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"Assisted suicide" is . . .

Total Votes: 155

  • John - 12 years ago

    Can you please clarify 'cheapens the sanctity of life'? It would seem to me that a persons' suffering and pain through a terminal illness would trump any 'sanctity of life', seeing as that suffering may leave them without the dignity to leave this earth peacefully.

    And as far as I know about Canadian law, the law is always up for interpretation and new precedents are being set daily. As society evolves, as should the laws in which that society is bound to.

    Your views seem childish, outdated, and in my opinion, moot in today's society.

    Ask yourself this: If a close family member was suffering, and wanted release from the pain, would you grant them their dignity, or would you deny it?

  • dave - 12 years ago

    i dont tell you what to do with your religion !! dont tell me what to do my death !!!.. roman catholic church does not own me . they torture and murdered millions the inquisition ??.... they are worried .....i die pain free ??......pathetic !!!!

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