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When is it ok to date after having a child?

1 Comment

  • Kari - 12 years ago

    My husband bailed on me and my toddler son when I was 4 days pregnant. I did the whole pregnancy alone and I can tell you that it was very lonely. My daughter was 6 months old last Saturday on the 16th and I went on my first date in over a year. I think as a rule of thumb, 1 year would be good, but I think you also have to look at each persons situation. I have been working full time as a Paralegal, raising my son, pregnant and now raising both babies on my own all while mowing my yard, keeping my home, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, and every other thing that is required of owning a home and raising two kids. I always put my kids first, but I am a woman and in order for me to be a good mom, I need to be a woman too. I would never put a man before my kids, but it was very nice to get out and have some adult conversation with an attractive man who gave me compliments, opened doors and reminded me that not all guys are jerks. I think you really need to always go with your gut. If it's some "chick" who is dressed up in her booty shorts and has six kids but all her pictures are her at the club....RED FLAG. All my pictures are of my kids, because I am ALWAYS with choice! Anyways, just thought I would share.

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