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[POLL] The Mo Ivory Show: Should Your Person And Bags Be Checked At The Movies?

1 Comment

  • Connie Snyder - 12 years ago

    When private corporations start demanding you submit to searches of your person in order to purchase their products, then they are asking for the same power as your government. The argument that you can take your business elsewhere, is beside the point. I'm not thrilled about my government (which I still have SOME voice in) demanding the right to search...I SURE as hell don't want some CEO's and Wall Street jerks demanding they "take a peek" im my purse. This is outrageous. It's the job of our GOVERNMENT to keep us safe, not movie theater owners. This corporate overreach is blatant. Only a dope would fail to understand why this is w-r-o-n-g.
    It's not because the theater owner cares about you getting shot dead, it's about their insurance costs or why you aren't buying the garbage food they sell at their concession stand. This country better wake up before corporations demand you be strip-searched at their grocery stores.

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