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Was the province right to release Makoon?

Total Votes: 3,970

  • sherry erickson - 12 years ago

    . There was no reason that it couldn't have been kept until it had a chance to survive on its own , or taken to Ontario to be looked after for free !. It was orphaned most likely because of humans. Things like this just don't happen naturally. It's mother was probably shot or killed for it's organs, so sick. We are taking away there natural habitat but yet some narrow minded people think we should walk by and leave a dying animal at the side of the road an ignore it. Nice! Not any better are the people in charge of our conservation and government who let it go.
    Most species stay with there mothers to be taught and be fed until they are old enough to look after themselves. We humans took away its mother and now throw it back into the wild. There's nothing natural about that! We as humans should never stand there and watch any animal die in a ditch or otherwise. Makoon will never survive, only by miracle He will more than likely starve. A lot of food conservation says! Berries what berries . There are no berries @ this time. They said they looked and said there's plenty of food. Thats a joke! Its heart breaking and wrong and we are now an looked down upon even more as a country! Good luck trying to get people to support and donate to the new bear exhibit! It's sad those of us who love animals have to be bullied and put through this senseless crime of watching this happen and not be able to stop it!

  • Colin - 12 years ago

    The cub should not have been grabbed in the first place. It's you people that think these cute cuddly animals should be saved that cause car accidents when you feed them and make them unafraid of humans. These cubs now have a chance at a true life of a bear, not a zoo bear. Good work Manitoba conservation!!

  • Melanie Chewka - 12 years ago

    Too bad we're all not so concerned about our fellow brothers and sisters and neighbors, or homeless people as we are about this bear. I blame whoever found him, sometimes when we intervene with nature, we spoil the natural course of it.....

  • marc - 12 years ago

    I can't believe they did this. I am devestated by the news, why would they do this. There were better options then to pretty much let him starve to death!!

  • Harvey - 12 years ago

    There should have been another option on the poll. That.. is " who gives a flying ****"

    All this wasted energy over two bears.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    This makes me sick! I can not believe that the poor orphan INFANTS have been released to die! They are way to young to be able to take care of themselves! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE THAT REALEASED THEM!? We have traveled to Canada to see the bears & wild life .. we are booked again later this year .. I AM CANCELLING THE BOOKING .. will NOT support a country that treats God's creatures this way .. I WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN MANITOBA AGAIN! Someone said the ones that want the bear to survive should pay for it themselves .. well, I DID MAKE A SIZABLE DONATION! THANK YOU! Some people forget .. this was THEIR land before it was ours .. we are pushing them out .. we kill their mothers by either car or gun .. then we let the babies die .. starve or what ever .. some times I wonder just who is the animal in this world we call OURS! :( God bless the little ones & help keep them safe!

  • Abe Sampson - 12 years ago

    Rather than attack Conservation for the decision to release the cub, why not attack the unnatural reasons why bear cubs are orphaned?

  • Darlene - 12 years ago


  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    All round this is wrong. Makoon had another options that would guarantee his survival, that other option was to go to Bears With Us. Shame on them.

    The time has come for a ban on hunting mother bears. If the Manitoba Government doesn't want to care for orphan bears, then don't make baby bears into orphans.

  • Cecilia Masse - 12 years ago

    SHAME ON YOU. I for my part will return my NDP MEMBERSHIP.

  • Bill Claydon - 12 years ago

    The Manitoba Department of Conservation should either be true to its name or change it. This was an arogant and ignorant decision of theirs to put zero effort into improving the odds for Makoon. They are giving the finger to the thousands of Manitobans and others around the globe who were looking to Government for a little imagination and creativity in dealing with this issue. I think it was a year or two ago that they killed an orphaned fawn that a good samaritan was trying to assist. The government has the power and they are acting like bullies. I am sure that for some of them it is no act!!! I hope the Winnipeg Humane Society can hold them accountable for this abuse of power.

    PS: I guess it is a good thing that "Winnie" lived in a different era or it would have been "disposable" in the eyes of "Conservation"!

  • Wendy - 12 years ago

    You're news reports don't speak to the over-population of black bears in Mb and the danger to human life. The couple that took the bear in originally were at fault and should have let nature handle it. The gov't did the responsible thing and now nature will decide its fate. Iin my opinion, way too much money has been spent on this bear already, while humans go hungry in our city. Where is our priority? All the do-gooders who want the bear kept alive should pay for it themselves privately and not burden the tax payer with it.

  • Local - 12 years ago

    It's amazing how many people fight for a bear that may or may not die in it's natural surroundings. Everyone forgets, that things like this happen. "Let Nature take it's course". For all those that fought, and protested for this little tiny bear, maybe put your efforts into human rights, and all the children that get left behind. It's sad how a lot of people will fight for an animal, and not children needing a parent to raise them, and feed them. I'm happy this bear is back in the wild where it belongs. It's a bear, and this typical bear is not near extinction. None of us know exactly what happens daily with these animals. Put your efforts into something more worth while.

  • Barb - 12 years ago

    Speaking of disappointment, what took the Humane Society of Winnipeg and the Humane Society of Canada so long to join the effort to have Makoon put in rehab care? Sorry WHS but WAY TO LITTLE WAY TOO LATE! The Minister of Conservation needs to resign and we need someone who demonstrates responsible stewardship and understands the term "conservation". Politics just sentenced these two beautiful lives to a horrid death...wonderful legacy for Manitobans and our wildlife.

  • tyler & skyler - 12 years ago

    its not right to send him out into the wild , cause he is not old enough to look after himself . he could get hurt from other preditors .

  • Jordan - 12 years ago

    I hope the WHS takes MB Conservation to Court. They should be charged with Animal Cruelty! There were better options available, and Conservation took the cheapest and easiest route out! Shame on the NDP!!

  • Farzana - 12 years ago

    Manitoba CONSERVATION should change it's name to "heartless" .

    Nobody in that department should be able to hold up their heads or their hands out to receive a paycheck from the Taxpayers of Manitoba - when they stubbornly refuse to hear the pleas of the citizens of this province - SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on you all.

    Compassion seems to have left the people employed in this department long ago.

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