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Given the disagreement between the FG and electricity workers' union over pensions payment, do you support the planned strike by workers?

Total Votes: 327

  • udeme umoh - 12 years ago

    I'm of the opinion that the people responsible for the 25% deductions and transfers of the contributions for the PHCN staff be fished out, questioned and where found guilty, face the law accordingly. Furthermore, the pay slips of these staff should be assessed to verify their claims and work with those facts. This will put to rest the claims the staff are making and open up the path to quick resolution of the issue at hand.
    In addition, the PHCN workers have proven to be inefficient, selfish and enemies of progress. They are the reason most nigerians have died as a result of generator fumes. They are the reason why nigeirans have spent so much money buying extra fuel to run their businesses and homes. They must be stopped.

  • Bamidele Oluwafemi - 12 years ago

    This matter is simple, of which the Staff of PHCN are the number 1 fraudsters Nigeria ever had. No supply of electric light, but bill must come with huge sum of money to be paid at the end of month. I would be glad if they can be audited before any strike take place in other to know what has got wrong with the money they've been collecting without reasonable service. What effect will their strike do to my life after all i spend little for generator usage and servicing. they are on their own if they go on strike. but never wish NUPENG to do that 'cos they are well appreciated than PHCN.

  • jude - 12 years ago

    Some people are seriously against the staff of P.H.C.N. as if it is the only sector not doing fine. Recently, the London 2012 ended abysmally for Nigerian competitors and a fabulous sum of 2.3billion was used.The Police is not good, our institutions bad, hospitals and road net work in disarray what else more to say,security the worst.I piety the staff for they are suffering the sins of the past and present bad governance.

  • jude - 12 years ago

    People see Privatization as a lofty idea that will bring about constant power supply, i do not see it that way because the people that killed P.H.C.N are the same people behind privatization. This is a sector with a high setup cost that requires prudent use of resources and the private people coming are still the ones in the corridors of power.

  • Ola-Mike - 12 years ago

    Resolving amicably will be the best option. And for the power challenges to be over, that sector must be fully privatised so as to get rid of corruption and inefficiency.

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