What will you pay for corkage?


  • Steve - 10 years ago

    I find the general corkage fees of $15, $20 and up are absolutely ridiculous, not to mention shortsighted on the part of the restaurant, as it gives little incentive to BYOW. Wine bought in BC is already over-priced as it is. To add $20 on top of a mediocre $15 bottle is plain stupid! A $5 dollar fee is reasonable and would not only be less of a burden on the restauranteur in terms of the costs of stocking bottles, it would encourage more of the populace to actually set foot in their establishment!

  • SB - 12 years ago

    According to the rules this is true. The wine must have been purchased in BC. Very silly and a rule that will be broken.

  • frederick - 12 years ago

    i do not purchase fine wine from the lCB
    Lousy selection and prices are way too high
    am i right to understand that wines purchased outside
    of Canada are not allowed to be brought into a local restaurant?
    I did bring a very nice 96 Anne Gros Clos de Vougeot into an unnamed
    establishment, and there was no problem.
    Does anyone know the proper procedure?

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