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Do you agree with Cogeco's decision to replace the Spits' broadcasting crew?

Total Votes: 1,300

  • Craig Lake - 12 years ago


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion you cant help it if u are insensitive and cruel
    As for the 3 gentleman only 1 was targeted and dismissed,the others never gave them an
    answer,and when they wrote their letters of support no further communication was delivered
    You can talk about the 575 votes of support,plus the 1000 plus petition signees,and all the supportive comments on the various blogs seen on this newspaper, and u are probably correct Cogeco wont reinstate these guys they dont care what their customers,except when they start losing them,and i Know for a fact there are people,cancelling or drastically changing their plans at 12 in my building alone
    In this day and age cable companies dont want to lose anybody unlikely to get them back
    These guys are no differnt then anybody else but they dont deserve your scorn
    Your opinion is no better then anybody else either

  • Lou - 12 years ago


    Clueless and a clown? Big words. Please explain. Because I voiced my opinion on this current situation in the city I pay taxes for makes me clueless?

    And becuase they worked their butts off, made public appearances in the schools, and the players' parents cant say enough about them gives them job security for life? Excuse me?

    I guarantee there are harder working people, who have made more public appearances, and have more support from the community than this group. Does that mean they should get the job? Obviously Cogeco was not happy with the crew, and they have the right to dismiss whomever they choose. That's life folks.

    And the city stops for this? Ridculous.

    Do you really think Cogeco cares at all about the rallies going on? I'm sure they're are highly considering hiring the 3 individuals back after the overwhelming support from the community, all 550 members who voted to 'reinstate the crew.'

    Seriously, let's move on.

  • Craig Lake - 12 years ago


    You are clueless and a clown for putting down 3 guys who worked their butts
    off for everybody
    They all made public appearances in the schools,and the parents of the players cant say enough of these guys
    They will be sorely missed and nothing will be further from the truth after the 1st game
    without them

  • George Stevens - 12 years ago


    Nice comments about the 3 guys so kind and sensitive,I sure hope people did not or do not feel the same way u perform your job
    Careful what u wish for,3 new broadcasters with little to no OHL experience should be a treat
    watch and see

  • Lou - 12 years ago

    I'm not sure what you're thinking, but this trio HAS TO BE the worst sports broadcasting team I've ever come across. It's absolutely terrible that I have to mute my tv, and listen to the play-by-play via AM800. Unfortunately people get fired everyday, let's move on. Kelso and Trenholm quit so they should be completely out of the picture. And Papa has been around the local sports scene for 26 years? Congratulations. Want a hand shake? It sure doesn't show in his ability to call a Spitfires game. This city is is complete shambles and the biggest fuss amongst the community is these 3 clowns? What a city, Windsor.

  • In the know - 12 years ago

    Bill, you knew what was going on and you chose to will not be missed. Dom is wrapping himself up as a tireless supporter and a victim. I know these are lies and so do you hockeylegend11

  • Joe Nobody - 12 years ago

    Thanks for your input Bill.

  • R W Ronald - 12 years ago

    After 30 years in the sports/broadcast business Windsor viewers/fans will be in for quite a shock I think,once the season starts and the new broadcast team is in place
    As I understand it the 3 newcomers,have a combined total of 7 OHL games tv broadcast experience and have never worked together
    Two of the 3 new broadcasters have zero ohl broadcast experience,and the remaining guy who is doing play by play has 6 or 7 games
    My experience has seen this to be a recipe for disaster,very little experience,chemistry a large question mark,a certain disconnect to the team and the community seeing that the 2 main announcers are from outside Windsor and Esses County
    They replace a vetearn crew rated as one of the best in the O to being what
    I feel that in one swoop Cogeco has gone from having one of the best broadcast crews in the league if not in all of jr hockey to one of the worst,for the reasons stated above
    I feel badly for the Spits and the OHL after all this their brand to be broadcasted and because of contract language are forced to go along with the changes implemented by Cogeco TV
    Changes by the way implemented upon their broadcast partners without consultation
    and input
    In a way I hope I am wrong but the signs and past experiences show otherwise
    I think this poll should be revisited and I think the results will be quite different

  • G Matis - 12 years ago

    As a Spitfire fan and having watched a lot of the games on TV as I work on Thursday evenings, I have seen other broadcast crews and they don't even compare to what we have in Windsor. My family has several season tickets and some have travelled to watch them win their Memorial Cups. When the Spits are on the road an I see the broadcasts from other areas, I shake my head and wonder where they get these guys. Dom, Bill & Brian have a chemistry and are passionate about our Spitfires and that is what comes through. They are knowledgable and it brings a smile to my face to watch them.
    Lets get behind our local people and not let corporate Cogeco bring in out of towners to do our Local Teams broadcasting. There is no personal touch.
    To dismiss someone over personal issues and not professional issues really is a no no.
    Support our local broadcasters by voting to keep them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • carol miller - 12 years ago

    I dont think anyone would be happy to lose their job in that way...everyone with the negative attitude should realize how they would feel if the same thing happened to them is always different when the shoe is on the other amazes me why some people are so happy when negative things happen to other people....

  • R W Ronald - 12 years ago

    One has to wonder what the vote would be like if at the same time the question was asked
    the broadcast team is being replaced by 3 people with a total of less then 10 games combined OHL broadcast experience as opposed to 45 years combined experience of OHL broadcasting

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