In your ideal BB14 world, who wins the next HoH?


  • Annie - 12 years ago

    as outgoing HOH Frank cant compete.

  • Annie - 12 years ago

    First i wanted to say Shane but he really wants to backdoor dan... so i have to say Britney. I think she would be good and would want to keep the house with no crazy moves, this week. I think this can go to Boogie though, or Dan if he is ready to stop throwing competitions. I hope Ashley is feeling better, i would not want her to fall and hurt herlself even more.... i cant wait to see JEFF

  • B - 12 years ago

    Nevermind read the ? Wrong lol

  • B - 12 years ago

    You forgot frank

  • AugustWA - 12 years ago

    Jenn who? lmfao the biggest floater in the house

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