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Were You Offended By The Placement Og The Animal Planet Commercial?

Total Votes: 3,872

  • BxMama1 - 12 years ago

    Bravo, Joi! And I agree with Shooting Starr Lori - somebody just wasn't thinking. However, this isn't some po-dunk local TV network. And it's the Olympics, for crying out loud! NBC should have their top-notch programming producers at the ready to make adjustments on the fly. Don't they have consultants on retainer? Sociologists/demographers? SOMEBODY with common sense?! I also think we should be talking about the athlete they showed in the commercial. Was I seeing just things or was the male gymnast on the rings brown/black skinned? I think it was my homie - a representation of- John Orosco. Or was I just so ticked off at the whole monkey thing that I was imagining things? Anybody?...

  • Darryl Joyner - 12 years ago

    Hello, I don't think this is racist at all. Gabby doesn't even do rings. I think this is a case of being over sensitive, black people. And I am as black as they come.

  • Tokyolove - 12 years ago

    We as Black people in this country continue to wear our feelings on our shoulders. This commercial only served as another distraction to Black people to keep us at the same place in time. While Blacks are focused on this commercial the Whites are moving further and gaining their riches while Blacks stay focus on the race game. Therefore, keeping Black people from advancing and getting their share of wealth. Such distractions to the Black people weakens the stability that we have and continue to keep Blacks focus on stupid idiotic things. What we need to do is continue to show the Whites how they treated Blacks to gain their wealth. How Whites raped, beat, and brutalized the Black race. Whites are not sensitive to this because they have no feelings. Most whites do not believe in GOD. Blacks should have put a commercial on television show that Gabrielle Douglas through her hard work sweat and tears has given whites more millions in their pockets. Millions of dollars Whites will never share with the Blacks. Every penny Blacks earn from hard work, will never be enjoyed because Blacks give it all back to the oppressor. Just as the Whites continue to harp out every January 16th, that Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. I say to my Black brothers and sisters, when will we awake from the dream? Are we still asleep to the injustices we are enduring in this present day in time? GOD BLESS THE BLACK RACE, FOR IT IS TIME FOR BLACKS TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS AND YOU GOD TO PUT YOUR HAND UPON FOR WE CAN NOT BE TOUCHED OR ABOLISHED FROM EARTH. IN JESUS NAME, AMEN.

  • Tokyolove - 12 years ago

    We as Black people in this country continue to wear our feelings on our shoulders. This commercial only served as another distraction to Black people to keep us at the same place in time. While Blacks are focused on this commercial the Whites are moving further and gaining their riches while Blacks stay focus on the race game. Therefore, keeping Black people from advancing and getting their share of wealth. Such distractions to the Black people weakens the stability that we have and continue to keep Blacks focus on stupid idiotic things. What we need to do is continue to show the Whites how they treated Blacks to gain their wealth. How Whites raped, beat, and brutalized the Black race. Whites are not sensitive to this because they have no feelings. Most whites do not believe in GOD. Blacks should have put a commercial on television show that Gabrielle Douglas through her hard work sweat and tears has given whites more millions in their pockets. Millions of dollars Whites will never share with the Blacks. Every penny Blacks earn from hard work, will never be enjoyed because Blacks give it all back to the oppressor. Just as the Whites continue to harp out every January 16th, that Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. I say to my Black brothers and sisters, when will we awake from the dream? Are we still asleep to the injustices we are enduring in this present day in time? GOD BLESS THE BLACK RACE, FOR IT IS TIME FOR BLACKS TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS AND YOU GOD TO PUT YOUR HAND UPON FOR WE CAN NOT BE TOUCHED OR ABOLISHED FROM EARTH. IN JESUS NAME, AMEN.

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    Bob Costas did an excellent job commending Gabby Douglas on her efforts, NBC is not a small independent network and they should be penalize for this action. This insensitivity is brought on by filmmakers not sharing our history and plight on television. Our community needs more films on the harsh conditions Africans endure in the journey to America. So spike lee, Hughes brothers, and Tyler perry gives some movies on the plights and harsh conditions of slavery, so that these same people can be sensitive to our condition as Schindler's list.

  • Cindy - 12 years ago

    @ Terry.. the author of the article was Shamika from a black radio station/program. If you read the article w/ intelligence she was explaining where the "connection" came from-slavery days. She didnt actually say there is a resemblence. . . and THIS is exactly how nothing gets turned into SOMETHING! SMDH...

  • Cindy - 12 years ago

    Isnt it a commercial for a show on Animal Planet?? So, whoever MADE the commercial
    chose a cute little monkey, I dont take offense. That 16 yr old gymnast is unbelievable, and super talented!! Im sure she knows she is not a monkey, Im sure she didnt get offended. It is small ignorant minded people who turn nothing into something. Thats my opinion.

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    sticks and stones

  • jones - 12 years ago

    its so unfortunate that this should happen at a time like this.
    but i believe we should forget their ignorance and celebrate
    our dear sister's great achievements in sports.
    sometimes,the so-called learned and polished educated ones
    are really not educated,but they show to you their level of
    there is a saying,the first shall be the last and the last?
    your guess,is as good as mine,dear.

  • Shooting Starr Lori - 12 years ago

    It was purely coincidental. Don't get me wrong: Racism is alive and well and NEVER get that twisted, but that commercial's airing had NOTHING to do with Gabby. Let's be rational and reasonable people. We have to be a zillion times better than Whites BECAUSE of their mistaken and misguided notion of being superior. Let's not give them any reason to criticise us by taking offense to an obvious coincidence.

  • Joi' - 12 years ago

    It jus goes to show you no matter how great you are or how much hype "they" give thir minds this is how they truly feel about black people. Don't be suprised people this is the reality...that's why it's so important to know who YOU really are!

  • marie - 12 years ago

    I'm a woman of color very comfortable in my own skin , howevver, I find the timing of the commercial too coincidental.

  • marie - 12 years ago

    I'm a woman of color very comfortable in my own skin , howevver, I find the timing of the commercial too coincidental.

  • terry - 12 years ago

    I can't believe the author of this article mentioned the "resemblance", of black people to monkeys. We do not resemble monkeys. Black people are being too sensitive. I don't believe the commercial had anything negative to do with Gabby. Buy black and stop complaining about little things. Its not about you all the time

  • sheila - 12 years ago

    i am so through with nbc my tv will never be tuned in again..they can kiss my grits!!!!and gabby you go gurl!!!

  • Marina - 12 years ago

    I am an African American and I did not find it offensive. If people payed attention to the commercial they would have seen that the monkey was imitating a white, male gymnast on the rings. It is a sad day when all we can do is turn everything into something controversial.

  • Keisha - 12 years ago

    I am African American. And it doesn't bother me about monkey comments. Shave a ape and see who they resemble.???? The thin line lips,the pale skin, and assless..There you have it.!

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