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Should we remove the LGBT submit button altogether?

Total Votes: 542

  • Hue - 12 years ago


    There are secular arguments against Same-Sex Marriage, you know.

    And for that matter, lots of things have been oppressed by a major religion that /r/Atheism doesn't care for.

  • CW - 12 years ago

    Yes, it should go. Atheists and LGBT are both oppressed by the religious majority. We're allies. Opposition to gay rights is often because of religion or justified by religion. This is definitely an issue that should concern those who value secularism and therefore r/atheism related.

  • Hue - 12 years ago

    It isn't segregation. It is putting relevant posts in the correct subreddit.

  • Ruvieos - 12 years ago

    Get rid of this shit.

    I'm Atheist, and I've no problem with posts going to /r/lgbt or /r/ainbow but the fact is, there is a lot of religious gay people. It's a bit mental, and makes zero sense, but why attribute them to that when they're not atheist?

  • Archie - 12 years ago

    Segregation is fun, eh guys?

  • skeptix - 12 years ago

    I'm open to seeing what effect it has before jumping to conclusions. That being said, the general idea of even suggesting regulation of content is a major turn off for me.

  • genealogix - 12 years ago

    The button singles out LGBTs as likely to post inappropriate content, and directs that LGBT-Related Content be posted elsewhere. It sends a clear message that NO LGBT-related content is welcome. If you keep the button, you might as well adopt the motto "All the homophobia of church, without the supernaturalism."

  • Tommy Bottle - 12 years ago

    No. The button should stay to encourage LGBT related posts to be submitted to appropriate subreddits. However, this doesn't mean all LGBT posts should be banned from /r/atheism, as sometimes they are related. It's up to the poster to decide whether or not it related enough to be posted and up to the community to downvote it when it's not.

  • Andrew Feinberg - 12 years ago

    Yes. We should. LGBT rights a topic that interests atheists, or it wouldn't hit the front page so much, and religious persecution is a key feature of the issue, which puts it squarely in r/atheism's court.

  • FS - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not. There are multiple appropriate subs for LGBT related memes and discussion. It is irrelevant to /r/atheism and worst of all, it lobs the poor behaviour of young ratheists in with the LGBT community (which they do not approve of).

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