Worst Mother Ever?


  • Nicki - 12 years ago

    This dumbass was not paying attention and stayed on the damn phone after her baby fell?! Take responsibility lady, own up to your neglect and learn from it instead of contradicting yourself. No parent is perfect, but it's not that damn hard to put your kids safety ahead of your phone conversation. I have 4 kids myself and I make damn sure I keep up with them, especially in a public place! One fell off the cart, the other could have been lost or taken! Good for the ladies that were watching out for the little girl, 'cause mommy sure wasn't.

  • Nicole - 12 years ago

    Okay, how in the world do you tell a child to sit down when you are on the phone and clearly you don't hear her saying sit down? And for another fact why are you letting your grown kid in the basket standing up to begin with?? I don't get that. I have 3 children!! It's not that hard to be a parent. Why would you let the baby wonder and the older child in the basket. Is this lady retarded? It's common sense!! Praying that child has some better days ahead cuz I know that hard hit the the head had to hurt. Prayers for you baby girl

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