Do You Think Farmer's Sentence Was Too Harsh?


  • BB - 12 years ago

    For those who voted yes that this Sentence was to harsh....please put yourself in the shoes of the young lady's family...this man beat then drug her on the ground...I think he got what he deserves... .

  • LT - 12 years ago

    The power of stardome and fame will not erase the torment he he committed toward another individual. Unfortunately, our youth today believe that laws don't apply to those who have money, future money, fame and power of influence. It is sad to think that it takes something like this the make a point. This judge certainly drove home the point.

  • Kandie - 12 years ago

    It is devastating to see and even more for him to realize for the next 3 years he'll have to be in prison. It's even more devastating to see the damage and long term effect on a woman from withstanding several blows to her dome. Those licks and torment will hunt her for life. I don't feel sorry for him.

  • JT - 12 years ago

    Hate to see another brother sentenced and life thrown away but I have a daughter and the punishment fits the crime. Sad story. We have to think before we act.

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