As a professional designer, I can easily say that only the third cover is appropriate for the purpose of your book. The other two are prettier but they don't provide any real concept. Actually the third cover has a lot of problems like the inappropriate match of fonts and that ugly merging between the diagram and the "I", but that's something that could easily be corrected.
Carol - 17 years ago
The 3 rd one is by far the best. The first two are very boring , and look like something I dragged out of the attic----like an antique or some of my Mom's old leftover wallpaper. The 3 rd one caught my attention, and relates to your topic. Quite clever!!
Richard DellOrfano - 17 years ago
MEbane: Congratualtion on your book design. However, I like number one with modifications. I went to Yale graduate school, and one thing is missing on your design: Instead of a white rectangle, make it a Gothic window (a peek at inside trade secrets, maybe) embedded in a wall of Ivy. That would clinch it for me, and suggest a whole lot more than just words.
Good luck
Richard DellOrfano - 17 years ago
MEbane: Congratualtion on your book design. However, I like number one with modifications. I went to Yale graduate school, and one thing is missing on your design: Instead of a white rectangle, make it a Gothic window (a peek at inside trade secrets, maybe) embedded in a wall of Ivy. That would clinch it for me, and suggest a whole lot more than just words.
Good luck
Jeffrey A Miller - 17 years ago
Meb, Courtade's father here. When I saw the first cover my first thought was of a specific building in Cambridge. It is about the "Ivys". The second one , just blah..very generic. Third was interesting , but I wondered if it was a whodonit. Excited about reading your book and I know it will be resounding success. All the best, Jeff
Dick - 17 years ago
Cover #2 is best. #1 is too dark, with all the ivy. ## is too stark, with too much white. #2 is a good blend of color and ivy.
As a professional designer, I can easily say that only the third cover is appropriate for the purpose of your book. The other two are prettier but they don't provide any real concept. Actually the third cover has a lot of problems like the inappropriate match of fonts and that ugly merging between the diagram and the "I", but that's something that could easily be corrected.
The 3 rd one is by far the best. The first two are very boring , and look like something I dragged out of the attic----like an antique or some of my Mom's old leftover wallpaper. The 3 rd one caught my attention, and relates to your topic. Quite clever!!
MEbane: Congratualtion on your book design. However, I like number one with modifications. I went to Yale graduate school, and one thing is missing on your design: Instead of a white rectangle, make it a Gothic window (a peek at inside trade secrets, maybe) embedded in a wall of Ivy. That would clinch it for me, and suggest a whole lot more than just words.
Good luck
MEbane: Congratualtion on your book design. However, I like number one with modifications. I went to Yale graduate school, and one thing is missing on your design: Instead of a white rectangle, make it a Gothic window (a peek at inside trade secrets, maybe) embedded in a wall of Ivy. That would clinch it for me, and suggest a whole lot more than just words.
Good luck
Meb, Courtade's father here. When I saw the first cover my first thought was of a specific building in Cambridge. It is about the "Ivys". The second one , just blah..very generic. Third was interesting , but I wondered if it was a whodonit. Excited about reading your book and I know it will be resounding success. All the best, Jeff
Cover #2 is best. #1 is too dark, with all the ivy. ## is too stark, with too much white. #2 is a good blend of color and ivy.
The richness and touchy-feelly substance of the first cover draws me in. I think it's far and away the best of the three.
The second cover is the best. But I wouldn't overdo it with the ivy; take away all the ivy except that under the title.
The third one is pretty ugly. The second is generic but passable. The first has a lovely design.
The third is the ONLY cover that actually alludes to the topic of the book. The others were created with little creativity or thought.