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Do you support the city's crackdown on noisy motorcycles?

Total Votes: 1,847

  • Sam - 12 years ago

    What a joke!...

  • Terry - 12 years ago

    Anyone who votes "Yes" to this stupid new way for cops to harass Harley Rider's doesn't know or love someone who rides. make all the noise you need to to keep the chrome side up.Ride safe. And to Mike,Last time i looked Bikes didn't have a protective large covering around them for when cars "didn't see or Hear" That bike coming.

  • Rob - 12 years ago

    Loud pipes Saves Live 100%.
    I will do whatever it takes to get noticed on the streets here in traffic.
    Now if you are intentionally revving your engine to be a pest, that is another thing.

    And generally (though unrelated to this but have been mentioned) the Big load bikes are not the ones splitting lanes and driving erratically, it is the whining crotch rockets that are.

    Same day in Windsor

  • Rick - 12 years ago

    LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVE'S!!!!!!! Its time for law enforcement and idiots against bikers to redirect there time,, and OUR tax money to more important things like CRIME..Everyone of you against loud bikes,, I hope you get a muffler stuck up your A**

  • Dean - 12 years ago

    I myself don't own nor have I ever own'd a bike. I believe 100 percent that the louder the bike the safer it is for both bikers and motorists. I myself would be severely scarred for life if it weren't for loud exausts. So I say leave them alone and bikers maybe after noise bylaw hours you could put a baffle on your bikes or find another solution. Thanks

  • Jamie r - 12 years ago

    Aren't motorcyclists taught to ride the line because of the oil slick the runs down the center of the lane and runs down to the edge of the road? .... On regards to mikes complaining.

  • willie - 12 years ago

    Screw Mike I'd rather hear a loud bike than that Rap crap booming at 10,000 decibles from a lowerd sunfire spend the money on cracking down on crack Louds pipes save lives aint just a sticker on my helmet bud my pipes have alerted many a cellphone using driver to my presents the money spent in this situation could fund training for inexperianced E-bike riders ( they're the menace sorry Mike remember to plug yours i

  • Jack - 12 years ago

    Its a sad day when city council and the cops support Charity rides for Cancer Research, Memorial Rides For Bobby Probert and other similar events. And police escort these events, and then turn around and ticket some of the same individuals who help to plan these events. It's not only a slap in the face, its hypocritical. Mayor Francis doesn't have a prblem giving $10,000 of tax payers money to put on a loud and dangerous fireworks display that can be heard all the way to Colchester and beyond. What about the ear splitting noise that the Red Bull Air Races cause. When residents on the riverfront complained about the Concert noise, the city went ahead with it and then built a permanent venue. They always give some lame excuse to do what ever they have on their agenda regardless of what the public thinks. So when Mr. Halberstadt and Ms. Gigniac, can table solid ideas to bring, not just jobs or good paying jobs, but great paying jobs, heck jobs period. They come up with some diversions such as noise from the same bikers who need every advantage they can get, to make sure they get home to their loved ones , and provide money from the charity rides that support worthy causes. Windsor PD and Windsor City Council should be ashamed of themselves. When they start riding motorcycles and see what we have to deal with just to enjoy our sport, then they will understand why we feel safer riding a loud bike with aftermarket pipes. E-Bikes are to quiet and Harleys are to loud. But they don't complain when you have 1,000 bikes at one time riding for a cause. Where are they going to get that extra money to fund the different programs that benefit from those Memorial and cancer ride fund raisers when bikers start to boycott them? Get us some great paying jobs, try luring GM back to Windsor and the other six plants that Chrysler shipped out of town, The Ford plants that closed and the numerous feeder plants. Thats where council shold direct their energies. And there is more then enough real crime in the city to keep the police very busy. Harrassing hard working motorcycle enthusieists is short sited and HYPOCRITICAL !!

  • Ray - 12 years ago

    My coment is in direct regard to Mike, well I ride a large Motorcycle some say half a car I do not ride the line and have had cars pull out in front of me at intersections, and force there way into my lane, with always the same coment I DID' T SEE YOU maybe if I had Loud pipes they might hear me and look twice, at least put down thier cell phones for a second. As for following to close you have no clue more often than not we try to leave extra room so we can avoid an accident that may be caused by some car driver in a big hury to go now where.

  • pam - 12 years ago

    oh come on do we live in Russia first no spanking your child then no smoking then no loud music in your car and now no loud pipes holy crap batman whats next oh i no when you have are children stealing cause they were thought do whatever you like cause we have no rights but make pot legal but smoking is bad for you come on kids get high and loud music or bands can hurt your ears but the construction all over Windsor aint noisy enough now they want to tell us no loud pipes on are expensive motorcycles well i say kiss my a.. your a idiot go do something constructive with your family read a book go have a picnic leave us to have what we paid for not what you cant afford i enjoy loud bikes out here in county bring it on to mcgregor show them babies off if it aint loud your not proud or whats the truth your wife wont let you have one lol we see who wears the pants

  • Leslie-Anne - 12 years ago

    Mike put your big girl panties on a grow up !

  • Tone - 12 years ago

    Sounds like Mike (previous comment above) has a personal vendetta against motorcyles in general and for you to say motorcyclists get what they deserve because of the actions of a few is inhumane and very insulting to the motorcyle community and further more to have your emotions worked up because you have been hassled by the police for doing the same things that your complaining about in your previous comment speaks volumes about you.. (if I can't get away with it no one should be able to) what a weak comment and a weak insite on something that has nothing to do with the matter at hand and speaking of the matter at hand why dont we write about that instead of getting emotionally charged on a personal vendetta towards motorcylists........Excessivey loud exhaust can pose a nuisance on all vehicles even more so when the vehicle is being abused and the traffic law act is being violated and with that being said, a loud voice, a constant barking dog, a construction site, loud music, or an article written (like the one above MIKE) can also be a nuisance and very bothersome to have to deal with. So with that being said who is to say what a tolerable db level is and what is not. Every type of motorcycle to every year of motorcyle has its own Emission control which has direct effect on the sound coming from the exhaust. There would have to be so much english on the subject to cover a motorcycle from 1903 to the end of manufacturing of motorcyles (meaning) would they be categories into groups due to high rpm engines and low rpm engines or are all the motorcycles from cruisers to Harley's to sports bikes would fall under the same db level. And with the above article stating there is a sticker out there that says loud pipes do save lives. Well they do. Example's. If a motorcyle was driving in another vehicles blind spot which means they are non visible , but the exhaust is loud enough to let them know that someone is there, maybe they will think twice before switching lanes. If someone is turning there vehicle on to a road and there are parked cars blocking there visibility, and the exhaust is loud enough to make the driver realize that they sould practice that much more caution before turning onto that road, THIS will save lives. In closing , no I do not support the crack down on noisy motorcylces. The focus should be on the riders who are abusing the law by exceeding the speed limit which would cause "excessive" noise

  • Don - 12 years ago

    Well Mike, it sounds to me that you hate motorcycles. To each his own, but stop crying about things that have no relevance to the subject at hand. The article is about mufflers, not how people ride them and everything else you hate about motorcycles. Fact is that loud mufflers protect riders. Someone was killed recently on an e-bike because they cannot be heard. Use rational thinking before going on a rant. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even own a motorcycle.

  • Jebus - 12 years ago

    I couldn't care less if the bikers are using loud mufflers or not; And I live across from a bar that sees alot of bikes. I can't believe we have nothing better to do with our time than to conduct polls about things that annoy us. Gay.

  • jack - 12 years ago

    I do not understand why so many people does not support to crackdown. What's the point?

  • mike - 12 years ago

    Loud cars get tickets for excessive noise, why should bikes be any different? They should also be ticketed for driving without signal marker lights, proper brake lighting, having aftermarket L.E.D. lighting that blurs and distracts other motorists. And anything covering the sticker or there plates. I deal with it in my car, they should deal with it on there bikes. How about following to closely when there on your bumper at a red light, half the accidents wouldn't happen if they didn't ride the lines, or stunt driving charges for going between motorists or overtaking them on the shoulder at a light. To much crying not enough preventative or proactive measures taken on there own behalf for me to feel any pity. Welcome to the rest of the world of licenced driving.

  • Jack - 12 years ago

    They should start by quieting the police Harleys first and when one of them gets run off the road then pass judgement that it's a bad idea to have loud pipes.

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