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Who would you prefer to see evicted from the BB14 house this week?

Total Votes: 2,735

  • DewyRose - 12 years ago

    All Britney has done is pretend to coach her "team" but she knew they(coaches) were coming in as players so her coaching was really for her benefit only...good move ...otherwise she has been as negative as can be and down on everyone. she is actually as whiney as Danielle and having played before should know better! she doesn't compete well and hides behind whichever alliance she has at the moment so they can take the fall for her.Would love to see Britney go home but think if she is the last one in Shanes ear that she will stay arrrgghh.

  • Merlin - 12 years ago

    Danielle is the biggest whiner/cry-baby/annoying person to ever play BB. The faster she goes ...the better!!!

  • NotAFanOfDanielleButSheDeservesToStayPT2 - 12 years ago

    Britney is charismatic so duh majority of people will vote for Danielle to go because most people dont like her. If they actually vote based on who has played the game better- Danielle will have fewer votes.

  • NotAFanOfDanielleButSheDeservesToStay - 12 years ago

    HotandSpicy...all i have to say is BRAVO for reading my mind and jotting it down here. Britney will never be one of the best playas in BB history. She has done nothing but amuse/make people laugh, thats not what big brother is about. She can go feature in a comedy movie or do stand-up comedy...that will suit her more. Danielle (a competitor) deserves to stay.

  • Annie - 12 years ago

    Surprise Surprise... Just forgive Danielle people.

  • HotNSpicyToo_canSuckMyDick - 12 years ago

    Brittney is amzing and danielle hid behind her alliance to, the competions arent the only thing that counts, you have to have a good social game, and brittney's is practicaly flawless.

    All i can say is the numbers speak for themselves.

  • HotNSpicyToo - 12 years ago

    How anyone could want Britney to stay over an individual who has truly been competing is beyond me. All Britney has done since she became a player is hide behind her alliance all the while throwing them under the bus. The only one in her opinion that should be there and not be put on the block is herself. She has played the exact same selfish game she did in Season 12.

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