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Do you think Rob and Kristen will get back together?


  • Rob's own cheating past - 12 years ago

    You stop this, I'll stop. Your call, Rob.

  • Rob's own cheating past - 12 years ago

    Robert Pattinson has been cheating on Kristen Stewart since the start of their relationship. He hooked up with Megan Fox AFTER the Twilight premiere in Tokyo when he first got together with Kristen. He was sleeping with Nikki Reed at the start of New Moon filming and Ashley Greene all throughout. He hooked up with that Erika Dutra chick in Cannes that year and Camilla Belle in NYC when she went to visit him there during Remember Me filming. There were rumors of him and Emilie de Ravin having and on-set fling that same summer during filming. He was cheating with Ashley Greene again during Eclipse filming that fall while Kristen was on set. There were the rumors of him leaving Leighton Meester’s apartment in NYC early the next year. He cheated with some burlesque dancer Caroline Jones during Bel Ami filming in London causing him to be late for Eclipse reshoots and also his co-star Natalia Tena who he’d already had a history with before too.

    He cheated with Lindsay Lohan during Water for Elephants filming in LA that summer at Las Palmas and was photographed with bartender Nancee Bingenheimer from Saddleranch crawling all over this lap poolside at the Thompson hotel that July after Kristen had already left for Montreal to begin On the Road filming. There were rumors that he was going to co ke parties in Malibu and hooking up with sk anks like Teresa Palmer then too. He continued seeing Ashley Greene in Baton Rouge and was hooking up with Maggie Grace during Breaking Dawn filming while they back in Vancouver, spotted leaving her hotel frequently while Kristen was in LA. There was the Slovenian model Ana Colja who was interviewed saying how she’d been ‘close’ with Rob since attending the Oscars with him years back and they still saw each other all the time and were very happy together.

    He was hooking up with his director David Cronenberg’s youngest daughter Caitlin during Cosmopolis filming that following summer, hitting lots of late night hot spots and parties "spreading their DNA" all over Toronto together. Kristen was asked not to visit him on location at this time. He was hooking up with LA bar sk anks like that Shea Marie chick who tweeted she shared “Jameson and Gingers” with him at Jimmy Fallon’s Emmy after-party and went back to Rob’s house to hang out following. There were all the bars he was hitting in Los Feliz and Silverlake closing them down at 2-3am every night while Kristen was busy in London filming Snow White and the Huntsman, girls tweeting about sharing drinks and ciggies with him on the patio and him flirting it up with them. He only visited London once while Kristen was filming in his hometown and not again until the very end after he'd finished the international promo tour for Breaking Dawn 1.

    There were the Sarah Roemer hook up pics and word that she went home with him from Soho House after they’d been partying with friends all night there and at La Poubelle. There were the Katy Perry texting stories that he’d been trying to console and hook up with her after her break up with Russel Brand–something that Kristen completely covered for him for I might add. There were the Lindsay Lohan cheating rumors AGAIN after that (didn’t believe those were true though-Linsday is too gross now even for bottom feeders like Pattinson). He gave an interview saying he frequented the KittyKat Club in Berlin when he was in town-a known fetish club where people openly engage in lewd acts and group sex.

    Some of this sh it is going to come to light and it’s going to bite Rob in the azz if he dumps Kristen for this thing with her director. This is not going to go away and it’s going to get worse for him before it gets better. If he forgives he and takes her back (at least publicly) he might be able to avoid the backlash. Otherwise they’re going to start coming out of the woodwork against him and it’s going to be Tiger Woods all over again. She’s the one who got caught, but he’s been doing it for a long long LONG time bef

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