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Do you support the banning of controversial books?

Total Votes: 1,202

  • Desmond Short - 12 years ago

    What should be regulated is the reporting of horrific crimes (Colorado shootings). The people that do these things are doing them for the exposure. The only result, is the victims and their families having to relive the nightmare. Vandals, serial killers and such crimes should be limited in what is repported to the fact it happened and how many victims. The rest should be left undisclosed. The courts would have an easier time finding impartial jurors, if the reporting was kept to a minimum. Journalism has turned from useful information to sensationalized scare tactics. Just watch some of the United States news programmes. They know how to take a story and make it sound way different from the truth.

  • John Sollows - 12 years ago

    In general, the best way to deal with darkness is to expose it to light. so letting ideas and works get public scrutiny is normally the best way of dealing with them.

    One thing that worries me is that our collective memories are far too short. We do NOT learn from experience, or at least not enough. The American 2003 invasion of Iraq, only 31 years after they left Viet Nam, is a good example.

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