You cannot totally ban hazing in fraternities and sororities, but you can discipline the leaders and officers of such organization to be more responsible when doing the rites to avoid deaths..
melba - 13 years ago
We can't fully stop hazing in just a second. Rather we can advise leaders to take cautions when doing the initiation rites,for they should not be up to the point of murdering a fellow. I myself am a frat officer, and we do some physical touch but for a certain reason, for a meaningful purpose...Just bear in mind, not all fraternities are bad. This is where I find true brothers.
Shame on you - 13 years ago
I don't know, but , in the Jesus' name, I hope it did enter the minds of these people that they are MURDERERS !!! You are Murderers !!!
I hope that you, your families now, and your families in the future suffer the same fate!!!
Shame on you, especially you law students, shame on you and your families!!!
Mao-kuku-lam - 13 years ago
The government will never, ever pass this law no matter how much effort you put into it. You are just wasting your time, since these people from the government are also members/ founders of these fraternities/ sororities who believe that everyone MUST feel the pain, sufferings, fears that they had experience during their initiation rights.
Marik Palmirez - 13 years ago
The university as well as ALL members of the fraternity are responsible as either participants in, or enablers of the crimes in question. As always, the Filipino deference to money will see that only the weakest (i.e. poorest) will face anything other than the most lenient punishment. Lesson learned: m
Never hire a Filipino lawyer.
Tobias Jove - 13 years ago
The suffering of neophyte Marcos started during the hazing and the cause of his death was the hazing. Now, the reason why I prefer to charge the hazers with fratricide is,- because they (hazers) considered the victim as their brother; and fratrnity,-means, brotherliness-and i.e. heinous crime.
To those officers of any fraternity who finds happiness in physical initiation, I tell you, it will go back to you - up to your family"s 6th generation... THAT IS A PROMISE
kamlon - 13 years ago
Section 1. Hazing, as used in this Act, is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury.
Sec. 2. No hazing or initiation rites in any form or manner by a fraternity, sorority or organization shall be allowed without prior written notice to the school authorities or head of organization seven (7) days before the conduct of such initiation. The written notice shall indicate the period of the initiation activities which shall not exceed three (3) days, shall include the names of those to be subjected to such activities, and shall further contain an undertaking that no physical violence be employed by anybody during such initiation rites.
Sec. 3. The head of the school or organization or their representatives must assign at least two (2) representatives of the school or organization, as the case may be, to be present during the initiation. It is the duty of such representative to see to it that no physical harm of any kind shall be inflicted upon a recruit, neophyte or applicant.
Sec. 4. If the person subjected to hazing or other forms of initiation rites suffers any physical injury or dies as a result thereof, the officers and members of the fraternity, sorority or organization who actually participated in the infliction of physical harm shall be liable as principals.........:-)
Lita - 13 years ago
I have questions for the members of the fraternity that caused the death of a young man aspiring to be a lawyer. Are all the members aspiring to be lawyers?
Can you someday stand in court and defend the rights of the people against such evil act?
Does hazing always have to be destructive and violent?
Why can't fraternities be a platform for something constructive?
Suggestions: Adopt a mountain and plant trees.You can afford it because you are from families of great means.
It seems you are a bunch of very smart guys, don't waste your talent.Coach and mentor
someone to become literate like you.
Adopt an underprivileged community and help them create a clean and healthy environment
so their children grow up strong and healthy like you.
Volunteer with Habitat for humanity so a family can have a house. for you guys it would look like your garden or tool shed but to the family it is a home. In the process you will learn a skill.
Try not eating for a day so you know how it feels to be hungry and what money you save
donate it to your favorite charity. Maybe feed a child that is malnourished.
A philanthropic lifestyle is life preserving, giving back can provide sense of purpose and self worth.
Rupert Buenaventura - 13 years ago
What are you people talking about ?
Hazing was totally banned according to enacted law RA 8047 ages ago.
Its just a matter of enforcing it and the only way is make these people organizing it responsible for their actions.
They should all be charged with criminal act. Its the only way to stop it .. common wake up !!
Everybody should be vigilant about these fraternities doing hazing.
No one in his perfect normal mind sees any brotherhood in killing or hurting your brother .. common frats, do something that people could be proud of you guys, not physically hurting your brother.
I bet you will call it an accident if someone dies from it.
Sometimes it makes us worry what kind of stupid logic you learn in school/universities you fool.
Mrs Sonia Ferretignols - 13 years ago
This is a PS to my previous comment. In as much as I agree with all the contributors who are against hazing, I would like to go a bit further!
Fraternities and sororities should just be banned !!!!Period !!!!
Why, because , generally, these are the breeding ground for so-called intellectuals who hide and cover themselves behind these organizations. WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO PROVE????!!!! You, law students, how can you defend your chosen profession and the people, when your first interest is to make other students suffer and KILL!! WHAT ARE YOU???!!!!
Why don't these people just concentrate on their studies, on their future, and THINK how they can of GREAT HELP TO THEIR FUTURE FAMILIES, and THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!
Mrs Sonia Ferettignols - 13 years ago
I am a mother, with children, and I don't really see why fraternity should rhyme with hazing and death!!!
I totally agree with all the comments of everybody here.
In as much as fraternitizing is SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING TO FOSTER FRIENDSHIP AND TRUST, this should be done with GREAT WISDOM!!!
However, if , in the Philippines, the students who foster and create fraternities, find the need to plant fear, sufferings, and kill others, this is completely absurd!!! This is not the definition of fraternizing!!!
When will you people grow up ???!!!!
braguldo - 13 years ago
the poll choices are misleading. nowhere does it say to totally ban fraternities and sororities. most filipinos would vote to ban fraternities and sororities as it is nothing more than a breeding ground for thugs. universities should instead have clubs where students will develop their social skills and technical skills. fraternities are already associated with violence and gangs.
The government must ban fraternities and sororities espousing violence because if this will continue, then the studying Law must be prohibited here in the Philippines if the main reason for that is to foster violence to our own countrymen. Not just the government must take actions but the administration also of different colleges and universities that they make an amendment of the rules and regulations on their respective campuses, especially those taking the Civil law Courses.
francis ferdinand - 13 years ago
#1 -- totally ban hazing NOW! do not amend it. hazing is a crime! pag may namatay saka lang lumalabas ang isyu na 'to. tsk!! here's to you dumb lawmakers of the republic: MGA UGOK!!!
T. Jove - 13 years ago
There are clerical errors to my comment which I submitted. They are: 1-creatures but it was written -ceatures, 2-normal but it was written- normay. sorry.
Tobias Jove - 13 years ago
Fraternity must be banned because the founders of those fraternities were/are sadists. And naturally the members or would-be members have also the tendency to boast and to practice sadism to others. All members of the different fraternities have perverted the true meaning of FRATERNITY. Instead of being fraternal they become FRATRICIDAL or they have been cainizing their would-be members and others. CAIN had killed his brother. In other words, Abel was cainized. To be fraternal is not to be sadist. And must not cainize your would-be member. The guilty could be now charged for fratricide. You can remain dizygotic without joining any "AS IF" (mga mapagkunwari) na magagaling, subalit ang kagalingan ginagamit sa pang-aabuso`t kayabangan. We are just ceatures, and our senses+abilities must be used in a normay way. You who committed are not the giver of life. So, you have no right to do something against anyone`s life. Believe you me. No man is above the law. He who seeks (not sex) justice must do justice! Not just-ice.
You cannot totally ban hazing in fraternities and sororities, but you can discipline the leaders and officers of such organization to be more responsible when doing the rites to avoid deaths..
We can't fully stop hazing in just a second. Rather we can advise leaders to take cautions when doing the initiation rites,for they should not be up to the point of murdering a fellow. I myself am a frat officer, and we do some physical touch but for a certain reason, for a meaningful purpose...Just bear in mind, not all fraternities are bad. This is where I find true brothers.
I don't know, but , in the Jesus' name, I hope it did enter the minds of these people that they are MURDERERS !!! You are Murderers !!!
I hope that you, your families now, and your families in the future suffer the same fate!!!
Shame on you, especially you law students, shame on you and your families!!!
The government will never, ever pass this law no matter how much effort you put into it. You are just wasting your time, since these people from the government are also members/ founders of these fraternities/ sororities who believe that everyone MUST feel the pain, sufferings, fears that they had experience during their initiation rights.
The university as well as ALL members of the fraternity are responsible as either participants in, or enablers of the crimes in question. As always, the Filipino deference to money will see that only the weakest (i.e. poorest) will face anything other than the most lenient punishment. Lesson learned: m
Never hire a Filipino lawyer.
The suffering of neophyte Marcos started during the hazing and the cause of his death was the hazing. Now, the reason why I prefer to charge the hazers with fratricide is,- because they (hazers) considered the victim as their brother; and fratrnity,-means, brotherliness-and i.e. heinous crime.
To those officers of any fraternity who finds happiness in physical initiation, I tell you, it will go back to you - up to your family"s 6th generation... THAT IS A PROMISE
Section 1. Hazing, as used in this Act, is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury.
Sec. 2. No hazing or initiation rites in any form or manner by a fraternity, sorority or organization shall be allowed without prior written notice to the school authorities or head of organization seven (7) days before the conduct of such initiation. The written notice shall indicate the period of the initiation activities which shall not exceed three (3) days, shall include the names of those to be subjected to such activities, and shall further contain an undertaking that no physical violence be employed by anybody during such initiation rites.
Sec. 3. The head of the school or organization or their representatives must assign at least two (2) representatives of the school or organization, as the case may be, to be present during the initiation. It is the duty of such representative to see to it that no physical harm of any kind shall be inflicted upon a recruit, neophyte or applicant.
Sec. 4. If the person subjected to hazing or other forms of initiation rites suffers any physical injury or dies as a result thereof, the officers and members of the fraternity, sorority or organization who actually participated in the infliction of physical harm shall be liable as principals.........:-)
I have questions for the members of the fraternity that caused the death of a young man aspiring to be a lawyer. Are all the members aspiring to be lawyers?
Can you someday stand in court and defend the rights of the people against such evil act?
Does hazing always have to be destructive and violent?
Why can't fraternities be a platform for something constructive?
Suggestions: Adopt a mountain and plant trees.You can afford it because you are from families of great means.
It seems you are a bunch of very smart guys, don't waste your talent.Coach and mentor
someone to become literate like you.
Adopt an underprivileged community and help them create a clean and healthy environment
so their children grow up strong and healthy like you.
Volunteer with Habitat for humanity so a family can have a house. for you guys it would look like your garden or tool shed but to the family it is a home. In the process you will learn a skill.
Try not eating for a day so you know how it feels to be hungry and what money you save
donate it to your favorite charity. Maybe feed a child that is malnourished.
A philanthropic lifestyle is life preserving, giving back can provide sense of purpose and self worth.
What are you people talking about ?
Hazing was totally banned according to enacted law RA 8047 ages ago.
Its just a matter of enforcing it and the only way is make these people organizing it responsible for their actions.
They should all be charged with criminal act. Its the only way to stop it .. common wake up !!
Everybody should be vigilant about these fraternities doing hazing.
No one in his perfect normal mind sees any brotherhood in killing or hurting your brother .. common frats, do something that people could be proud of you guys, not physically hurting your brother.
I bet you will call it an accident if someone dies from it.
Sometimes it makes us worry what kind of stupid logic you learn in school/universities you fool.
This is a PS to my previous comment. In as much as I agree with all the contributors who are against hazing, I would like to go a bit further!
Fraternities and sororities should just be banned !!!!Period !!!!
Why, because , generally, these are the breeding ground for so-called intellectuals who hide and cover themselves behind these organizations. WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO PROVE????!!!! You, law students, how can you defend your chosen profession and the people, when your first interest is to make other students suffer and KILL!! WHAT ARE YOU???!!!!
Why don't these people just concentrate on their studies, on their future, and THINK how they can of GREAT HELP TO THEIR FUTURE FAMILIES, and THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!
I am a mother, with children, and I don't really see why fraternity should rhyme with hazing and death!!!
I totally agree with all the comments of everybody here.
In as much as fraternitizing is SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING TO FOSTER FRIENDSHIP AND TRUST, this should be done with GREAT WISDOM!!!
However, if , in the Philippines, the students who foster and create fraternities, find the need to plant fear, sufferings, and kill others, this is completely absurd!!! This is not the definition of fraternizing!!!
When will you people grow up ???!!!!
the poll choices are misleading. nowhere does it say to totally ban fraternities and sororities. most filipinos would vote to ban fraternities and sororities as it is nothing more than a breeding ground for thugs. universities should instead have clubs where students will develop their social skills and technical skills. fraternities are already associated with violence and gangs.
The government must ban fraternities and sororities espousing violence because if this will continue, then the studying Law must be prohibited here in the Philippines if the main reason for that is to foster violence to our own countrymen. Not just the government must take actions but the administration also of different colleges and universities that they make an amendment of the rules and regulations on their respective campuses, especially those taking the Civil law Courses.
#1 -- totally ban hazing NOW! do not amend it. hazing is a crime! pag may namatay saka lang lumalabas ang isyu na 'to. tsk!! here's to you dumb lawmakers of the republic: MGA UGOK!!!
There are clerical errors to my comment which I submitted. They are: 1-creatures but it was written -ceatures, 2-normal but it was written- normay. sorry.
Fraternity must be banned because the founders of those fraternities were/are sadists. And naturally the members or would-be members have also the tendency to boast and to practice sadism to others. All members of the different fraternities have perverted the true meaning of FRATERNITY. Instead of being fraternal they become FRATRICIDAL or they have been cainizing their would-be members and others. CAIN had killed his brother. In other words, Abel was cainized. To be fraternal is not to be sadist. And must not cainize your would-be member. The guilty could be now charged for fratricide. You can remain dizygotic without joining any "AS IF" (mga mapagkunwari) na magagaling, subalit ang kagalingan ginagamit sa pang-aabuso`t kayabangan. We are just ceatures, and our senses+abilities must be used in a normay way. You who committed are not the giver of life. So, you have no right to do something against anyone`s life. Believe you me. No man is above the law. He who seeks (not sex) justice must do justice! Not just-ice.