Americans, not just blacks. His policies are designed to help every struggling American. For the young girl who said she might not vote this time. Seriously, our grandparents and great-grandparents were murdered, hosed and thrown in jail so you COULD VOTE. You know what happens when we stay at home and don't vote...Mitt Romney wins. You know what happens to middle class Americans if Romney gets elected...they get screwed! You think President Obama hasn't done enough for the black community, just image how much Mitt Romney would do for the black community or any community other than the wealthiest 1%.

    President Obama has done everything he can to help the middle class. He's pushed health care reform, jobs projects, low college tuition, infrastructure projects that would help the economy and much more. He hasn't pushed policies that are so far left and he has tried to work across the aisle. How's that worked out for him? The far right has crucified him at every turn...painting him to be some socialist, black liberation theologian! And the black community is saying he hasn't done enough to help them. This guy can't win! Conservatives are making it seem like he's two steps from painting the White House Black, and black Americans are still whining about him not doing enough to help them. Here's a thought. Help yourselves!

    Newsflash: There is no government program that the President could create or enact that could solve the myriad problems in the black community. We need to start taking some responsibility for our own actions. We need to start investing in our own communities, becoming mentors to youth from broken homes, tutors for students in poor schools, etc. This article misses the mark by blaming the president for this immigration stance. The author mentions that these people "broke the law" by coming into the country, but unless I'm mistaken the Pres. was talking about helping children who came to this country illegally with their families, but have grown up here. I highly doubt you can call a child who came to the country through no fault of their own a lawbreaker. Come on. Let's wake up, people.

    Everyone wanted President Obama to be their golden cow....liberals wanted him to shift things far left, environmentalists wanted more regulation, wall street wanted less regulation, white folks wanted to make sure he wasn't only going to be "Black America's President", black folks wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be "White America's Affirmative Action President"...the list goes on and on. He can't be all things to all people. He's just trying to do the hardest job in the world, with the eyes of the world on him, history on his heels, and attacks coming from all sides. I'd like to see any of you do better.

  • Queen - 12 years ago

    As much as it disappoints me to admit, Obama hasn't done anything for the black community. Not tht I'm aware of. 4 years ago I was 20 and it was my first time voting. Before the I didn't think my vote mattered. I had faith in our black president. I don't think I will vote this time. I just don't see the point. What is destined to happen will happen. Smh....I feel like my ancestors...I'm looking forward to heaven one day bc life in America as a dark skinned black woman is a life of struggle....

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Obama is a joke! Find a way to put Former President Bill Clinton back in the Oval Office, and Americans can get back to work and needless wars will be ended. Mitt Romney will win on November 6th! Barack Hussein Obama will have the next 4 years to try and figure out why he hates and disregards his own people so much! Former President Bill Clinton will forever be our country's 1st Black President, not because of the color of his skin, but because he truly cared about the American Economy, Job Creation and socializing with and helping the black community with their issues and problems. Bill Clinton openly voiced his support for Affirmative Action! I have never heard Obama speak about Affirmative Action and how it affects African Americans in the workplace, not even once!

  • Midnight - 12 years ago

    its all a strategy he needs all the votes he can possibly get why not help the new majority. Its like ill scratch your back and u scratch mine. Simple math

  • E Ray - 12 years ago

    Seriously?! this article suppose to stur us (black folk) up? Are open our eyes?...this is nonsense open YOUR eyes, and please for those who aren't in tuned to politics please get involved because its articles like these that cause those who do not know any better pass judgement when they do not filly understand. Yes i can agree that the war on drugs may be bad, but where I grew up its been bad and no other president tried to stop it so why should President Obama get the blame. No job?! There are plenty of jobs that have been created under this administration! The problem with "US" (black folk) is that we do not like to put our pride aside and work. So yes it does seem like the immigrants are taking over. I mean, dont get me wrong i love my black people but at some point we have to get to the place where we stop looking for handouts. Put yourself in positions for success, you cant expect to get a job in corporate america unless you get off your butts and get yourself EDUCATED!! (just a thought). It boggles my mind how when President Obama came into office how us black people thought everything would be handed to us. I mean racism still exists people, not only for us but for President Obama as well. I encourage my black people, dont be so quick to point fingers and blame. Dont be so quick to let your mind be over taken so easily by articles like these, without doing your own research. President Obama has made so many opportunities availible for the black community but WE have to do our part too because it wont jus be given to us. We have the SMARTEST, MOST EDUCATED PRESIDENT in office to date right now!!! Jus to think he made it easier for educational opportunities to be reached. Its not that President Obama doesnt want to help us out, maybe perhaps he wants to expand our knowledge, get an education, and then realize the opportunities you have. PRESIDENT OBAMA-RE-ELECTION

  • Debi - 12 years ago

    For all of you who say President Obama has turned his back on Black people - you don't get it. Do some research. Look at the policies that he has already put in place to benefit ALL Americans. If you think he hasn't benefitted us - go right ahead and vote for Romney - or just don't vote at all. YOU'LL BE SORRY !!!

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney WILL defeat Barack Hussein Obama! The unemployment rate for black people nationwide is around 16.4%-20%, and Obama doesn't give a shit about anybody's job but his own! What Obama failed to calculate is the fact that white people are also struggling to find a full time job, not to mention college graduates that need to pay back student loans and military soldiers coming home from war, who are also unable to find work. Obama campaigned on JOB CREATION when running for President, and then spent two and a half years trying to ram OBAMACARE through the US House and the US Senate, and then flying on Air Force One, going from battleground state to battleground state trying to sell his healthcare reform bill to the American Public, putting Job Creation on his to do list further down. Barack Obama is on his own agenda, not what Americans need the most: JOBS!!!! Barack Obama can't hold Former Bill Clinton's Jock Strap because Bill Clinton was smart enough to know that the economy and job creation is what gets you a second term in office. This is called COMMON SENSE!!! What if President Barack Hussein Obama gets reelected and spends his second term on vacation, and not being able to get anything accomplished in another 4 years??? That means the Republicans will win in a landslide in 2016 because Obama will have singlehandedly destroyed and tarnished the already questionable reputation of the Democratic Party! When the US Supreme Court renders ObamaCare Unconstitutional in a week or two, Barack Hussein Obama's first two and a half years in office will be rendered null and void, and this will set off a chain reaction or ripple effect that will be capitalized on by Mitt Romney and the Republican Party all the way to November 6th! This all stems from Obama having his priorities all fucked up, from day #1 in the Oval Office. The American People needed jobs, but Barack Obama felt we needed Mandatory Health Care more. Go Figure!!!

  • Jacqueline - 12 years ago

    I agree with everything said about the war on drugs but I think some people forget that politics is very very delicate game. If Obama wants to be re-elected this year he cannot be seen as catering to black America. That would be the end of him. Change comes slowly and having a non-white president is a big deal for a lot of small minded people; and a lot of people are still upset about it. I mean 4 years later and we are still hearing the 'birther' argument. His critics are waiting for him to cater to black Americans and would pounce all over him, they have been waiting for him to make that move from day one.
    I think his move to help immigrants is a good civil rights move and it makes me sad as some one of mixed race that African-americans would be upset but this or see it as a snub. I think those upset by that are maybe a little ignorant of how politics in this country work.
    I would also like to point out that while with the passing of time the war on drugs has clearly created systemized racism, and disproportionately against African-Americans, it affects Latios as well. I can only hope that with a second term, with-out reelection hanging over his head he will be able to end our longest and costliest war.

  • Nedudgi - 12 years ago

    Regretfully Obama made a political calculation from day one that blacks and progressives (two major groups of his base without whom he would have never been elected) have nowhere to go and hence do not deserve his support, energy and help. As calculating and wrong this strategy has been it will probably work, as indeed these two groups have no alternative but to vote for Obama, if they do not want to ruin our nation via electing Romney. Nevertheless, this has been a deplorable strategy in my opinion.

  • James Franklin - 12 years ago

    Barack Obama is a fraud! Former President Bill Clinton loved the Black Community more than any other President in history. Obama avoids the dire issues in the black community like the Black Plague! Barack Obama has spent three and a half years ignoring the black community, turning his back on us and taking our votes and support for granted! Well Mr. President, Revenge is a bitch! I think my family and I will take out our frustrations at the voting booth this November! You turned yoir back on the same black people that put your black ass in the White House in the first place??? So this is what a true uncle tom looks like. Now you are using Bill Clinton to campaign for you so you the can get out the black vote, due to the fact that Former President Bill Clinton has a PROVEN RECORD of helping black people over eight years! Time for blacks to turn our backs on Obama like he has done to us, and hope and Pray a Clinton or Kennedy runs for President in 2016!

  • OMOLOLU OGUN - 12 years ago

    The gesture by the President , is a welcome one which should help all young folks trying to make a decent life for themselves in a country they were brought into as kids, the lifestyle of which they have gotten accustomed to! The republicans if in power without the consideration of the unreasonableness of an action such as deporting all immigrants might try it out as a policy to the detriment of the country as a whole. This would involve brain drain on a huge scale never before seen in history in the history of the USA! What the President has done is both right, with good conscience in mind and added to this is the political expediency that comes with it.

    On how this affects blacks, it should be noted that all the battles being fought by the African americans against the American system is also being fought by the latino folks as both groups somehow always end up facing all kinds of injustices within the American system, What the President's new executive order says is that, it applies to immigrants who could be white, black, orientals or latinos. no single entity was singled out for extraordinary treatment.
    The black folks should let Obama carry on with his work and those trying to make out a latino v black scenario should desist from so doing so as this is not what this all about!

  • B Smith - 12 years ago

    Just what is it that you would have President Obama do? All I see are blatant
    criticisms void of constructive suggestions. You may as well go to work for
    Mitt Romney!!

  • T.Mann - 12 years ago

    I agree 100% with this article. The war on drugs has been the biggest injustice on black americans since slavery. There are more Black men in the "System" today than were slaves in 1865. The racial profiling, false stereotypes, and obvious mistreatment has been accepted in this society as a norm. H.R. 2449 (The Second Chance Act) has no support but it gives an opportunity for first time non-violent offenders to expunge their records and have opportunities to become productive citizens. The author of the book "The New Jim Crow" mentions that if reparations are to be paid, they should be paid to all the victims of the war on drugs. This war seriously destroyed our families, neighborhoods and self identity while allowing an entire generation of children to grow up in broken homes. Its just sad how so many black men gave up their rights to a plea bargain and were underrepresented by public defenders who's idea of defense was a plea bargain. THE ENTIRE PROCESS WAS DESIGNED TO FAIL THE BLACK MAN.

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