Should President Goodluck Jonathan still declare his asset publicly in spite of his recent comments and explanation that he had made the declaration as VP


  • Ajibola G.I - 12 years ago

    He should in proper terms re-declare his assets. since that time he has been elected president and before now was in an acting capacity. So we demand to know what he's earned in those times.

  • ATTEH ISAAC AIWO - 12 years ago

    Let our able president declare his asset, because we nigerian have tired the way our resources are been mismanaged by our leaders.Our funds are been looted in one way and the others. Thanks

  • samson - 12 years ago

    theres no need for mr president to declare his asset again,you are only giving room for opposition to embarrass our president

  • Ojo ife - 12 years ago

    D question is: has GEJ dclared his assets acordin 2 law? If not, he shd, without delay. D issue of open declaratn is optional & must not b politicized by using it 2 heat up d polity. Is GEJ personaly corupt even though he hasnt openly dcalred his asets? Bcos d late president Yardua openly dclared his asets, did it mean coruptn did not exist durin his tenure? was Nigeria's coruptn index lower in d history of her nationhooh during Yardua's reign? Is it only d president dat shud openly dclare his asets or every political/public ofice holder if open dclaratn is d issue? If d call for open dclaratn is genuine, evry political/public ofice holder shud b subjected 2 d same beam of probity. All I want is objectivity, non partisanship, patriotism in all engagements

  • Joseph Dunkwu - 12 years ago

    GEJ should listen to himself.. If he has nothing to hide as the president of this great country called Nigeria then he should declare his assets. That will even give the masses an opportunity to compare both declarations made....It is as simple as ABC..thanks

  • buzor chris - 12 years ago

    If Goodluck Ebere Jonathan is an honest man, he should declare his assets as a president, he is no longer a VP, lead by example. Am not surprised, he has not made any remarkable achievement in the fight against looting in nigeria. Thumbs down the Jonathan

  • Amadi Obioma - 12 years ago

    The man should do what they are calling him to do. Is he still a VP now let him just do the stuff and save the public stress of this voting and all worth not.


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