Which past HG would YOU most compare Frank to?


  • lala - 12 years ago

    Frank is winning because everyone else sucks. If anyone was smart they would go with the majority of the house. Not Frank who can't play in the next two hohs. Go with the other people. Come on be smart. Anyway I'm not much of a Frank fan but if he survives all the way to the end he should win. I'm for the Quack Pack but with everyone turning on each other I don't think it'll last much longer. Lastly they should get Ian out cause no one can trust him. He lies to everyone and no one knows what he will do.

  • David - 12 years ago

    Sadly Frank is being set up to be evicted with this stupid Quack Pack. None of these people are doing anything, and Frank has won most the competitions. He definitely deserves to win the game, but they all have this fear factor that he's too strong of a player while the rest of them float and whine. I'm sure Ian will betray him again once he gets the chance. At one point I really liked Ian, but he's with a group that will shaft him after they get rid of Frank. He's doing all their dirty work for them. If he was smart he'd make stronger ties with Frank and Jenn. On only hope Dan finally gets the boot, because he's too big of a manipulator, and after awhile it gets old. It's really the only chance Frank has, and still everyone is against him.

  • Dulcet - 12 years ago

    I LOVE FRANK. :)

  • Hodge - 12 years ago


  • mabeca - 12 years ago

    That's Funny! Frank actually thought the crowd was cheering for him? OMG! In our house, from outside you would have thought the superbowl was going on there was so much cheering.........for Boogies eviction, for Britneys Goodbye message, for Ians Goodbye message. NEVER for Frank! Then we applauded for his HOH win! Because we know Pandora's box will adversely affect him. We also know his is too stupid to ignore the box and NOT open it. He will open it and get something good. Then he will have consequences to pay!!! I'm looking forward to that. In my Boy George voice: Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Oblivion - Frank come and go, just go, oh oh.

  • beth - 12 years ago

    I'm done I can't stand watching Frank one more moment. If he wins I am done for good.

  • Britney - 12 years ago

    A Douche

  • Jillian - 12 years ago

    Really nobody. Just rude and annoying. And kinda delusional to think the crowd was "cheering" him on when they were clearly booing. If AG attempts drag him through to the end this will be my last season watching.

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