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Do you want Randy Lerner to sell the Cleveland Browns?

Total Votes: 1,229

  • Edward T - 12 years ago

    We do need an Owner that will be "All in" for the team, as we Fans have been, through-out the years. Some-one that will actually care about the Browns, the History, and All that we stand for, not just showing up when times are good, like most of the newer fans of today. It makes me sick, and embarresses us True fans, to see the stadium empty at half-time some Sundays, just because the "Fair Weather...jump-on-the-Bandwagon" Fans (sic) think the game is over, and we don't have a chance to win. Any-one that remembers the Kardiac Kids know better!
    The sooner these Yuppies give up thier seats to the True fans of old, the sooner the Lakefront will be a place no team wants to visit, again.
    As for M....Mo....(I can't even type his name), Supporting his players.....He fired Jim Brown becuase he asked to be 2 weeks late to camp, while filming in Europe. The Greatest running back of the time, and he fires him? Great Decision......DkHd. This Planet will be better off when him and his POS Illegitimate son are both gone!...........Stay Browns !!!............ET

  • amanda - 12 years ago

    if Randy Lerner does deside to sell the Cleveland Browns he should sell it to the city of Cleveland .have another city owned team like the Green Bay Packers.

  • ALB - 12 years ago

    He only ended up with them because his father passed away, and didn't seem to really want to spend the time with them that a major league team takes. Say what you will about Art Model, and I will never agree with the way the team left when he still had them, but he totally supported his players, and helped them when they had drug or legal problems, and was in the old stadium for every game. Perhaps someone else will want to be a presence that the players and the fans will feel.

  • wayne - 12 years ago

    we someone that loves football,that will be at the games . not just deep pockets.

  • Dirty Sanchaz - 12 years ago

    i kinda agree to a point with you about someone whos willing to put up the money,but oupon doing so,theyll want to change things,that me as a die hard fan have came to love? what if they change our colors? logo? name? ha ive got 7 browns tatts? i do want us to go far because we all love our brownies,but what if we cant call them brownies anymore? then what?

  • Jan Schweter - 12 years ago

    Perhaps another owner would put some positive direction to my team, should be someone who loves the game like we do as fans here in Cleveland, someone who will pay good players to come here, someone who will respect the fact that Cleveland Fans are a very important part of this team and we LOVE our sports teams. I think the fans need to interview whoever Lerner is talking to so they understand they may put up the money, but we as fans help them get the money they use and WE are 100% in, there is no wishy washy in Cleveland we HAVE to have a spine. LOVE MY BROWNS!!!!!!

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