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Solid Edge. What environment do you live in?

1 Comment

  • David Breitstein - 12 years ago

    Good day-
    I train SE for a living, have for 17 years. What I see in the user base the past 2 years is the slow, but sure adaption (NOT replacement) of Synch design tools into daily design flow. The holdback? Without a doubt, the fear of change. User's are often measured by their CAD prowness, and ST is seen as a production slow-down. We adults hate change, and change with potential negatives? I'm not saying I agree with their rationale, but I hear it time and again.
    Funny, though- teach a ST transition class to a bunch of die-hard ordered groupies... and watch how fast they catch on to ST...and then it's contagious! "why didn't we do this sooner?"
    Great poll, dude. Thanks

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