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Adrian Dix's plan for a B.C. environmental assessment of the proposed Norther Gateway pipeline is . . .

Total Votes: 524

  • Sandra Forbes - 12 years ago

    This article is a good reason not to bother with the Province anymore.

  • Terry Stobbart - 12 years ago

    It is clear from your comments that you are anti NDP and therefore not a good reporting of the facts. The fact is, Federal Government may have done an environmental assessment, but Harper already has decided this will go through, to heck with any review from any source. I am disgusted with reporters who put their own bias in their articles instead of just reporting a balanced article.

  • David Williams - 12 years ago

    Your editorial is vapid muckraking at its worst. B.C. needs to do its own environmental assessments now that the federal process has been compromised by changes to the Environmental Assessment Act. Unfortunately, B.C. will have to rebuild the capacity to do credible work after the gutting of the civil service during the Campbell/Clark years.

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