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Do You Think The NYPD Used Excessive Force On Darrius Kennedy?

Total Votes: 397

  • Marcia - 12 years ago

    I don't know the full story to this as I've only just read it on this website but in thinking you only need one bullet to kill someone, I ask, why was he shot at 12 times! Other than that I think the police had to do the job they're paid to do and that is the saftey of the public!

  • Easygoingmusician - 12 years ago

    "i'm on bath salts and your face looks tasty"

  • Monica - 12 years ago

    The police had to do what they had to do to protect the public. If he would have cut a few people up then what!!! Many officers put their lives in jeopardy on a daily by people who have mental issues. Their damned if they do and damned if they don't!!! If adults knew how to carry themselves in a civil manner situations like this one would not occur!!! I respect the police, without them would not have protection.... I thank all the NYPD officers who put their lives on the line for protecting us!!!??

  • Ric - 12 years ago

    Violence makes violence. I've seen a lot of police cars, tens and tens of cops, guns etc... and the cops were not able to immobilize a man alone (and spiced) with a ...knife? I mean, that was not a bazooka.
    Maybe they could use the teaser or shoot at the legs if they wanted to use the guns. That was an execution, there were no reasons to take out a human life.

  • shooter - 12 years ago

    "...he was an easy-going musician who played bass in church ..."

    And I say so what? Does that mean the cops should have somehow acted different?

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