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How Much Do You Tip for Pizza Delivery?

Total Votes: 5,945

  • chris v - 11 years ago

    I have a few things to say as a delivery driver, first off i make minimum wage and have to use my own car and pay for my own gas, the delivery fee where i work is $2.68 i get 50 cents(which is about a third of what i use in. gas if im lucky). Also i have to pay for maintanence on my car and obviously i have to buy my cars.. plural. So far i havent owned a single car for more than 2 years because of how hard the job is on the car. I drive about 100 miles per 5-7 hour shift and i have to spend about 20 bucks on gas every day before work. Recently my old car was on its last leg and went out of commission permanently. It was. 94 nissan maxima that i bought by scraping up every laat dollar i had at the time and it lasted me 2 years, for the last 6 months it had no power steering broken struts and loose tie rods, i had to fill the oil every day before work for the last 3 months. Then i had to spend 3 grand on another car soi could continue to work. That is all just expenses and doesnt take into account insurance and weather/accident/injury risks. i believe people should tip $5 or 18% on a really Big order 12-15% is acceptable. For those of you who dont tip you are basically stealing from the driver because he had to spend money to bring you your food. For those of you who do tip well THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE!

  • Erik - 12 years ago

    Pizza delivery is probably one of the most easiest jobs you can have. Even if you get paid minimum wage, you still get gas compensation (even if its not that much), plus you get a tips every now and then, for sitting in your car listening to music. And you want more?!?!

    Being a pizza delivery person is for kids from 16-25 to pay for all the nonsense you want when your a kid or to go to college. If your over 25 and your a pizza delivery driver, that kinda says something about your life doesnt it?

    If you dont like the way people tip or how pizza companies treat you, find another job... its that simple.

  • mike - 12 years ago

    The drivers job can be hard or stressful at times, but generally speaking, they are are the employee in the store with the least impact on customer satisfaction. They get the pizza out the door and to people as fast as they can, but a "good" driver and a "bad" driver do this at almost the same speed. what makes a good driver is the impact they have on the flow of the store and the customer can never see how well they do that because they only really see them for 20 seconds at the door. How fast it gets to you and if the order is correct depends on who takes the order, who makes the pie, who maintains the oven, and who routs it for delivery. If it is a restaurant you go to frequently, you should go talk to the manager about how they handle driver pay and tips, so that you know what is fair.

    I try to base it on how the driver's pay relates to what the pay is for the dudes actually making the pizza. Drivers almost always make more than the people slinging skins and working the oven... some stores (especially the big chains) have age requirements for drivers so becoming one is often times a promotion for young people who start as cooks (and the cookie cutter way they make their pizzas means not much skill is required to cook them). but I have found most independent pizzerias the drivers are pulling in much more than the cooks. So, regardless of the delivery fee, if the restaurant has wage disparity between the jobs, and the store doesn't have a "tip sharing" policy, i don't give the driver much... what have they done to earn more? if I know it is being spread around, then I tip like 20%ish with a 4 or 5 dollar minimum like I would if I went and sat down and ate there... I have worked in the pizza industry for nearly 20 years, and done all the jobs (insider/driver) every shop is different, you need to know the details to give a fair tip. But don't feel too bad about tipping low, when I was a driver and others complained about a 1 or 2 dollar tip I was always like "wtf are you complaining about?... all you did was drive it there in your A/C car and you are going to walk out of here with $100 more for the evening than the guy standing next to an 800 degree oven all night!"

    but again, you need to ask, and try to get specific answers... they may say a delivery charge doesn't go to the driver, but they probably mean it doesn't go as a tip. that extra fee is usually used to pay their wages (meaning it isn't ENTIRELY based on tips) or it goes to reimbursing them for gas which. Or they can say it DOES go to them but mean they get like 10 cents a delivery for gas which is crap.
    find out the details, determine how you feel about the store policies and then try not to be too big of a a##hat when you justify how much you are going to pay them.
    ...this is my manifesto

  • Randy - 12 years ago

    I tip about 15% on the price of the food. I do not tip on tax or delivery charges. I like to make entries in whole dollars, so I usually round up.

  • denverdelice - 12 years ago

    18-20% with a $3 minimum.

  • J - 12 years ago

    When the driver is making more than minimum wage (as is the case here in California), and most likely receives gas payments from the store, then I feel there is no obligation to tip extravagantly. I used to drive myself, and it is one of the easiest jobs I have ever done. My wife gets paid a dollar more an hour as a receptionist. All day she takes crap from people and is hassled by her coworkers. I maid slightly less than this plus tips to sit in my car and listen to music.

    I do tip. Usually a keep the change, and then if it is less than. 1.50 I will add a buck if I have one, but I am not going to worry if I don't.

  • John - 12 years ago

    If anyone is too cheap to adequately tip a pizza delivery kid you should go pick it up yourself. The nonesense that you feel you already are paying extra for tax and a delivery charge that doesn't go to the delivery guy , has nothing to do with it. Tipping is the main way these people make their money. 20% should be the minium. Gas is freakin $4.00 buck a gallon, go pick up your own pizza!

  • Josh - 12 years ago

    I am typically tipping 2-3 dollars. But, rarely more than that. There are lot of charges they put on the delivery in this area. Of course there is tax - then the delivery charge which, according to the pizza places, do NOT go to the driver - so then I have to Tip. So, a $10 special turns into $16 dollars and after tip - I'm almost up to 20 bucks. So, fee's aside - I think 2 bucks on a 10 dollar pizza is pretty good - because I'm not going to tip based upon the taxes and fees - I'm going to tip based upon the price of the meal.

  • smeds - 12 years ago

    Generally 15% with a $2-3 minimum

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