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Where Do You See Hope Fitting In on The Falcons' Depth Chart?

Total Votes: 1,466

  • Robert Sullivan - 12 years ago

    Hope will replace Decoud for sure as the starter at Free Safety. #28 takes poor angles, can't secure the deep third of the field, and does not "bring the wood"!! Meaning, he's a weak tackler. He has had three years to improve as a starter, but seems to be caught up in complacency. I think it has cost him his job.

  • lifenolimits - 12 years ago

    I meant to write "Hope will [not] replace Moore unless he sustains an injury." Let me make that clear. My bad Willie.

  • lifenolimits - 12 years ago

    I vote that I was not sure. The question that should be posed is whose job does he have the chance of taking. The answer should be unanimous, Thomas DeCoud. DeCoud can not cover or tackle. At the end of touchdown plays I am sick of seeing him throwing his hands in the air like it was not his fault. Hope will replace Moore unless he sustains an injury. Moore is a solid, hard tackling safety. I have been vouching for him since he entered the league. We resigned DeCoud because it was cheap. #22, #25, and maybe #20 would be the only players that could start on another relevant team. With that being said, I am looking for Charles Mitchell ('12 Rookie) to take DeCoud's job next season if he does not improve this season.

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