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In your ideal BB world, who gets evicted this week?

Total Votes: 4,194

  • Roz - 12 years ago

    I can't believe how 5 people can be so stupid and not realize Dan is working for himself with Janelle. Shane, Danielle, even Brit wants her out and Dan keeps talking Danielle into keeping her. I wish they would backdoor Janelle this week and get rid of Dan next week. I would love tto see the expression on Janelles face. She thinks she is so clever. She is so unemotional,

  • Annie - 12 years ago

    I would LOVE to see that Mel... THAT would be a great move. I would like to know why people want Frank out of the house... is it because he is working with Boogie? He seams honest to me. I should mention that i don't have the live feeds and only read the blog here. Do they really think he is a great competitor? WHY? He has won one thing.

    Crossing my fingers for a Janell Backdoor. =)

  • Mel - 12 years ago

    It would be so awesome if she back-doored Janelle and Frank or Boogie got HOH. Just love it in BB when the power goes back and forth

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