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Should airlines enforce dress codes?

Total Votes: 1,391

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    Do you want people in your house sitting on your chesterfield in the underwear? No. Pull their pants up, others follow in that seat.

  • Singrsling1 - 8 years ago

    I am offended by mostly the baggy pants that stupid guys wear. Nobody wants to see someone s underwear on a flight. Nor a bunch of cleavage, nor offensive language on t-shirt.

  • Keki Y. - 8 years ago

    The bottom line is that there are often families with young children on board and the dress code should reflect that. Clothing should be rated "G". A line of boxer the width of a bra strap showing should be fine. 1/2 of your underwear showing is not. Same thing with overly exposed cleavage and skirts that are too short. You are traveling, not heading out to a club.
    Women bring a sweater and some leggings to cover up. Droopy drawer men wear a shirt long enough to cover your underwear. You can take them off at your destination.

  • Me - 11 years ago

    Racial or sexual hate language on shirt, though, should be kept off planes because we don't need to be trapped in a box miles up in the air with people offended and angry over having to look at others spoiling for a fight and telling the world so by deliberately wearing in your face, anger-provoking clothing.

  • Me - 11 years ago

    In what century do some of you commenting live? Don't you know anyone under the age of 30? I ask because your comments are ridiculous.

    The fashion for young men with baggy pants includes their boxers showing. In other words, just like young women exposing bra straps on purpose as a fashion statement (and don't get all huffy over that because women have been doing so since the 1980s), their boxers are *part* of their outfit. The pants slide down, but the boxers stay up. Therefore, all of you concerned about the fellow's behind on the seat or being forced to see his private parts have nothing to worry about.

    I join with the others in telling, Get a life!

  • drew - 12 years ago

    There are things that are gross: someone's bare ass rubbing against a seat -- your seat; fat people who wear skinny jeans and tight t-shirts; over made-up flight attendants; stupid people. There are some things that aren't gross: ie, everyone who doesn't look like one of the above.

    Someone showing his boxer shorts 'cause his pants are low riding? That's not gross, that's normal. That's everyone born after 1985. We like low riders. The Gen-Xers might have rebelled against the silent generation, but it's time we get rid of the Mad Men dress code too. (Unless you're George Zimmerman or Geraldo Rivera, in which case, you can go *&^% yourself anyway.) First Amendment is pretty much all about the idea that you can express yourself, that your body and mind belong only to you.

    Welcome to America. Living in a country where there's free speech means sometimes you get offended. Get over it. It happens to us all. I'm offended by the aforementioned fat people's muffin tops, yet they still exist. And something tells me they're not going away any time soon.

    Oh no, what will I do, the world didn't change 'cause I was unhappy?! :(

    Lori, Susan, Margata, Beth, em, John, Laura and Suzanne, I have some advice for you: get your heads out of your asses. If you don't, you might suffocate. Suzanne, you especially -- you're comments are absurdly hypocritical; like a radical member of the religious right burning down an abortion clinic while calling for the state-sanctioned death of a supposed criminal, it's just disgustingly ignorant.

    Like Pat says, get a life!

  • suzanne - 12 years ago

    Dress codes should be enforced. These passengers in question are in public and not the privacy of their own homes.

  • Laura - 12 years ago

    I've seen some of those baggy "pants". The point is that he DOES have to board the plane. Nobody want to be seated and have someone's private parts staring them in the face - front or back. Literally "baring all " should not be allowed in public anywhere, and it's time for somebody to stand up for our sense of decency. It also becomes an attitude/behavior issue.

    I say KUDOS to Spirit. I think I will go book a trip now just to support their decision.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    Please, to all those people that have a problem with some kid with baggy pants. Get a life...jeez..
    Care that someone is spilling into your seat, talking too loud, too much perfume, smelly....etc..
    What if someone doesn't like your style.. And booted you for some nonsense?!
    Your kid probably has his pants around his knees..

  • John Masterson - 12 years ago

    Coat and tie for anyone over 21

  • em - 12 years ago

    Have to agree with Lori's "Besides the thought of sitting in a seat that someones exposed behind has been on is just plain or should I say 'plane' nasty." We have all heard the reports on how filthy public seats are. What we haven't heard is the increase in number of diseases these fools are getting.

  • Johnson - 12 years ago

    Airlines should be concerned with safety and that is the bottom line. Not about how folks are dressed. We are not your kids we are adults. We do not need and airline to tell us how we should dress. We pay our money to ride on your planes and to be safe and to get to our destinations on time.

  • beth - 12 years ago

    Having to look at some dude's butt crack? Worst is having that butt crack in a seat I might have to sit in. eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuu

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    More importantly than exposing their under-ware or worse to all the other customers, they have chosen to be a self imposed and unnecessary additional risk to the other passengers in an emergency situation. In an emergency the flight personal shouldn't have to worry that this immature attitude and fashion sense would hinder their assisting their handicap or elderly passengers. Besides the thought of sitting in a seat that someones exposed behind has been on is just plain or should I say "plane" nasty.

  • Maragata - 12 years ago

    What one wears to travel on public transportation should show respect not only to one's self, to one's fellow travelers, but also to the workplace of the individuals who work there. It all stems from a complete breakdown in public civility that has infected every aspect of our lives. We all feel "entitled" to do or say whatever we wish when and wherever we choose to do so. Evidently a whole lot of people missed kindergarden. I had a friend once who advocated that every person should have one free kill....imagine how much more careful we would be of each other's sensibilities if you weren't sure the others around you had used their free kills yet. A bit extreme, perhaps. Enforcing dress codes need not delay anything...if it is made crystal clear during the reservation process, and any passengers not meeting the code are informed prior to boarding the plane, delays would be avoided.

  • Susan Smith - 12 years ago

    There are other paying passengers on the plane too and we may not want to see this. No one has to be dressed up to fly but a little good taste goes a long way.

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