Yes or No?? Should the coaches be offered a chance to enter the game?


  • Mhw - 12 years ago

    I wonder if the producers will even take into account the results of the CBS poll. They will do whatever they want regardless.

  • Gabriella - 12 years ago

    I think the coaches already had their chance; let someone else go for it! I don't think the coaches should be in the game at all. I think the season would've been a lot more interesting without the alum stealing the spotlight.

  • Crystal - 12 years ago

    I like that they have brought past BB guest back in the game the past seasons. It makes worth watching! I think they need to come into the game to turn the game around. They are the ones playing the game right now anyways, so more twist will add to a good season!

  • mdshander - 12 years ago

    I would like to see the coaches come back into the game. It will make things very interesting. They'll have to do something since Willie self-evicted, and they're down to eight people and it's only week 3!!!

  • DeputyDawn - 12 years ago

    Oops! Didn't mean to repeat myself!

    Oops! Didn't mean to repeat myself!


  • DeputyDawn - 12 years ago

    Although I cannot stand that they continue to bring back people, as far as this season is concerned, they have to do SOMETHING!!!! This season is sooooo lackluster!!! I just think that the coach idea has made it that way!

  • DeputyDawn - 12 years ago

    Although I cannot stand that they continue to bring back people, as far as this season is concerned, they have to do SOMETHING!!!! This season is sooooo lackluster!!! I just think that the coach idea has made it that way!

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    Worst season ever! Lame concept with the coaches; they are confused about teams vs individual play - BB should have spent more time picking a better mixture of personalities and upped the game play - this house is worse than a fire house in an upscale neighborhood - nothing to do but sit around and whine 24/7. How about some real food deprivation, sleep interruptions and paranoia - I like BB much better when there was an America's player. Things simply need to be more uncomfortable and the HAVES need more privileges and the HAVE NOT's much less than they have this season.

    Shane is going to dominate this game and win it because these fools don't have a clue that ALL of them should be focused on getting him out, soon. Backdoor this guy before he takes every prize there is. And take Frank with him because Frank is a total snake in the grass.

    So far I'm underwhelmed by this cast - not much thought went into this selection. And unless the coaches return to the game this season will need to end in late August - it used to end in late September and even in October!

  • Philliop - 12 years ago

    I honestly don't want them too. The houseguests have been going to them for help, and they know their entire plan. Although, I do feel after seeing Joe and Ashley the way they were last night, acting like a chicken with their heads cut off, BB knew that if they didn't have coaches, then there would be no action with this group. I feel that Janelle especially chose players that don't have a mind of their own.

    The way this game is going now is good, but I would like to see the coaches have to stay in the house until the end of the game, even after their people have all left, and still compete for the coaches competition right up to the final 5ish. And if their people are all out, they get to give immunity to anyone else

  • Tina Brown - 12 years ago

    Absolutely yes; if not, all we are going to see is a seesaw game between Frank & Shane. How boring :(

  • angelo Farina - 12 years ago

    I say let em play. They would add flavor to the game. I don't want the jury to start next week.

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not. Enough bringing back old players. They had their chance (without vets I might mention). Personally I have had enough of them -- especially Janelle. She is always playing with her hair. Wonder why Rachel got all kinds of flak for all her plastic surgery and not Janelle. I agree with Margie. Not fair to the new ones. Let's have ONLY new faces!

  • Victoria Wright - 12 years ago

    Oh pleeeease is bad enough that BB thinks they can't produce a season without bringing back vets, but at least coaching kept them out of the game....if BB ends up bringing them into the game, I have to think that, for some reason I just can't understand, the BB producers just WANT to give the money to a vet...I seriously think it is time for BB to cast off the previous players and start focusing on getting new faces...the old ones are getting just that...old.

  • Margie - 12 years ago

    Part of me would like to see this happen just for the drama of it, BUT in all fairness to the new players, the Coaches have already had their chance at winning BB and 2 out of the 4 has won the big money, so NO they shouldn't be allowed to enter, give the new folks a chance.

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