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  • Carmel A, Bowden - 10 years ago

    We live in a world today that is truly self- absorbed. We forget about everything and everyone when we establish our feelings and emotions to be more important than the stability of a young childs'. I'm am speaking to both parties, but most of all Halle. Ms. Berry, since you've been in the lime light, you have had atleast 4 significant others that I know about. Is having a man in your life more important to you than being able to raise your daughter in an enviornment that she is acustome to? If this current relationship doesn't work out then what. Are you going to continue to try to find this perfect man and happiness in a man or are you going to come to realize that true happiness is found in those now 2 little people that you have broght into the world and that deep inner being that is truly reaching out to you, namely Jesus Believe me Ms. Berry, what you are looking for you will never find in a man, nor will you find it in this worldly system

  • truthserum - 12 years ago

    Halle is asking a judge to give permission to move to france with nahla ; well whar Halle is really asking the judge to do is give her permission not to see Gabriel Aubry ever again in her lifetime; and Hallr isasking the JUDGE to also permit nyla through a courts order not to ever see her father again in life; SO when nyla grows up Halle can tell nyla well the JUdge fgave me legal permission so your dad must have been a nutcase when all the while Halle is the nut case ut halles daughter is growing up fast and I will not be surprised if Hahla will go to court maybe when she is eight or nine to ask the court permision to live with her father that is if the court or judge cannot see through halles deceit and deceiving ugly attitude toward Gabriel : Halle is lucky that she knows who nahla father is, halle made a statement on the jay leno show saying that she had slept with every man in hollywood except spike lee, she went further to say the reason for not having sex with spike lee is because spike lee was not so attractive; halle really needs to watch her mouth because all she say and does is for revenge and i am certain the court will consider that, they have to: actually gabriel really needs to assume full custody and show halle that he can be a great father; the judge only needs to give gabriel a chance and i and certain gabrual is a great father so far because how many men do you know would claim their child; Elizabeths hurley had a child with that guy named Bing and Bing wanted nothing to do with the baby who turned out to be a boy; Halle should count her lucky stars and stop fighting with gabriel: Gabriel i know you are a good father

  • Hooda Verzillion - 12 years ago

    Halle Berry is a selfish B$%@c. Any parent who rips their kid away form the other parent for no GOOD reason is selfish and doesnt deserve to be a parent.

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