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Was CNN's documentary fair to Romney?

Total Votes: 833

  • Mark - 12 years ago

    I just watched both Romney & Obama revealed... CNN you are garbage ... You tried your best to make Obama sound soooo good....the Muslim.... Obama is horrible. The most fake and phony guy ever.. And you tried to make Gov Romney look bad. How believes in Jesus Christ.. Remember CNN " God Bless America" guess you guys forgot that just like everything else that's really important about how bad of a president Obama is..The media is always misrepresents everything to the public. Bottom line CNN you suck. I pray everyday that Gov Mitt Romney wins for my sons future and everyone else's.. CNN I will never watch you again..

  • Dave Bernhardt - 12 years ago

    There was a lot of good information shared about Mitt, but Borger went out of her way to disparage Romney when she could. You can pick out her personal ideology.

  • L Ford - 12 years ago

    CNN did not present a fair and balanced view after watching both Obama Revealed and Mitt Romney Revealed. What about Obama's religious background, radical associates, and who he really is??

  • Marie Winter - 12 years ago

    You went a little too heavy on the religion aspect of him. Too bad you didn't go into the same depth of religious history with Obams.

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