In Frank's shoes, who would you nominate for eviction this week?

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  • Items90 - 12 years ago

    Very tired of Frank's obsession with Dan. That may actually be Frank's downfall. He is 100% blinded about everything else that is going on in the house. No one is going to give Dan $500k again, so I would not be focusing on him at this point.

  • Joyce - 12 years ago

    I voted Dan...based on it's in Frank's shoes...not that I want him to go!!! I hope that Dan can win POV and Frank puts up Joe and they all vote Joe out..keeping Dan and Danielle safe (even tho Danielle is driving me nuts and I would like to see her leave the game)

  • David - 12 years ago

    I voted Dan and Danielle. Normally I would have said Dan and Shane, but this move forces everyone to vote against Dan. If Dan does come off the block, then you put up either Shane or Ian, although Frank STILL has not figured out Ian. Here's the deal. Does Dan finger Ian out to Frank first, or does Ian realize the QP is in trouble, and he comes clean with Frank forming a new hidden alliance with Frank, thinking if he comes clean Frank would leave him alone. The only reason I'm saying this is that letter from his mom about playing fair might be eating at him, but he's surely not that stupid to know Dan's about to expose the mole.

  • Jillian - 12 years ago

    Why Dan? Remember it was Ian who was starting all that stuff, not Dan... thought that was made clear enough.

  • Little Sister - 12 years ago

    Oh you said FRANK's shoes...oops...I voted based on what I WANT to happen...not what's best for him.

    I voted Joe and Danielle because I'd rather have my head sewn to the carpet than spend another week listening to either of them.

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