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Do you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling, upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act?

Total Votes: 992

  • AJE - 12 years ago


    The first line of the last paragraph should read:

    "Government-run universal healthcare is ***NOT*** the solution to helping more people have access to healthcare."

  • AJE - 12 years ago

    No one would deny that everyone should have access to healthcare. But this is not about healthcare; this is about growing the power of the government. They now can tell you what insurance to buy. When you buy their insurance, they can tell you what doctor to go to; you don't get to choose. Where do they stop telling you what to do and not do; buy and not buy.

    Although it offers many services for those that are less fortunate, those services are not free. Someone has to pay for it. Understand that that is already the case with Medicaid, but this will add many thousands of people to these types of programs. I am all for helping people who are in a tough spot and need care, but there will be many that will take advantage of these programs because they don't want to pay for insurance or work to afford it, even though they capable of doing so.

    Take a look at the quality of care in countries that have universal healthcare. Very quickly the quality takes a massive dip, people wait for extended periods for simple operations. People from Canada have come here for operations, paying large amounts out of pocket in order to get an operation in a reasonable amount of time.

    Additionally this tax ("cost") will fall on the middle class. The upper class will be able to afford the "penalty tax" and the lower class will take advantage of the programs (some rightly, some not), and the middle class will have to pay for all of it. Billions and billions in added taxes on the middle class.

    There will also be added costs for any business with more than 49 employees. Most small businesses have less than 49 employees, but every business wants to grow. But why grow when there will essentially be a penalty for doing so. This will not motivate businesses to hire, but to be efficient with less. This will actually hinder whatever weak growth our economy has had, because it will make employers less motivated to hire.

    Government-run universal healthcare is the solution to helping more people have access to healthcare. The government can help by creating a competitive free market, lowering taxes and malpractice minimums (I believe this is called tort reform). When 2 companies compete for consumer, you find that they strive for one thing: better quality at lower prices. If there is one company, and thus no competition, there is no need for better quality at lower prices, because consumers have to purchase from the single company. That is why government-run universal healthcare will not work.

  • Skip Allen - 12 years ago

    It is the true nature of a liberal to be a pig, so you can't really blame them. I am going to love seeing every Americans insurance premiums skyrocket because of this bill.

    The good news is that by SCOTUS establishing the mandate as a tax, it allows Congress to repeal it at ANY time using a simple majority of its members.

  • Em - 12 years ago

    I'm glad that this passed. People aren't as pissed that you HAVE to have car insurance. Personally, I think this makes even more sense. I bet that most of the people who are mad about this already have insurance and no pre-existing conditions. And, for people who are whining about socialism, look at our police, firefighters, postal service, public education, etc... There's nothing wrong with making some things easy for EVERYONE to take advantage of. Good job Obama, you've got my vote!

  • C - 12 years ago

    The US Constitution states "For the people by the people". This means us; we are the people. The citizens are tired of government stripping away our constitional rights to choose what products and services we desire to purchase.

    The government needs to stay out of our personal affairs, regarding what insurance policies, etc we choose that is best for us and our budgets. Many citizens are still unemployed. This recesssion didn't just start in '2008. I know many citizens who were forced out of their careers in '2005. These people had just become fifty years old. They had led decent lives and took care of their families with dignity and pride.

    The mandate should be unconstitutional. Nobody deserves to be threatened with any penalty, tax or jail time because people simply don't have the money. Many times it's not because people avoid obtaining insurance all together.

    Our government needs to wake up to the realty of everday living for the average person. The average person today isn't even in the middle income bracket. The government should start
    showing some compassion for its' citizens and stop worrying about keeping insurance companies in business.

  • Nicole - 12 years ago

    I am sicked by the supreme court!!! This is really going to be deviatating to our country!!! Having to be told what test we can can't have. Me paying my taxes paying my insurance is going to go up to pay for those that don't work, miss treat their bodys and I not only willl be paying for my bill but will be paying for theirs!!! This is just another welfare to help those that will not help themselves!!! And I'm a single mom that works her butt off with NO free help and is above middle class because I do work hard!!!!! I'm sad!!!

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    A friend of mine is alive today because an early part of "Obamacare" was able to pay for an operation that saved his life. And he is a responsible tax payer/father/store owner who just didn't have enough money to pay for the treatment. If he hadn't had the operation, the public would have had to pay much more for hospice care than for the cancer-curing operation.

  • Buddy - 12 years ago

    I am ecstatic that this was upheld by the Court. Finally they realize that this is one of the most important decisions that could have been handed down. The ability to get health insurance, have the costs shared amongst everyone and not go bankrupt if you do get sick is priceless. I never thought the day would come but I couldn't be more thrilled.

  • Hans - 12 years ago

    I do agree with the 4 dissenting Supreme Court Justices. To call the individual mandated a tax is to rewrite what it calls a penalty. Especially since the president himself declared it not to be a tax when it was passed.

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    You are right, N, They also believe that, as I found out today, that this is bad for america, they obviously have never been sick, or have had someone in the family denied insurance for pre-existing conditions. they obviously think Romney can do better! I was actually told today that this paved the way for socialistic medicine!

  • N - 12 years ago

    Apparently a lot of people think they know more about the Constitution than the SCOTUS. Funny.

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