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Should the toddler have to change the way he signs his name?

Total Votes: 1,778

  • Nicole Hutnik - 12 years ago

    What the heck has happened to our society??? When did we lose our ability to THINK? To use COMMON SENSE? Let's not even go into the MORALS issue! Sam Adams ... LOVE YOUR COMMENT!!!! Zero Tolerance = Zero Brains ... You are right on the money!!! It still blows me away that those of my generation (and partially the one before) continue to spawn brainless wonders!! What the heck's been in the water to cause such stupidity?? Is our society really a lost cause?? Is it possible to reverse stupidity??

  • TONYA - 12 years ago

    I fault the parents for taking one second to entertain such an asinine discussion. I'd be in federal court filing all kinds of civil rights lawsuits against that district.

  • Casey - 12 years ago

    I am totally deaf and I am really expert at sign language. Knew sign language since I was 3. His sign name even don't look like a weapon! How do you feel if your real name cannot be used and must be change because of the policy?
    He don't need to change his sign name!

  • Mel Gatlin - 12 years ago

    Realistically, all children in schools should have their index fingers removed. That way no one could ever scare anyone with a fake finger gun and no one could point, which is rather rude. It's a shame these people don't have any real problems.

  • Stacey Fredson - 12 years ago

    So much for having a God giving birth name. No school has the right to tell the parents to change there sons name at all. He has a disability and will be punished for it because he is def and has to do sign language. So much for your rights as a human being !!!!!!!

  • Leta - 12 years ago

    I find it so ridiculous that a school system can even come up with something so stupid. What is the matter with people now days.. They said they would discuss things and decide what is in Hunter's best interest.. Well in my mind the best thing for Hunter would be NOT TO GO TO THAT IGNORANT SCHOOL.. come on people.. do you really think that him signing his name is the same as a "dangerous weapon" Get a life people. The sad thing about all of this extra safety stuff the schools have to do... it probably could be avoided if they wouldn't have banned all the disciplinary rules.. and all the NO prayers, NO Pledge.. get back to the basics and teach what is right and wrong.. not "you can do what you want as long as it isn't offensive to others"

  • gcoffee - 12 years ago

    That is dumbest thing i have ever heard! The child is already having to deal with enough. It seems school educators have to much time to think of stupid stuff and waste tax payers dollars. Spend more time teaching!!!!!!!!! I have a deaf grandchild and this just makes me so angery!!!!!

  • J. Albright - 12 years ago

    It's terrible when you can't use your index finger to sign your name! Come on School Districts get real! Really?! The poor child can't even sign his own name without some twitface commenting on stupid things like using your index finger signing and looks like a gun! Pay attention to the high schoolers! These poor preschoolers don't have a clue on what is going on! Find someone else to pick on and leave these preschoolers alone! Idiots!!

  • Jennfer - 12 years ago

    I find it comical that the school official says they "want to do what is in the best interest of the child". Really? If that was truly the case, it would not even be an issue. The best interest is the child using his signed name - without controversy. How absurd.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    I child who has learned to sign at any age should be allowed to do in school.
    I am partially deaf in one ear and almost deaf in the other, believe me, it is not fun not being able to voices of loved one clearly, watch tv without extra speakers. this child is only 3 years old and has mastered his name in sign language which helps him communicate with people,

    Tell the school that he attends to let the child sign, most educators do not know how to sign or deal with a deaf child. it's time people learn how to sign as a second way to communicate.
    I deal with people everyday who get fustrate with me due to my hearing loss.. I wear a hearing aid in one ear but can not afford 2 since they are so expensive. It's not fun being able not to hear!!!!!!

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    I child who has learned to sifn at any age should be allowed to do in school.
    I am partially deaf in one ear and almost deaf in the other, believe me, it is not fun not being able to voices of loved one clearly, watch tv without extra speakers. this child is only 3 years old and has mastered his name in sign language which helps him communicate with people,

    Tell the school that he attends to let the child sign, most educators do not know how to sign or deal with a deaf child. it's time people learn how to sign as a second way to communicate.
    I deal with people everyday who get fustrate with me due to my hearing loss.. I wear a hearing aid in one ear but can not afford 2 since they are so expensive. It's not fun being able not to hear!!!!!!

  • John Perry - 12 years ago

    ADA act and time for a lawyer.

  • Candi Dahn - 12 years ago

    I just can't believe America is getting so bad that a little 3 years old child isn't even to allowed to sign his own name. Politics have taken almost all our rights, now that want to affect our babies. God bless the USA because our government sure isn't.

  • Nancy - 12 years ago

    4 words: Americans with Disabilities Act

  • stephanie - 12 years ago

    Why should this child have to basically change his name because of zero tolerance? Is he supposed to learn a different type of sign or why not let the educators become educated with just a bit of common sense?

  • denise werner - 12 years ago

    let the poor child communicate with the world as he can. isn't enough that he will live with this the rest of his life??????? some school administrators have just toooooooooooo much time on their hands. Please let the poor child learn.

  • Sam Adams - 12 years ago

    Zero tolerance = Zero brains.
    School administrators love it since they don't have to think.

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